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Darkness is more than the absence of light  by Laikwalâssê

Chapter 7:  reinforcement

Elrohir turned when he heard a horse gallop down the stone paved aisle.

“Erestor,” he breathed when he recognized the elf coming closer. Again at his brother´s side, he looked with surprise at the older twin´s face. Elladan was staring at the familiar elf.


It was still deadly silent in the hall, all spectators looking surprised at the unfolding scene.

Making sure that Elrohir was with Elladan, Elrond briefly closed his eyes to breathe through the pain. Erestor had finally come.

Quickly opening his eyes on hearing an enraged cry, he turned. The judge had sprung up, a short but broad sword in hand, and was pointing it at him. Elrond sighed. Even one handed he would have had no problem disarming the arrogant man, yet he got in a defensive stance. He was unarmed; weapons were not allowed in the town hall.

“Ragnar…?” the mayor cried when the judge advanced.

Unfortunately, the judge was not paying any attention to his surroundings. Now chaos ensued; agitated towns-people cried in confusion.

The judge never had a chance to end his movement. A long sword appeared between him and the healer, driving him back effortlessly until he stumbled over the first step of the dais and landed hard on his back. His sword clattered to the floor and Erestor shoved it out of reach.

While straightening, Erestor looked with narrowed eyes first at the twins and then at Elrond. When he was sure that no immediate danger was looming, he directed his gaze again at the two men on the dais. The people in the hall he ignored.

He focused his gaze on Halward, the mayor, and then Ragnar the judge.

“Let me introduce myself, gentleman. My name is Erestor, son of Eglerion. I am Master Elrond´s chief counsellor and on his behalf I would very much like to know what this ridiculous business is about?”

Even if the words were spoken lightly, the tone behind them was not. The mayor could not stand the piercing gaze of the raven-haired elf.

The judge rose, ignoring the elf’s sword.

“Another elf with big words. Just what we needed. But now, listen: this one” – he pointed at Elladan – “remains in my custody – HE IS GUILTY. End of discussion.”

With that, he gestured to the recovered jailor. The sturdy man yanked the chain out of Elrohir´s hand and led the older twin away through the back door.

Erestor had given the younger twin a sign not to intervene.

Elrohir was not content with this development, but acquiesced to the older elf´s wish. Quickly he sent his brother a calming thought.

`We will get you out of here`.

Erestor advanced towards the judge until he was a breath away from the other´s face.

“I think it`s high time for a break. Tomorrow we gather again to end this. I advise you to treat my Lord´s son with due care…..”

“Else what?” the judge sneered.

Erestor only raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing. Only a well-intentioned suggestion. I make no threats. I kill soundlessly and you will never have to bother about anything. A good day to you, sirs.”

With that Erestor turned, leaving two open-mouthed men behind.

Quickly he advanced on the healer.

“Can you walk?” he asked, eying the grey face of the dark-haired elf with worry.

The healer, his eyes still on the closed door where his son had vanished, nodded.

“My arm is broken not my legs.”

Erestor knew that Elrond´s anger was not directed at him. When Elrond turned and walked toward the entrance, he motioned to the younger twin to follow. Reluctantly Elrohir turned.

“Stop elves. You haven´t my permission to leave.”

The mayor´s voice sounded shrill.

Erestor did not even turn when answering.  “We do not need your permission. Tomorrow, same place, same time. And don´t forget to bring along a healthy Lord Elladan.”

Again a clear warning.

Ragnar grabbed Halward´s sleeve.

“Let them go,” he said his eyes gleaming. “They will come back because I have something they want.”

When the three elves passed Erestor´s horse, the dark-haired elf patted its flank. Erestor eyed the agitated crowd with worry.

“You bring up the rear.”

The great horse snorted and tossed his mane.

The black stallion turned and eyed the advancing people with pricked ears. The movement of the mass slowed until it stopped completely. No spectator dared to come close to the prancing war-horse.

When the three elves had left the great hall, Elrohir closed the door. Elrond took a deep breath, and Erestor´s strong grip again supported him.

“Let us leave. Celebrían is upset.” The healer did not bother with an explanation.

Erestor thinned his lips. Elrond needed a break and his injury tending. The earlier they left, the sooner he would finally have a chance to learn the whole story. For now, he had to be content with the sparse information he had.

“I will prepare all.” After a nod from Erestor, Elrohir ran ahead, the stallion trotting behind.

When they arrived at the inn Erestor took a silent breath of relief, then looked a last time over his shoulder. It had not escaped his notice that the mood in the town was explosive.

They had been eyed critically as they walked down the main street; presenting an unusual sight anyway. Erestor was prepared for an attack, but he was not sure how aware the healer was of his surroundings.

Finally, they entered the inn and Erestor followed his Lord upstairs. Celebrían was standing at an open door looking impatient.

When she spotted the counsellor, her eyes went wide.

“Erestor!  Thank Elbereth” she cried, as she hugged the tall elf. Erestor returned the affection. He clearly felt the tautness in her body and mind.


“Always at your service, my lady.”

Elrond had rushed into the room.

“What happened?” he asked, already bending over the bed. Erestor eyed an agitated Arwen tossing from side to side crying silently.

Quickly he closed the door.

“Suddenly she started crying and I could not wake her, least of all console.” Celebrían was close to tears.

While Elrond placed a gentle hand on his daughter´s head, Celebrían watched her husband critically.

“What is wrong with your arm?”

“Nothing,” the healer retorted, closing his eyes.

Erestor snorted. He would wait only until his Lord had ended his healing of Arwen and then he would demand to intervene. Elrond was drifting toward a collapse and this he would try to prevent. Elrohir also stood ready to treat his father.

Celebrían raised an annoyed eyebrow. She directed a silent question at the counsellor. Erestor only shrugged his shoulders, with the promise of doing some explaining later.

It took the healer half an hour to calm Arwen until she was sleeping deeply.

“So now you, Adar” Elrohir said, pointing to a chair. Elrond sighed, but obeyed.

When Elrohir rolled up Elrond’s sleeve, Celebrían let out a cry of dismay.

“Valar, Elrond what happened?”

“I would very much like to know too!” Erestor raised a demanding eyebrow. When the healer did not answer, Elrohir cleared his throat.

“The jailor attacked him. I was not quick enough to prevent this.”

Elrohir lowered his gaze as he probed the swollen limb.

“My son, I can speak for myself and….” Elrond gently raised the chin of the younger twin,…  “it was not your fault.”

For the first time, the posture of the healer had relaxed somewhat, even if Erestor could tell that he was still in pain.

Elrohir nodded.

“It´s definitely broken. We have to splint this.”

Elrond smiled indulgently at his son. Some of the tension had vanished.

Erestor, however, was not fooled. He had not failed to notice the healer´s constant gazes toward the bed. To even think of relaxation was ridiculous.

Just as Elrohir had adjusted the splints to immobilize the arm, Celebrían came over with a herbal tea to counter the pain and sat next to her husband.

“Will you now tell me how this happened and, more importantly, where is Elladan?

Elrond took a deep breath.

“Only after much pressure were we allowed to see him. They have mistreated him. Without Erestor´s due intervention the situation would have got completely out of hand. The mayor and the judge are  unreasonable. They want a confrontation at all costs.”

Celebrían looked aghast at her husband.

“But Elladan is injured! How could you let him be kept there?”

The healer´s head snapped up. His eyes glistened with a mix of tears and frustration.  Looking again toward the bed and his sleeping daughter, Elrond gazed at his wife sternly.

“With those two you cannot come to terms. If I did not know better, I would believe the judge has some personal grudge against me….”

“…and therefore I´m here. Elrond you really should take some rest. Tomorrow we will resolve this, once and for all.”

Erestor looked with some irritation at his Lady. Did she blame the healer for the situation?

Before anyone could say something, Celebrían had gathered her gown and rushed out of the room.

“I will look after her,” Elrohir promised as he hurried after his mother.

“I´m glad you are here Erestor. Thank you for coming so quickly.”

Erestor inclined his head.

“Always at your service, my Lord.”

The counsellor´s worried eyes followed the healer as he lay down on the next bed and closed his eyes. He was asleep immediately.

Erestor sighed. He would question the younger twin as soon as he returned to learn what this whole mess was about and tomorrow he would give these townspeople a lesson in law and order.

To be continued………………………..     

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