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Completion  by Garnet Took

I own none of the characters in this story.  I did name Pippin and Diamond's children, except for Faramir, but I can't say I even own them since they belong to their parents.:)  Anyway, please don't sue.  A turnip is worth more than I am.


It was fully dark by the time Pippin came back to his family's quarters.  The babe was sound asleep in the cradle near her mother's side of the bed, and Diamond had also fallen asleep still propped up on several pillows.

Pippin smiled at the scene of tranquility that was his wife and newest child.  Trying not to disturb them, he began to prepare for bed.  As he carefully pulled back the covers, Diamond stirred and mumbled something.

"What was that?" Pippin quietly asked.

"Where were you?" Diamond's voice, though clearer, was still sleep-dulled.

"I just stepped out for a breath of air and a look at the evening sky.  I didn't intend to be gone so long."

"'S all right, " was his wife's mumbled reply.

Pippin slipped into bed and carefully lay next to his wife.  He made sure not to touch or disturb her in any way.  This had been his routine almost every night for over a year now.  If they touched at all, it was strictly on Diamond's terms.  This had been the sacrifice he had been willing to make to keep his family together.

Pippin missed the joyful days of his marriage: the days before they realized that having children would be nearly impossible, when he and Diamond had been young and in love and nothing else had mattered.  He missed the sweet nights of passion, even when he hadn't been able to do everything, or for as long as, he'd wanted to.  They had been happy and, if nothing else, creative in their love.

Now there was none of that.  There was nothing left but two people who shared a bed and two beautiful and hard-won children.  The hopeful marriage had become nothing more than a sham, a facade for others to see and believe that the Thain and his Lady were happy.  Many had been the nights that Pippin had simply slept on the sofa in the sitting room just to avoid the risk of offending his wife.

The night last winter when Diamond had welcomed him into her arms once again had felt like a dream to Pippin.  He had gone willingly to her, and miracle of miracles, little Sapphire had been conceived.

If the evidence hadn't been right before his eyes, Pippin would have not believed that the night had actually happened.

Things had been a little better for them the last several months, but still not what they once had been.  They still only spoke of  necessities and never of their feelings.  Pippin wanted to, but Diamond never seemed open to any hints he might drop in that area.  She appeared to have closed herself off emotionally from him completely.

Pippin wondered if there might now be just a bit of hope for them with the birth of another child.  He hoped that having two healthy, happy children would fill some of the void within his wife.  There were many families in the Shire that had only two children.  Maybe she could feel that the pressure to be fruitful parents had been removed, at least enough to allow her to start thinking about giving those children a wonderful home with two parents who loved them, and each other, very much.


It was very late, or early, when Pippin slowly came to awareness out of a deep sleep.  He heard a sound that he had never thought to hear again: the sound of his child being nursed.

"Sorry," said Pippin softly but sleepily.

"For what?" asked Diamond equally softly so as not to disturb the nearly sleeping babe.

"I should have heard her and woken up with you."

"No reason for both of us to be awake at this time.  It's not like you could feed her."  Pippin could hear a hint of a smile in his wife's voice.  This encouraged him greatly since smiling was something she had done rarely in the last year.

"No, but I can change her nappies so that you wouldn't have to get up."

"I do appreciate your thoughtfulness and, I'm sure, a day will come when you will have to be the one getting up, so enjoy the full night of sleep while you can."

Pippin sat up and looked over at Diamond and the baby.  There was a long moment of silence while he closely studied his wife and daughter.

Finally Diamond could take the close scrutiny no longer.  "What are you looking at?" she asked.

"Sorry," said Pippin looking away.  "I didn't mean to stare.  I just can't believe we really have another child.  There are so many thoughts and emotions running around in my head that I can't quite put all of them into words.

"I am amazed that we were able to create such a precious thing as Sapphire obviously is.  I love you so much that it takes my breath away sometimes.  One of the few things I've ever wanted in life is to make you happy.  I know these last couple of years have been hard on you, and every time I look at you all I can think about is how much I've wanted to make everything all right again, even though I know I can't."

Diamond looked long into the open and honest face of her husband.  When she spoke, it was slowly as if she were choosing her words very carefully.  "Yes, it has been very hard.  I feel like I've been dragged over hill and dale on a run-away wagon, and there have been many days when I just wanted that ride to end.  Now, at last, I feel the pace slowing again to something I can manage.  Finally I have a chance to bring everything back into focus--it's not all just a blur anymore.

"I've had a little time to think about things the last few months, while we waited for this one," and here she looked down at her daughter, "and, I've realized a few things.  I love you, Peregrin Took, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  I've had a chance to really study you during the time we were not intimate, and I've seen what a caring, compassionate hobbit you are.  I watched you spend time with our son and show him how to do all the things a little lad should know how to do.  I watched you manage Great Smials and handle all the problems brought to you as Took and Thain.  I've even noticed how devoted you've been to me, even when I was trying to be distant.  So many times you'd do something for me just because you knew I'd like it or it would make me feel better.  You did it for no other reason than love.  You expected nothing in return and, I'm sorry to say, that, most of the time, nothing was all you got in return."

Diamond's voice had begun to quaver  a little and Pippin could see moisture forming in her eyes.  "I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry for the way I've acted.  I'm sorry I ever threatened to leave you.  I'm sorry I placed so much value on children and not enough on the relationship we had.  I'm sorry I humiliated you in front of all those people in Annuminas.  I'm sorry Merry had to decree that we stay together.  I'm sorry that, even after that, I kept you at arm's length and didn't welcome you back to me for so long.  I'm sorry for all the time we've lost and all the time I've wasted.  Can you forgive me, Love?" 

When the tears began to flow, Pippin took her gently in his arms, careful not to disturb their sleeping child, and held her while his own tears mixed with hers.

At last he pulled away and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his nightshirt.  "I forgave you a long time ago," he finally said.  "Just the fact that you were still beside me was all I needed.  I had lost all hope, for only the second time in my life, and I would cling to the smallest thread you'd give me.  Hearing you say what you have has renewed my hope beyond all belief.  Diamond Took, there is nothing you could have done, or could ever do, that would make me stop loving you and wanting the best for you."

Diamond gave him a watery smile and then leaned in and gave him a kiss; the first she had offered freely in over a year.  It threatened to deepen into something else, but Sapphire's wiggle and whimper broke them apart.

Diamond pulled away with a cheeky smile.  "You wanted to help, Dear?  Here's your chance.  I think your daughter needs a change of nappy."  With that, she handed the baby over to Pippin and resettled herself in the bed.

Diamond wasn't in a position to see the grin on her husband's face as he carried his daughter to the changing table. 


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