On the Strand |
Last Updated: 5/8/2006 |
When Aragorn leaves to find a viable route, Frodo reaches a decision about his own path, hounded by doubt, temptation, and enemies, real and imagined.
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 2 |
Published: 3/19/2006 |
That Which is Hidden |
Last Updated: 7/10/2005 |
The Ring-bearer spent one month in the realm of Galadriel, little of which is described in the Red Book. What events might have led to their final interaction? Why does Frodo offer what he has sworn to guard and why does Galadriel reject what she has long desired?
Rating: PG |
Reviews |
Status: Complete |
Chapters: 12 |
Published: 7/10/2005 |