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Various Drabbles  by Nivina

Title: September 22nd, 1422
Words: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Bilbo, Frodo

September 22nd, 1422

Bilbo and Frodo were looking out at the Sea. The sun was sinking slowly, and the two hobbits felt quite small in the beauty of Valinor.
"Well, I bet Hobbiton misses our great feasts..." Bilbo chuckled.
Frodo put out some pipeweed.
"I think there'll be lots of ale flowing at the inns tonight." His eyes sparkled in the leaving daylight. "True hobbits would never miss a reason to party."
Bilbo made an undefinable sound and puffed at his pipe. He ruffled Frodo‘s hair and Frodo laid his head onto Bilbo‘s shoulder. The hobbits enjoyed the peace surrounding them.

Title: Souls United
Words: 100
Rating: G
Summary: A hobbit wakes on Sept. 29th, 1422
Characters: Left to your imagination ;)

Souls United He woke, vaguely remembering his dream. The only thing that remained was a sparkling light that shone brightly and left hope in his heart. One year ago he had felt like fading... like the light of the Phial that had been swallowed by the horizon.

But now he opened his eyes to see warm sunlight spreading across the room. And he knew deep inside that the voice that sang in him now was one of healing and rejoicing. It had joined the haunting melancholy that appeared when he thought of his dearest friend. But their souls were united - tied forever.

Title: Nevermore
Words: 100
Rating: PG 13 for disturbing content
Summary: The Ring speaks to Frodo at the Cracks of Doom
Characters: The Ring, Frodo


Our fates are bound. You've experienced sweet malice by now. Ecstatic power. You will be nothing without me. You won‘t be able to breathe without me. We will rule everything or we will fade together.

Our fates are bound. If you let go of me, you will burn as well. Slowly. You will shudder, you will scream. Evermore. Don't deny me. I am yours.

Nevermore. No sweet smell of the meadows in the Shire, if you fail me. You will be responsible for everlasting darkness, hate, and terror. Don‘t you see? We are one.

“The Ring is mine.“

Title: Drabble in honour of March 25th
Words: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Sam, Frodo

Drabble in honour of March 25th

When he closed his eyes, surrounded by fire and ashes - suddenly aware again of the presence of his truest friend - Frodo saw a bright light that shone and sang of life. His memory returned: he saw his treasured Shire, his cousins, his friends. He would die, but Frodo felt at peace. He only grieved for Sam. Dear Sam, he should have been spared from this pain and suffering.
Then Frodo felt Sam's arms around him, steadying him, reassuringly, even now. A tear fell onto his cheek, and he heard Sam‘s voice: “Rest now.“ And both sank into comforting unconsciousness.

Title: October 6th, 1421
Words: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Sam wakes from a dream
Characters: Sam, Frodo

October 6th, 1421

The warm embrace lingered on, even when he woke from his peaceful dream. Frodo had steadied him soothingly and had given him hope. He was told to let go of the searing pain -- to hold on to his life and treasure the love for his Rosie-lass.

"You cannot be always torn in two."

Twice now these words had been spoken, and though only in his dreams, Sam knew it meant so much more. How could a bond like this ever be broken?
Such a dream must be a sign of hope and healing for Frodo. Sam's first and foremost wish.

Title: Wasted
Words: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Movie-verse. Faramir rides out with his soldiers to reclaim Osgiliath.
Characters: Unknown Gondorian woman

Written for the Minas Tirith Drabble Challenge on LiveJournal.


It's so quiet, despite all the people in the streets.

Wasted flowers shower onto their path, wasted and dead, the horses trampling them down unnoticed. The allegory strikes me, but I feel numb. What can we all do? We watch them ride to certain death, and yet hope won't fade.

My younger brother rides out to Osgiliath, already beyond my sight. Barely old enough to hold a sword, to wear such heavy armour. He will follow Captain Faramir, despairing, but with last remainders of trust, to whatever end.

The last flowers fall onto the ground, unnoticed by the Doomed, wasted.

Title: Shadows
Words: 100
Rating: G
Characters: Frodo, Aragorn


"Frodo lay half in a dream, imagining that endless dark wings were sweeping by above him, and that on the wings rode pursuers that sought him in all the hollows of the hills." (FOTR, Flight to the Ford)

Just a little moan, barely audible. Aware of Frodo's discomfort, he drew the blanket closer around the ill hobbit, and he stroked his brow soothingly. The lingering Shadows could do no harm to Frodo. Not yet.

But the certainty grew inside him that they must reach Rivendell quickly. In the meantime he tried to ease Frodo's sufferings as well as possible. An Athelas cloth, a soothing massage, warm blankets and heated stones to warm the Ring-bearer.

Still he realised that hope was swallowed by the Shadows with every passing hour. Patiently, he waited for the morning, waking at Frodo's side.

The first line belongs to Claudia. :) Written for the drabble meme on LiveJournal.

Growing Strong

Frodo shifted on the stone edge to the fountain. He looked down, fingering the White Jewel the Queen had just given to him. There was peace and light, and when he closed his eyes, he saw sunshine and green lands far away; yet he thought he could reach out and easily step ashore.

Warmth radiated from the jewel as he put the chain around his neck. Hope blossomed inside him, defeating the feelings of guilt and the yearning for the Lost Jewel. Frodo smiled with tears in his eyes.

The blossoming Tree grew strong, ready to face a new age.

First line belongs to Cúthalion. Written for the drabble meme on LiveJournal.


I've always been dreaming, my entire life. I can see the same wistfulness in your eyes, my dear boy.

Some of my dreams came true, like the yearning to go on a great adventure. In your voice I hear the same dreaminess I once possessed, when we sit and talk at the fire by candlelight, smoking excellent pipeweed.

You‘ve grown up now, dear Frodo. I‘m amazed at your grace and your gentleness. You will soon go out on adventures, without your old and weary cousin. The world awaits you. I hope it will show you its friendliest face...

First line belongs to Baranduin. Written for the drabble meme on LiveJournal.


"So much damage."

Aragorn sighed. "So much woe. We have gained victory, but at what cost?" His murmuring was lost in the chilly and dark room of stone. He wrapped more blankets around the unconscious hobbit, a desperate attempt to warm the shivering body. Only dark curls and a glimpse of that tiny pale face were visible.

Aragorn ached, stroking the hobbit‘s curls. Frodo had paid the highest price of them all.

The hobbit did not wake, but his hand wandered until it found Aragorn's, and Frodo clasped it before he fell into a deeper sleep that promised healing.

A double drabble and a half. :) First line belongs to Periantari.

No in elenath hîlar nan hâd gîn*

Fate had brought him to this destiny, to this task. Had it been fate also that had made him survive? And yet, it was time to move on; time to leave old woes behind, and to follow the call. Unleashing pain and melancholy one last time, knowing healing was near at last.

Slowly, he stepped onto the ship. On the shore, forlorn, his friends followed every move of him with their tear-filled eyes.

Behind dark clouds, the sun still shone. Frodo was as aware of it as he was of the tides flowing; the tide that bore the ship away, to an unknown future. Suddenly the sun broke through, leaving promises twinkling in the sunlit waters. Frodo‘s thoughts were filled with new inspiration, leaving the malice behind.

He sighed, and fresh tears were streaming down his face. Yet a hopeful smile softened his features, making even the elves feel humble. They were keeping distance, as not to disturb the Halfling who was bidding his farewell to his home, breaking the closeness to his friends, though strengthening the bonds in his mind. Evermore, never to be forgotten.

Frodo's face shone bright, filled with the light radiating from the Phial. The darkness of the night had no power over the shimmer that now embraced this soul.

“Cuio vae...“, he breathed.

He would be graced, and surrounded by love and warmth. His heart was filled with wonder, and with one last gaze to the East, he finally turned to face the new age.

Elvish phrases:

- "No in elenath hîlar nan hâd gîn" means "May all stars shine upon your path"
- "Cuio vae" means "Fare well"

(This double drabble and a half actually belongs to the universe of "Tho' In Distant Lands We Sigh".)

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