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The Journey Home  by Fiondil 12 Review(s)
KittyReviewed Chapter: 23 on 12/30/2013
I'm with Maglor here, I find it strange that no one thought to take any of Gil-Galad's personal belongings with them. Sure, they couldn't take everything and had their own stuff, but they doubtless departed from Mithlond and didn't have to transport anything far, and he would surely appreciate having some mementos from his first life? Sadly now everything was destroyed by the ice. Somehow it doesn't make much sense to lock everything away and leave it behind to be lost forever.

The end of the chapter was rather touching. Arthalion certainly needed it, and I am sure his brother has forgiven him.

Author Reply: Hi Kitty. Who knows why Gil-galad's possessions were locked up and forgotten, but at least one thing has been saved, perhaps the most important thing and someday they'll be able to give it to him.

I'm glad you found the end of the chapter touching and I have no doubt that Arthad forgave his brother from the start.

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's always appreciated.

6336Reviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/25/2013
I thought, for a while, that Arthalion's necklace was the one that Luthian wore with the Silmaril in it, but then I realised that Elwing was wearing it when she took her Swan Dive off the cliff at Sirion. Then again if she, Elwing, had detached the Silmaril from the necklace and just took that with her that could explain how the necklace came to be in Gil Galads strong room.

I still think that the Harthdrim will find that they need the Silmaril to get to Aman, although the Straight Road may still be in existance it has been a long time since it was used and it could have a few 'bumps'!

Good to see that Arthalion has made his peace with Arthad, he still has a long way to go towards healing but this is a step in the right direction.


Author Reply: Hi Lynda. No, Gil-galad's necklace is just a beautifully crafted necklace that belongs to Gil-galad. As for the Silmaril, its purpose will be revealed soon enough. Arthalion may have a long way to go toward healing but he's definitely going in the right direction, especially with Maglor's help.

Thanks for the review. It's apprecizated. Hugs.

LaerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/24/2013
Glóredhel is a great person to have when you need to keep notes of things. Who would have thought to do these things. Elves are pretty talented in a pinch. There is something about the necklace isn't there? I keep reading more into this than what is there too don't I? LOL Sorry. I am just trying to second guess it all. Wrong or right on the guesses it will be wonderful ride and I am so glad I am on it :)

Author Reply: Hi Laer. Yeah, Glóredhel is pretty handy to have around, isn't she? As for second guessing, that's fine with me, and I'm glad you're enjoying the story no matter if you guess right or wrong. Thanks for taking the time to review. It's very much appreciated.

KevanaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/24/2013
One of my favorite parts of reading your stories is that I'm always learning something I didn't know. Google often gets a good workout whenever I have a new chapter open. This week: blue gum oil and aspects of medieval architecture.

Trust Glóredhel to know tengwar shorthand and to be prepared with writing materials. I had to smile at that, even in an ice age when there's no paper, she finds a way. She's a special lady. I hope she does have family waiting for her.

It's not likely they'd find any shipwreck wood worth using, I imagine. I had the joy of getting to work with the team that's pulling up the Queen Anne's Revenge, and it was amazing how fragile those wooden fragments are and they don't do well being moved from salt water to fresh air.

Now, if only the Elves had a lot of duct tape they could build an entire sailboat, Mythbusters-style. *innocent look* What, coming into harbor in a duct tape boat among all the swan ships is not the Elvish style? Oh, well. Maybe Ulmo and Yavanna will send them a present like this one -> Man, the ocean is absolutely terrifying.

Ok, massive good karma points to whoever put that cloak on Arthad. I'm glad Arthalion finally got to say goodbye. Hopefully it won't be too long before he gets to say hello again.

Thank you, Fiondil!


Author Reply: I like to throw in the odd trivia now and then, just to make things interesting for the reader. Glórehdel is indeed special as we will see and I'm sure Arthalion really appreciated the gesture of whoever covered Arthad with his cloak.

The image you sent me of the tree indeed shows how terrifying the ocean truly is. Wow!

Thanks for leaving a comment. It's very much appreciated.

obsidianjReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/23/2013
I'm curious about the necklace Arthalion found in Gil-Galad's rooms. It talked to him? Hmm... It was good that Maglor was there to give Arthalion support when saying good-bye to his brother. I think this was very important for Arthalion to get some closure and be able to forgive himself.

Author Reply: Apparently, obsidianj. Perhaps it just wanted to be saved. It was lying all alone and forgotten in a dark corner of the chamber. At least, when they reach Aman, they can give it to Gil-galad. I'm sure he will appreciate it.

And Maglor is proving to be a very good friend to Arthaliion. Given his own history, Maglor can be very sympathetic and understanding toward what Arthalion is feeling.

Thanks for reviewing. I very much appreciate it.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/23/2013
Have seen my share of privy garderobes in British castles, including the Tower of London, of course, so was a bit surprised to see the word used for the wardrobe as well, although the etymology indicates it was what guarded the robes, of course, just as is true of "wardrobe."

The tale is fascinating, and it's too bad this group couldn't have gone there and seen that room and the crown jewels for themselves. One wonders why Cirdan didn't take them with him as he sailed West.

I'm glad that Arthalion was able to say goodbye to his brother after all. Now, to get back to the rest of the group and prepare for the winter.

Author Reply: Yes, the etymology of the two words is the same, though "garderobe" is from Norman French and "wardrobe" is a later English derivation. And it is too bad that there was nothing of Gil-galad's palace that remained by the time the Harthadrim arrived in Mithlond. I suspect that Círdan didn't take anything of the crown jewels with him because he realized (or perhaps was told by Ulmo) that they would have no real meaning in Aman, that they belonged to Middle-earth.

At any rate, the important thing is that these Elves must deal with what is and not with what might have been and the coming winter is what they need to concern themselves with as we will see.

Thanks for leaving a review, Larner. It's much appreciated.

UTfrogReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/22/2013
Another excellent chapter. I second the others who wonder why Gil Galad's personal items were not removed. I also loved the moving good by between the brothers.

Larner commented on palantirs in her review of the previous chapter. I checked Encyclopedia of Arda. It reports that the palantirs of Amon Sul and Annunnimas were believed lost with Arvedui in the shipwreck in the northern ice. I do not see where a palantir would help contact the Valar,but depending on the depth of the shipwreck, they may have survived.

Author Reply: Hi UTfrog. Who really knows why Gil-galad's personal items were not removed? Maybe if we ever catch up with Círdan, we can ask. *grin*

The only palantír that I know of that could have survived would be the one in Gondor used by Aragorn, but it's unlikely that it would have been sent North unless the king came with it. And the ones on Arvedui's ship would have survived but that ship went down in what we would call the Arctic so no help there. I'm afraid it's wishful thinking on anyone's part that something like the palantír would be in Arthalion's cave.

At any rate, we'll have to see how it goes. Thanks for reviewing. I appreciate it.

FantasiaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/22/2013
Very emotional farewell. Hopefully, his brother will be in Valinor to greet him.
They were alone for a lot of time, and Arthalion is not as young as I thought.

I'm intrigued with the necklace now. And why none one took the King's personal items to Valinor? It is really strange. Did the closet room survived the ice age? If it was closed and secure, maybe?

All that treasure will be valuable when they reach Valinor.

If it will be a long winter, we can learn a little bit about the stories other elves.

Author Reply: Hi Fantasia. Apparently nothing of the palace survived the onslaught of the glaciers and only the necklace is left. As for the treasure, we'll see what they do with it. And perhaps we'll learn a little more about some of the Harthadrim over the winter. Thanks for commenting. It's much appreciated.

CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/22/2013
I'm so glad that Maglor successfully urged Arthalion to say goodbye to his brother. Very touching scene and a good end to the chapter. I found it fascinating that Arthalion discovered Gil-Galad's own apartments and his crown jewels. That gave the historian in me the shivers! (And sent me daydreaming about some architect today finding the broken remains of those jewels, thus proving Middle-earth and all those places and people were truly real. *sigh* If only....)

Author Reply: Hi Cairistiona. Arthalion saying goodbye to his brother was an important step towards his healing and acceptance of what has happened. Luckily, he had Maglor there to lend him support. And Gil-galad's apartments must've been an historian's dream. A pity nothing of it remains, other than the necklace. But such is the way of things. Anyway, thanks for leaving a comment. I very much appreciate it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 23 on 4/22/2013
It's satisfying to read of Arthalion's continued healing and bonding with the group.

Author Reply: I'm glad you find it so, shirebound. Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it very much.

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