Middle-Earth -Arda - Valinor

How to upload a chapter

Step 1: Select the chapter number from the pull down box. Special cases are: Prologue, Epilogue, Epilogue 2 and Author Notes. Please note Author notes are always put last when chapters are ordered.

Step 2: (optional) Enter a title for the chapter

Step 3: This step depends on your browser; please find your platform/browser combination below.

  • Windows (Any type) / Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5+, Netscape 7.02+, or Mozilla 1.3a+
    1. Copy your chapter from your editor of choice (i.e. Word)
    2. Paste your chapter into the editor on the screen
    3. Modify to your preference
    4. Hit the submit button
    5. Click on the Preview link and verify formatting
    * Note: If you wish to upload HTML, click on the <> button to switch to HTML mode.

  • Windows (Any type) / Any other browser
    1. Save your story as HTML
    2. Open that HTML file in a plain text editor (notepad or wordpad)
    3. Copy the HTML code from the editor
    4. Paste your chapter into the textbox on the screen
    5. Hit the submit button
    6. Click on the Preview link and verify formatting.
    7. Or Upgrade to the newest IE or Mozilla browser and use that

  • Mac OSX/ Mozilla 1.3a+ and maybe Netscape 7.02+
    1. Copy your chapter from your editor of choice (i.e. Word)
    2. Paste your chapter into the editor on the screen
    3. Modify to your preference
    4. Hit the submit button
    5. Click on the Preview link and verify formatting

  • Mac (everything other than OSX) / Any browser
    1. Save your story as HTML
    2. Open that HTML file in a plain text editor (? No idea of what's on Macs)
    3. Copy the HTML code from the editor (You should see things like < P > and < B >)
    4. Paste your chapter into the textbox on the screen
    5. Hit the submit button
    6. Click on the Preview link and verify formatting.

Step 4: Your chapter is now uploaded. If you wish to edit it, you can click on edit and your code/text will appear in the editor/text box. You do NOT have to delete chapters that need changes, just edit them.

Also, for those of you who are being forced to upload code: If you don't like the formatting, and are unfamiliar with HTML, please contact me at rora@mindspring.com The code stripper may require some tweaking.