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Anticipation  by Elemmírë


By: Elemmírë

Summary: Because sometimes it seems that a long-awaited vacation will never arrive ...

Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings does not belong to me, nor am I making any profit off either its story or characters.

Author's Note: This was hastily written in the wee hours at work one night recently. With remarkably few patients to attend at the hospital, the excitement and anticipation of leaving on my own long-awaited vacation to Alaska finally burst forth into these scenes. I look forward to reading more of everyone's wonderful fic in 2 weeks :D ~Elemmírë~


Bag End

Two Months Before ...

tentative plans were thought of and suggestions iterated. The calendar was looked at, a date was chosen, and inquiries were made regarding feasibility amongst other concerns.

One Month Later ...

replies were received and the excitement began to build. Lists were written of items needed and provisions for plenty of foodstuffs were started to be arranged for.

Three Weeks Before ...

the clothing needed was begun to be set aside after it was washed and ironed. The excitement grew stronger as the passing days were crossed off the heavy parchment calendar in ritualistic fashion. It became routine every evening to saunter into the study after dinner, take up the quill dipped in vivid red ink, and firmly cross off the day's square. It was great fun to count the remaining days that were left and dream of the countless possibilities that lay before them.

Two Weeks Before ...

letters of confirmation were sent and received from relatives with smiles all around. Packs were aired out in the fresh weather outside and arrangements for the Gamgee family to watch over the smial were also confirmed. The adult hobbits chuckled as the youngsters declared they were all packed and ready to go.

One Week Before ...

the days seemingly grew longer and longer until it felt as if The Day awaited would never, ever arrive. Certain lads' behavior grew increasingly restless, almost bordering on hyper at times. Enthusiastic grins were permanently set in place on all the hobbits' faces and an almost nervous energy permeated the air of Bag End.

Two Days Before ....

packs were filled to the top with all of the necessary items and walking sticks were laid next to bedrolls in final preparation. It was made sure that plenty of food and water were to be had. The Gaffer, being the best gardener in the Shire, was consulted for a final forecast of the weather. The keys to the smial were left in his trustworthy care along with final instructions.

One Day Before ...

'Goodbyes' and 'See you laters' were made to neighbors, close family, and friends. It was made sure that all went to bed early in order to obtain a good night's rest, although it was not easy to fall asleep by any means, for the excitement had reached its peak.

Only one white square remained amidst a sea of red X's on the parchment calendar hanging in the study.

Then, The Day arrived at long last. At the crack of dawn, Frodo Baggins was bounding out of his bed at a time that was far, far earlier than he awoke normally. He was dressed in record time and was shaking his Uncle Bilbo awake. Bilbo surprised his nephew when he hopped out of bed fully dressed already with an excited grin of his own.

"Are you ready for your First Adventure with me, Frodo, my lad?"

Frodo's wide blue eyes gleamed in anticipation.

"Oh yes, Uncle!" the young tween exclaimed, stopping himself with a conscious effort from jumping up and down in his nearly uncontained excitement. At long last, he and Bilbo were going to partake on an Adventure together! It was a hobbit walking party really, but Frodo was thrilled with the prospect of finally hearing tales by a campfire in parts of the Shire previously unknown to him before today. He secretly wondered if they would perhaps meet any of the legendary Elves from his uncle's wonderful stories.

* * * * *

Sixteen Years Later ...

Fifteen-year old Pippin Took bounced up and down eagerly, clutching the straps of the pack he'd already shouldered. "Wake up, Frodo! Wake up!"

Frodo pretended to mumble something unintelligible and rolled over in his sleep, hiding his smile from his young cousin as he snuggled deeper under his warm, cozy nest of quilt and bedding.

"Frodo Baggins! Get up!! Today's the day you are taking me on an Adventure! I've been waiting for soooo very looong and it's finally here!"

With a grin, Frodo flung his covers away and snatched Pippin to tickle him mercilessly. He was just as excited as the young Took was to be going off tramping throughout the Shire. He could not wait to show his young cousin all of the beautiful and lovely places Bilbo had once shown him as a lad.

Pippin squealed in delight for Frodo was already dressed. "Come, let's wake up Merry," he exclaimed, already running out into the dimly lit hallway, his bare hobbit feet pattering along the flooring, not waiting to see if Frodo followed.

The three cousins ate a quick breakfast before heading out the front door of Bag End into the awaiting Shire beyond. Sam met them at the front gate with a shy smile. The gardener's pack was laden with heavy cast-iron cooking pans. "Good Morning, sirs," he greeted, happy that his Master had invited him to come along.

Pippin secretly wondered if he would see any Elves from the tales Frodo read to him every time he visited. His green eyes sparkled with anticipation.



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