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Don't go in the woods  by frodo16424

Don’t go in the woods

I see the gates of Mirkwood are open today. Perhaps we will be able to stroll a short way through the woods. We will stay on the path, for there lies safety.

See how the yellow leaves charge across the stones, dancing on the wind. The path is getting covered with debris from the wind. Soon, we step from the lane without noticing.

What was that? That skittering in the dry leaves, like a mouse running for its life. Oh, I see. A cat has been stalking it, and the poor creature is running for its life.

The rustling leaves still their play, and settle.

It is so quiet here. Nothing seems to be stirring. I hear again the rustling, but it is just the creatures of the forest as they settle for the night. It appears darkness is creeping over the land. Anar has gone to her bed.

Have we lost the path? So it seems. We had best hurry ourselves, as there are creatures lurking, waiting for the unwary.

Where has the path gone? Unable to see it, we stumble. Suddenly, we hear the skittering sounds of quiet feet as they come through the forest. Run! Run for your lives!

We see nothing, only hear the sounds of death approaching. Sobbing, we rush towards safety. Ahead! In the clearing! We stop abruptly. No! It can’t be! Not here! Oh, say it is not so!

There! Hanging in the trees! At first sight they seem to be sacks. On closer inspection, they are elves. Elves cocooned in silk - spider silk.

Ai! This can’t be happening. Someone! Help! Won’t someone please help! By the Valar, I don’t want to die as they have.

Again comes the sound of hunting spiders. I look around, and see nothing. Perhaps they have done their hunting, and will leave me.

I turn slowly back around - and come face to face with a huge spider, its fangs dripping with venom as it comes nearer, nearer. My heart races, but I am paralyzed. Hissing, the spider rises up, and I feel a stinging in my neck. The world grows dark, and I know no more.

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