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B2MeM 2012: A Spirit in Shadows  by Mirach

5. Palantír: Elanor

Aragorn did not give up. He sang of light and hope, of friendship. A memory of his Hobbit friends came to him, and he sang of it – of the moment not long ago when he visited Shire and Sam Gamgee welcomed him, apologizing that he can’t show his daughter Elanor to him, for she was just ill on chicken pox. Aragorn just smiled, and asked Sam to bring Elanor into his tent at the borders of Shire, for he didn’t want to make an exception from his prohibition for the Big Folk to enter the Shire even for himself. So Sam came together with his wife Rosie and their daughter.

Elanor was five years old in that time. She was wearing a lively orange dress with frills and whimpered when she beheld him first. But his healing touch soothed her, and she smiled, and her blue eyes shone with innocence. Aragorn was moved deeply, feeling such joy that it almost hurt. He spent the next days tending to her, preparing poultices for the itching spots that brought the child much relief, and soon she was chatting with him merrily. He found out that Sam has even taught her several words in Sindarin.

Sam never left his side, and they talked much about memories or things concerning Shire. Sam told him about the funeral of Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, who passed away just a year after the scouring of the Shire – Frodo held a speech at it, and it was a very nice speech, as Sam told him. And Pippin is getting married to Diamond of Long Cleeve soon, did you know that?...

It was not how Aragorn imagined his visit, but he enjoyed every moment of it. And when Elanor waved at him when the kingly escort was leaving, it was one of the dearest memories he carried with him back to the South.

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