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Children of the Noldor  by Elvenesse

Child of Kings

Hearken now and hear me speak
of the glories of ages past,
of a maiden
with golden hair.
Tall and strong and fell
was she,
daughter of Finarfin,
Finwë’s son.

Child of kings,
tresses glowing with Laurelin’s light
strong of spirit,
accounted great and wise.
Far she roamed
seeking distant lands.

The king’s first wife
was consumed
in the birthing of her mighty son.
Long he mourned her
as his son grew swift and strong.
After long debate,
he took a second wife.
And yet,
Fëanor would accept no other –
usurper of his mother’s place.
Indis, of Ingwë’s people,
bore her lord two sons.
Little love did
Fëanor bear them –
Fingolfin and Finarfin.
Yet from these brothers
and their children
came mighty deeds,
and fell,
throughout the ages of Arda.

Fëanor was loved
by the Noldor, and great
he deemed himself
and great he was.
But his brothers were also loved
and he saw not
that love shared
is not love lessened.

Craft he had in making
and created wondrous jewels.
The greatest of all these
were the three Silmarils,
and the trees’ light
remains now
only in the earth, sky and sea.

Yet between the king’s eldest son
and Finarfin’s child
enmity arose.
She mistrusted him from the start,
deeming him arrogant
And she knew that
little love he had for
Indis and her children, and her children’s children.
He asked for a strand
of her
radiant hair
and was denied.
Proud also was Galadriel
and her dislike of Fëanor grew
as did his of her.
She shunned the Dark Lord,
though seeming fair
for evil is still evil
whatever form it wears.
But although neither would hearken to him
they heard his words,
and longing awakened in both
for the far and distant lands
of their peoples’ birth.
Fëanor’s jealousy
was exploited
until he turned upon his kin.
Death came, and fell words
evil deeds and death.

Then the Noldor
and of the king’s line,
few would return to Aman.


Disclaimer: Tolkien’s world and all his characters belong to Tolkien Estates, New Line Cinema, etc. This is done for the purpose of enjoyment only and I receive no money for playing in such a wonderful sandbox.

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