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Fragments from Middle-earth  by Linda Hoyland

Today - Linda Hoyland

Rating PG
The characters are the property of the Tolkien Estate. 

Early that morning, before sunrise, Aragorn emerged from the royal apartments and went outside. Despite the early hour, the King discovered he was not alone. Faramir had risen before him.
 Aragorn studied his Steward for a  few moments before approaching him. Faramir sat on a bench beside the White Tree, lost in thought. Now and then he would brush a tear from his cheek, yet he was smiling too.

“Today is full of contrasts, is it not, my friend?” Aragorn sat down beside the Steward.

“How did you read my thoughts?”

“I can read you like a book, and besides your thoughts were clearly displayed on your countenance.”

“I know not if I should laugh or weep, rejoice or mourn,” said Faramir. “Today, my father tried to kill me and you healed me. Today, my father took his own life. Gondor lost her Ruling Steward but gained her King. Today, many fell in battle but Gondor emerged victorious.”

“Today, I lost Halbarad, my kinsman who was dear to me as a brother, but gained you as my friend,” said Aragorn patting Faramir on the shoulder. He blinked bad his own tears.

“Today, my lady feels her old wound and relives the horror of facing the Nazgul. She mourns for her uncle while rejoicing in her brother's victory and Theoden's valiant deeds,” said Faramir. “What do we make of such a day as this anniversary?”

“I suggest we light candles to remember the Fallen then tonight we drink a toast to them and feast and play music to celebrate their lives, so that they may smile on us from beyond the circles of the world,” said Aragorn. “Let us then praise the Valar and the One for their blessings ;our wives and children, and for the peace our beloved land now enjoys.”

The two stood silently beside the White Tree then side by side towards the rising sun. Its rays caught the drops of fountain, and they gleamed like stars.

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