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Hope and Light  by Kara's Aunty

Disclaimer – Lord of the Rings is owned by J.R.R. Tolkien, his family, New Line cinema, etc . I have written this (ahem) ‘ode’ purely for my own enjoyment - and hopefully Aunty Anne’s!

Credit to (an endless wealth of knowledge).




A wee poem for Antane, who’s mad about Frodo and Sam (in a good way!) and is posting my story ‘Concerning Sam’ on her excellent site Thank you!




Hope and Light



Outside the land of Mordor bleak

Where War its havoc did greatly wreak

The new King waited, pale and fraught

Still weary from the battle fought


Unheard of Victory he did claim

All Men and Elves rejoiced his name!

Though glad of this he could not be

‘Til two brave Hobbits he could see


But lo! Behold! What caught his eye?

What soared above in clearing sky?

The Eagles great he could behold

With Heroes clasped in tender fold


On field of blood, released their grasp

The King he gave a dreadful gasp

For tender flesh and Hobbit skin

A truly wicked state were in!


The Wizard White and King did carry

These precious two, they could not tarry!

They swiftly ran across the field

For they would see the Hobbits healed


So evil! All the horrors seen

So dreadful had their journey been!

That noble King must plead and pray

With Heroes souls that they should stay


They must not leave! They cannot go!

Faithful Sam and his Frodo

Such bright souls not these lands depart

And leave him to his broken heart


He battled on for many hours

Soothed deep despairs with Kingly powers

And moved by their friend’s desperate plea

To Death’s kind arms they did not flee


With noble King they would remain

Despite their hurts, the guilt, the pain

The Elessar with joy did weep!

And placed them in a restful sleep


For two long weeks they slumbered so

Bodies healing, Lights aglow

So bright that King and Elves could see

The presence of true Royalty


Once awake the crowds did sing!

For Heroes brought before the King

Great salutations did he raise:

Praise them! Praise them with great Praise!

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