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Celeritas' Birthday Bash 2013  by Celeritas 4 Review(s)
Kaylee ArafinwielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/30/2013
Chilling! So, the fire-drakes were born of salamanders, were they?


Author Reply: Salamanders, and likely some actual lizards as well. :)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/30/2013
Ooh, what a neat idea on the origins of dragons! Very nice!

Author Reply: Thanks!

I rather like the idea of dragons being "Morgoth originals," that is, not necessarily bred in mockery of another being. That said, they obviously would have to have had a lot to do with lizards or other reptilian-type creatures, so--keep extending their lives so they keep growing, and keep taking really good care of them... I imagine it took him a while before he was satisfied with the results, and then we know he kept tweaking it until there were flight-capable dragons as well.

goldvermilion87Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/30/2013
This is MOST excellently excellent. Creative. And beautifully written.

And I adore the last line.


Also . . . WHAT ARE SALAMANDERS?!?!?!?!?

Author Reply: Salamanders are amphibians that look an awful lot like lizards, and were associated with fire in early mythology because people would see them scurrying out of rotting logs when they put them on the fire (or so saith Wikipedia). I tweaked it a little bit when discussing Middle-earth, because I like the mythology but the explanation behind it would need to actually work.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/30/2013
Ooh! The creation of dragons! What a concept he has, and how fearsome it proved! The problem with making awful things, however, is that almost everybody else conspires to destroy them if they can!

Well done!

Author Reply: Well, I do find dragons to be very magnificent creatures, but only from a distance...

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