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Burden of a Healer  by Laikwalâssê

Burden of a healer

Chapter 6:  faint hopes

Eight weeks later the Master of Imladris and his Troop Commander made their farewell to the guards of the Golden Wood and crossed the Anduin into the realm of the wood elves of Mirkwood.

The news they had gathered was valuable, yet this visit had brought the healer no closer to a solution for the reason he had come here:  to learn which animal had been used to make the new, deadly poison.

Apart from that, Galadriel had confirmed the increased orc activity and scouts that had been sent out had brought back news that something was indeed stirring at Dol Guldur.

After her own healers had performed some tests, Galadriel had agreed with her son-in-law’s guess that the creature had to be a spider. Although these beasts did not plague Lothlórien, the wood further north was home to many species of them, and so the two elves were heading toward the Elvenking’s halls.

Elrond and Glorfindel did not bother to take a break; too much time had already gone by since they had left the hidden valley. New victims could already have been poisoned and the Master of Imladris shuddered at the thought that the healers he had left-behind would be powerless to save the unfortunate's lives.

Well within the borders of the woodland realm Glorfindel wondered when they would be stopped by guards, even though Galadriel had sent word of their arrival ahead. If they were fortunate, they would be allowed to reach the Elvenking's halls without any further delay.





Opening the door to the private quarters for his guests Thranduil gestured them inside. After they had all seated themselves the King leaned forward, a glass of wine in his hand matching those held by his guests. “Now tell me. What brings you so unexpectedly into my forest?”

When Elrond did not immediately look up and kept staring into his wine Thranduil frowned. This was no simple visit then, as he had feared there must be some serious reason behind it. Had his scouts not reported that the two elves entered the forest from the direction of the Golden Wood? Were there some new developments in the South that he was unaware of?

When Elrond finally looked up, Thranduil braced himself for the news the half-elf would deliver and he feared he would not like it. Looking directly at the King, Elrond took a deep breath.

“Half a year ago our border patrols reported increased orc activity in the mountains. Travelling across the mountain path, or even at the base of either side of the pass, had become extremely dangerous.

“There was no party passing over the mountains that was able to come across without being attacked. It got so bad that I stopped any trade or movement over the pass. But before that we had forty five dead to mourn.

“Since then, messages between Imladris and Lothlórien can only be delivered by carrier pigeon, and even some of these birds don’t return. Additionally, the orcs have been growing more and more bold, pressing us hard, even to our very borders. And, as if this is not enough, now they have developed some sort of new poison that they use regularly; a new substance that can kill within an hour.

“Once the poison enters the body it is fatal; there is no remedy. I have never seen anything like it before. This substance is completely unknown to me.”

When the healer had ended his report Thranduil stared at him speechless, the wine goblet in his hand forgotten. The orcs in his forest also occasionally used poison, but if treated quickly and if the elf was otherwise not too severely wounded he usually recovered to fight another day. No one had died just from the orc’s use of poison.

The wood elves had a lot of experience with venoms, considering their other great enemy was the giant spiders that lived in the forest. But something as deadly as what Elrond had just described was new.

His master healer Thornil was an expert and knew every plant that could act as an antidote, but he had not reported that there was a new toxin against which they were completely helpless.

Letting the words the healer had uttered resonate in his mind, the King looked up sharply. “Are you telling me that you cannot find any cure against this new poison?”

Thranduil took a deep calming breath. If the orcs over the mountains were using this deadly toxin, it was only a matter of time until the orcs invading the south of his forest used it too. They would likely begin using it faster once they got word of the potency of this substance.

After a few moments of silence Elrond raised his eyes and focused upon the King. “For more than four months now I’ve tried to find an antidote but to no avail. We can slow the effects and the rate of death of the afflicted but the result is always the same. After some hours, at most a day, the unfortunates die in agony.”

Elrond fell silent and returned his gaze to his lap.

Seeing that he would not elaborate further, Glorfindel stood and walked toward the great hearth. “Because of this we travelled to Lothlórien. We hoped that the Lady of the Golden Wood could provide some help, but…”

Glorfindel’s voice trailed off and Thranduil looked back towards the healer, understanding what the golden warrior had left unsaid.

“This is dire news indeed. If even Galadriel cannot help in this matter what did you think to accomplish by travelling here?” he asked, a slight irritation sounding in his voice. His warriors had enough troubles with the evil creatures invading his realm day by day; he did not need any more complications.

Hearing the undertone in the King’s voice Elrond took a deep breath.

“Thranduil, this is not just a threat to Imladris and Lothlórien. The use of the poison will spread and soon you will also have many dead warriors to mourn. But informing you is only half the reason why I’ve come here.”

Thranduil braced himself for what would come next.

Seeing the King’s lips pressed into a thin line, Glorfindel snorted. `You are as stubborn as your father.` he thought, already wondering if it had been a good idea to come here.

He closed his eyes wearily. They had mourned too many good warriors of late; young elves he had trained and often led in his daily patrols. This had to be stopped now. He knew what Elrond would request but he doubted that they would find the cure here. Maybe Elrond was too involved in this to see a possible solution.

Standing immobile he listened when the healer resumed speaking.

“Thranduil, the reason why I’ve come here is to ask your Master Healer for assistance.”

The King’s jaw nearly dropped. The most renowned healer in all of Middle-earth was asking the wood elves for assistance - and in a matter of healing no less? He regretted his sarcastic thought when he looked at the serious face of the healer, Thranduil swallowed hard. He realized that this request showed clearly how critical the situation was.

Guessing the King’s thoughts Elrond ignored the furrowed brow of his old friend.

“Thranduil, Thornil is an acknowledged expert in all types of poisons. We have discovered that this toxin is not only made from a plant but also has some components from a spider. It is a mixture and therefore very difficult to analyze. Because of this I hoped that your Master Healer would be willing to help me in this matter.”

Having regained some level of calm Thranduil leaned forward.

“Of course. I will ask Thornil if he is willing to help, and I know he will be. But tell me Elrond, why would the orcs produce some new poison from the spiders around Dol Guldur but then use it hundreds of miles away, not directly against my warriors?”

Elrond sighed. He had asked himself that very question many times.

“Maybe the orcs know how highly trained the wood elves are in spider venom and they wanted to test it first on elves not so accustomed with it. Or perhaps there is some other reason behind it. But Thranduil, honestly, I do not know. The fact is this new poison is extremely dangerous and always deadly. I do not want you to have the same experience with it that we have been having.”

Elrond lowered his eyes again, assailed by memories. He had fought for so many lives in the last few months but had always lost the fight. His sons were out there every day and it was only a matter of time before one or both of them would be brought home infected with the poison. If that happened he would again be unable to help and he would have no recourse but to watch his child sink in agony until the spirit would flee to Mando’s realm.

Feeling the desperation rolling in waves from the healer Thranduil stood and laid a reassuring hand on his friend’s shoulder.

“Elrond, I will call for Thornil immediately. I am sure that together you will find a remedy. Many years ago he was unable to help you find a cure for the plague, and believe me it has tormented him to this day. But in this matter he is the one who can help you. There is no poison Thornil has not investigated.”

Sighing gratefully Elrond lifted his head. “Thank you, Thranduil, I had hoped as much.”

Smiling back Thranduil was already turning to ask the guard waiting outside to call for his palace healer. Thornil would be pleased to help and maybe an old debt could now be repaid.

After that, Thranduil refilled the glasses.

For long moments the three elves contemplated the news until the King finally rose.

“If your assumption is right, peredhil, and the poison originates from spiders then I have to dampen your hopes. The original poison used to create an antidote is very hard to get and there are many different species of spiders but…”

The King was interrupted by a knock at the door. Holding up his hand he called out an invitation. The door opened and as expected Thornil, the head healer of the palace entered.

Elrond and Glorfindel rose while Thornil approached the group. The two healers knew each other quite well and Glorfindel was also no stranger to the palace healer.

“What a surprise and a pleasure to meet you again, Elrond,” Thornil exclaimed while he stepped forward after a respectful bow to his liege. Elrond and Thornil clasped arms in a warrior's greeting.

“I’m also very glad to meet you again, Thornil. It has been a long time,” Elrond answered and the King gestured for the three elves to sit again.

Acknowledging the glass of wine a servant was handing him Thornil raised his glass.

“Knowing that you never leave your valley without need, my Lord, may I inquire what brings you to Eryn Galen?” Thornil asked.

Elrond smiled. Thornil was straightforward if nothing else. He had always appreciated this character trait.

Regarding his colleague with a measured gaze the healer from Imladris set up straight.

“You are right, Thornil. My need in coming here is indeed urgent. I’m here to ask for your assistance.”

This time Glorfindel smiled at the slightly baffled expression on Thornil's face. While Thornil could be counted among the older elves of Mirkwood, he was still young compared to Elrond. Once again the old healer had managed to baffle the younger one.

“My Lord?” Thornil asked with a frown. He had the presence of mind not to allow his surprise to show for more than a fleeting moment, Glorfindel observed with appreciation. Thornil was not a high ranking subject in the service of King Thranduil for nothing.

Pretending that he had not noticed the play of emotions on the others' faces, Elrond’s expression changed from amused to serious in the blink of an eye.

“Half a year ago we encountered increased orc activity around the mountain pass and discovered, with many bitter experiences that the foul beasts have managed to create a poison that kills within an hour.”

Seeing the incredulous expression on his colleague’s face Elrond held up his hand to forestall any protest.

“I know what you want to say, Thornil, and I agree with you, yet I have laboured for many months to find a cure against this new malice. Unfortunately, up until now I have not been successful.”

Thornil´s expression on his handsome face changed to deeply concerned and slowly it occurred to him why he had been summoned.

Before however he could pursue this train of thought the Elf-lord continued.

“Thornil, I have discovered and proven that the poison is made from a mixture of a plant and an animal. Since I could not found a suitable animal in the surroundings of Imladris, we surmised that it had to be an animal not native to the west regions of the Hithaeglir.

"After consulting with the Lady of Light I’m now sure that it has to be from a Mirkwood giant spider. I know that there is no greater expert when it comes to spider poison, so I’m here now to ask for your assistance.”

Thornil had pushed back into the cushions of his upholstered chair and now looked at the healer with a frown on his face.

“Well my Lord, of course I will help you with the very best of my knowledge, yet what….”

“Do not sell yourself short,” Glorfindel replied with some anger in his voice. They had no time for idleness and false modesty.

“Your knowledge about spider poison is second to none as I well remember from our last visit here.”

Thornil directed an annoyed gaze at the warrior well remembering the last visit of the healer and the Troop Commander from Imladris. Back then a plague mysteriously affecting both elves and men alike had brought much sorrow to the Kingdom of the wood elves. While he had been powerless to find a cure working alone, with the help of the Master healer, a remedy had been found.

As grateful as he had been back then for the competent help he had received, he had never recovered from the shame of his inability to discover the cure on his own. Maybe now he would have the chance to repay the debt.

“My Lord Elrond, I will do whatever lies within my power to help you, yet I have to dampen your hope. Whereas the spider poison is unique and very different to the poison of all the other dangerous animals we have to consider that there are many different species and it is not always the biggest fellow that is the deadliest.”

After seeing the pensive expression on the other healer’s face Thornil hurried to continue.

“Yet with the tests you have already made and my own humble experience I’m confident that we can discover the right species and will be able to produce a working antidote that is if you already know the plant…?” Thornil looked at this colleague with a questioning frown.

Elrond nodded. “I have already discovered that the plant used is Aconitum.”

Thornil only raised an eyebrow. Aconitum was one of the deadliest plants growing in Middle-earth. If the poison of this plant was now combined with the spider poison then is would make a potent toxin.

Looking at his King and receiving silent permission Thornil rose, the Imladris elves following his example and coming to their feet as well.

“Well, that’s a start. I will immediately check my stores of preserved spider poison, yet I fear it will be necessary to hunt for fresh stuff or for species not probed until now.”

Elrond and Glorfindel inclined their heads.

“Thank you, Thornil. I will join you shortly. Please let me express my gratitude. Unfortunately I must urge you to hurry; with every minute another life may be lost.”

Thornil nodded seriously. “The pleasure is all mine. I will await you.”

With this said the healer turned after a bow to his Lord and to his King’s guests.

The door had barely closed behind him before it opened again and Elarynia; the Queen of Mirkwood entered the room drawing the eyes of all present in the room.

“Here's where you are hiding,” she exclaimed. After a brief but loving kiss to her cheek from her husband, Elarynia directed her gaze at her guests.

“Dinner will be served shortly. I hope to see you there, Elrond, Glorfindel?”

Of course already informed about the business that had brought the Imladris elves into her husband’s realm Elarynia made sure that the elves would take a break from their earnest discussions.

Knowing each other long enough to be informal, Elrond inclined his head while Glorfindel kissed the outstretched hand of Thranduil's Lady-wife.

“We will be there, I will make sure of that,” Glorfindel said with a twinkle in his eye.

“I will hold you to that,” the ellith replied equally playful and after winking at her husband she left the room again. Thranduil only smiled indulgently.

After the door had been closed Glorfindel looked expectantly at the King and Thranduil could not suppress a smile.

“Yes, Lord Glorfindel. I will immediately order a hunting party and yes, you may be part of it, even if my warriors are most competent to hunt for spiders.”

Not taking offence at the side blow Glorfindel actually smiled at the woodland King.

“Of this I have no doubt, my Lord, yet a good hunt clears the thoughts and I could use a change of mind right now.”

Thranduil only laughed and the three elves left the room.

To be continued………………





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