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His dear, beloved Hobbit Elf  by Kara's Aunty

Disclaimer – Lord of the Rings is owned by J.R.R. Tolkien, his family, New Line cinema, etc . I have written this (ahem) ‘ode’ purely for my own enjoyment.

Credit to (a truly excellent site).


This is my first attempt at a poem - so don’t get too excited. It’s not a Rabbie Burns’ masterpiece by any means and I have no idea about proper poetic form etc.

That said, I hope you enjoy it regardless.



His dear, beloved Hobbit Elf


Gaffer Gamgee had the finest son

A steady lad, who friendship won

From Frodo Baggins from Bag End

For there the gardens he did tend


  Sam was the faithful gardener’s name

He sought not glory, wealth or fame

To see his Mr Frodo right

Was all he wished for day and night


  When Gandalf called one Summer’s day

To send his Mr Frodo away

On adventures to some foreign land

Sam knew with Frodo he must stand


 He’d leave the Shire to keep him safe

No harm would befall the slender waif

Whose spirit shone so bright and free

With Light that faithful Sam could see

For he would not trust any other

To truly care for his heart’s brother

Or see to it he ate his fill

This incognito Underhill


With Pip and Merry off they set

But far the foursome did not get

Before Black Riders came to call

Evil, dark and foul and tall!


The gardener knew the very thing

These creatures sought was Frodo’s Ring

For It drove all who held It mad

With lust for power that must be had


And his beloved Frodo bore

The evil thing for which all four

Were now pursued o’er land and field

To Bree! To safety! his mind appealed


In Bree the Riders they did flee

But Sam despaired the sight to see

Of Frodo clutching at the Ring

Holding fast that cursed thing!


It made his Master disappear

Filled his thoughts with dread and fear

Would It consume his good friend’s heart?

With greed and hate? Tear them apart?


For Frodo, it was plain to see

Was not the hobbit he used to be

Often grasping at the Ring

Oh how Sam hated that dreadful thing!


And now a ranger did approach

His Master’s company did encroach

This grey-eyed stranger did declare

Himself to be Isildur’s heir


The others may think it very well

To follow this ranger to Rivendell

But his trust would not be easily bought!

By broken sword and wistful thought


They travelled far, to Weathertop

Where one night all the five did stop

But much to our dear Sam’s despair

The Ringwraiths found his Frodo there!


His Master in his terrible fright

Put on the Ring, vanished from sight!

The Witchking stabbed the empty air

His Morgul Blade found Frodo there


A piercing cry rent through the night

The gardener heard his Master’s fright

That wicked blade had found its mark

His Frodo’s world may soon turn dark!

Then Strider gave an angry cry

His fury at the Riders high

With sword and flame he made them pay

His anger drove the beasts away


But oh! Sam’s Frodo was not well!

They must make fast for Rivendell

His brother was so pale and cold

The Shadow had him in its hold!


He could not fade, it could not be

That Shadow destroy such purity

The gardener would not let it be!

He’d fight to set his Frodo free


For many days the five ran fast

Bill the Pony trailing last

The Wraiths once more their scent had found

And followed them o’er stream and ground


Sam’s Frodo was now fading fast

His dear heart’s brother could not last

All his tender ministrations

Could not halt the Shadow’s invasions


But just as hope seemed to depart

There came a sight to lighten heart

Glorfindel! Fair, bright and tall

Brought welcome comfort to them all


The Elf saw Frodo was in need

And set him on his trusty steed

Asfaloth - brave, swift and true

Knew just what he had to do


The steed raced fast to Rivendell

Where Elves could tend his Master well

The Wraiths pursued the noble steed

And to Bruinen paid no heed


As Sam watched all the Riders fight

The angry River’s terrible might

He knew though they were swept away

They’d live to see another day


Now his brother was on the mend

Lord Elrond did his wound attend

Removed the evil shard of blade

His master lived and Samwise prayed


That this would be their journey’s end

No more adventures for his friend

He’d take him home to Hobbiton

Where Shire lives would carry on


Alas! That this was not to be

For meetings of great company

Were held in Elrond’s land so fair

And Master Frodo was taken there


The fate of Middle Earth depended

On seeing Sauron’s cruel reign ended

To the Shire his Frodo would not return

Until the Ring in fire burned


So Sam would follow as he must

For his dear Master had his trust

He would ensure him treated right

No matter what he had to fight


His Frodo carried the hopes of all

Destroy the Ring, make Sauron fall

But Sam would carry his friend himself

His dear, beloved Hobbit Elf!

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