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The Proposition  by Lindelea 2 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2014
Oh, but if only more Hobbits across the Shire had done what the Tooks did! If they'd only had the leadership that Pippin and Merry offered later!

Author Reply: If only! The Thain had the right idea, but it seems only the Tooks would listen to him.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/21/2014
*grin* This is such a perfect "prequel" to "The Rescue"! I love how cagy Ferdi is, how protective Hally is, and how fierce Rosemary is!

Author Reply: Thank you! I appreciate your reading through the four chapters that currently exist and offering encouragement. As you said, it can end after the fourth chapter, or it has the potential to continue... Perhaps you wouldn't mind beta-reading anything further, if the story goes on? (Which depends, in part, on readers' wishes. I already have plenty of WIPs that I'm updating in the interest of reaching their conclusions one of these days, and that doesn't even include "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor" (Have got to figure out a title for that one before I can begin to post chapters...)

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