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Pearl of Great Price  by Lindelea

Chapter 30. Mistress Lalia's Revenge 

A deferential knock sounded on the study door and a servant stuck his head in at the Mistress’ sharp, ‘Yes!’

’They’ve found the lad, brought him to the infirmary, Mistress.’

Pearl started up from her chair, looking to Lalia, who snapped, ‘Go! What are you waiting for?’ 

 ‘Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress,’ she gasped and with a hurried bob she was gone.

Pearl found the infirmary a scene of controlled chaos. Hobbits were darting in and out of the bath room where Bittersweet could be heard snapping orders. ‘More hot water!’ she was saying as Pearl entered. ‘He’s as cold as ice!’

The healer was holding the lad upright in a tub set in front of a bright fire as helpers added buckets of steaming water. ‘Ah, Pearl,’ she said. ‘Good. Talk to him, lass. A familiar voice will be of great help.’

Pearl knelt by the side of the tub, taking a cold little hand in her own. ‘Pip,’ she said and forced a smile. ‘Pip, whatever were you thinking, coming to visit without giving the cooks enough warning to bake sufficient seedcake?’

She stopped, at a loss, but Bittersweet urged her again to talk or sing, so she began to sing a nursery song, one of Pip’s favourites, about the fox that hunted a clever coney.

Halfway through the song she was interrupted by a soft voice. ‘Not that one.’

Looking up she exclaimed in astonishment, ‘Ferdi!’ She hadn’t heard him come in, but he was standing there, Veri at his shoulder, a curious expression on the hunter’s face.

 ‘He was the coney,’ Ferdi said, paying no mind to the odd looks his remark garnered. ‘Sing a different song.’ He knelt down at Pip’s other side, taking up the lad’s hand. ‘It’s all right, Pip,’ he said. ‘You’re safe.’

 The lad groaned, his head moving back and forth. ‘Merry?’ he said clearly. ‘I’m sorry, Merry, it’s too far to Buckland...’ Pearl gasped, feeling a tightness in her gut. If word were to come to the Mistress... ‘I tried, Merry, really I did.’

 ‘That’s all right, lad,’ Ferdi said. ‘It’ll be our secret.’ He made a hushing noise. ‘Sing the acorn song, Pearl,’ he added.

Pearl began to sing and her brother quieted. The warming effect of the hot bath was bringing some colour to his face. Viola brought a hot, sweet drink and Bittersweet got it into him though he was only half-awake.

The helpers dipped cooling water out of the tub and added more warm water. For over an hour Pearl sang as her brother soaked in the warming tub. Viola coaxed several more cups of hot, sweet milk into him. Finally Bittersweet nodded in satisfaction as Pippin became more awake and aware, able to answer her questions. ‘He’s warm enough. Let’s bundle him well and get some solid food into him.’ As they were lifting Pippin out of the tub, wrapping him in a warmed bath sheet, there was a stir at the door and Paladin was there, seizing his son from the healers, hugging him tight and repeating his name.

 ‘Well now,’ Ferumbras said from the doorway. ‘All’s well that ends well, is what I always say.’

 ‘When can I take him home?’ Paladin said. ‘His mother is beside herself.’ He thought of Eglantine as he’d last seen her early this morning, just sitting, staring at nothing, her fingers knotted in her shawl as silent tears traced their way down her cheeks while neighbours quietly went about making breakfast. He couldn’t stay in the same room with her soundless grief; he had to get out, rejoin the search, do something.

 ‘Just as soon as he’s properly awake and has eaten a good meal,’ Bittersweet said firmly.

 ‘A messenger was dispatched to Whittacres at the same time they sought us out, cousin,’ Ferumbras put in. ‘Your wife will soon know the lad is safe.’

 ‘O thank you, Sir, a thousand thanks!’ Paladin said effusively, grasping his son more tightly with his left arm and putting out his right hand to wring the Thain’s vigorously. He was not usually demonstrative, but three days and two nights of anxiety had undone his typical reserve.

 ‘My pleasure,’ Ferumbras beamed.

 ‘Had it not been for your hunters...’ Paladin continued, but the Thain interrupted him.

 ‘That does not bear thinking about,’ Ferumbras said firmly. ‘Come now, I’d imagine you could use a bite yourself.’

A servant cleared his throat in the doorway. ‘Yes?’ said the Thain.

 ‘The Mistress wishes to see Farmer Took,’ the servant said tonelessly. Ferumbras glanced at him sharply then chose to laugh in response, though he wondered at the summons. His mother did nothing without purpose.

 ‘Undoubtedly she wishes to congratulate you on the safe recovery of your son,’ he said heartily.

 ‘Undoubtedly,’ Bittersweet said briskly, holding out her arms for Pippin. ‘Let us dress and feed the lad and when you finish your interview with the Mistress you can take him back to his mother.’ Paladin accepted a last sleepy hug from his son and then allowed the healer to take him.

 ‘Stay here with him,’ the relieved father said to Pearl.

 ‘I have to attend the Mistress before teatime ends,’ she answered.

 ‘I won’t be long,’ Paladin promised.

Ferumbras and Paladin talked of planting as they walked to the Thain’s study. Reaching the door, the Thain raised an inquiring eyebrow at Isumbold who stood outside, receiving the slightest shrug in return as the head of escort opened the door for them.

 ‘There you are,’ Lalia said cordially, but something unpleasant glittered in her eyes and her son stiffened, knowing her all too well. ‘I wondered if my message went amiss.’

 ‘Perhaps the messenger did,’ Ferumbras said smoothly, moving to pour a cup of tea from the tray on the desk. ‘We came immediately when we received your summons.’ He served his mother and moved to pour a second cup, but as he started to pour a third his mother arrested him.

 ‘Paladin needs no tea,’ she said sweetly. ‘He won’t be staying long.’

Paladin held tightly to his temper as Ferumbras answered, ‘Of course he will be wanting to take his son home again just as soon as may be, but certainly he has time for a cup of tea and a bit of sustenance.’

 ‘No,’ Lalia said flatly. ‘That is not what I meant.’

 ‘What did you mean, Mistress?’ the farmer said cautiously.

 ‘Give me one good reason why I should not put you under the Ban,’ Lalia said abruptly, dropping all pretence of civility.

 ‘The Ban!’ Ferumbras gasped.

Paladin was too shocked to reply at once, but finally managed to splutter, ‘I am a loyal Took!’

 ‘Are you?’ Lalia snapped. ‘And yet I find you still have dealings with those Brandybucks!’

 ‘Dealings...’ Paladin said, breathing shallowly, feeling sick. How had she guessed that Pip might be making his way to Buckland? He swallowed hard, trying to smile ingratiatingly though it was harder than ploughing the southwest field, with its crop of rocks that rose renewed each Spring. ‘I do not take your meaning, Mistress.’

 ‘Mother,’ Ferumbras said. 

 ‘You stay out of this,’ Lalia said nastily. ‘I know what I’m doing.’ Turning back to the farmer, she said, ‘Are you prepared to renounce all ties with Buckland and Brandybucks?’

All ties... Esmeralda. How could he cut off Allie? ‘I... you cannot ask that, Mistress.’

 ‘Can’t I?’ Lalia said, drawing herself up in her chair. ‘Renounce them at once, or suffer the consequences.’

 ‘Mother, his sister...’ Ferumbras said.

 ‘Hold your tongue or I’ll put you on water rations!’ Lalia said.

 ‘But...’ Ferumbras persisted.

 ‘That’s it!’ the Mistress shouted, pointing a menacing finger at him. ‘Water rations for the rest of the day! And if you speak again I’ll have Isumbras escort you from the room until we’re finished!’

Ferumbras took a breath to answer but thought the better of it and subsided. How could he hope to help Paladin if he didn’t know what passed?

Paladin stood straighter as Lalia’s gaze returned to him. ‘I cannot,’ he said quietly, ‘and I will not. You cannot ask such a thing, it would be...’

 ‘The act of a petty tyrant?’ Lalia said. At the farmer’s expression of shock, she nodded. ‘Yes, I’ve heard that the words came from your mouth in the marketplace some years back, but I, in my infinite mercy and patience, have chosen to disregard your insubordination up until now. However, I find that you are teaching your children to follow your example.’ She smiled again. She would break him, or ruin him, it hardly mattered which. ‘Now, will you renounce all ties with the Brandybucks? Adelard here is ready to take down your sworn oath.’ She gestured to the steward, holding his quill in a white-knuckled hand.

 ‘I am trying to teach my children to follow my example,’ Paladin said between his teeth. ‘An example of honour and honest dealings, of working hard to earn what you hold, an example of...’

 ‘Enough!’ Lalia cut him off. ‘Will you renounce your sister!’

 ‘I will not!’ Paladin shot back.

 ‘Out of your own mouth you bray your disloyalty and defiance,’ Lalia hissed. ‘Paladin Took, as head of the Tooks I hereby pronounce upon you the Ban.’ Ferumbras took a sharp breath though he’d had no doubt, since the moment his mother had brought up the snippet of gossip from that long-ago market day at Whitwell, that this would be the outcome.

Paladin stood firm before the Mistress, as still as a rock save a muscle that jumped in his jaw.

Lalia continued implacably. ‘You may speak to no other, and none may speak to you. You must eat your meals in silence, and avoid gatherings, feasts, and festivals. You are under the sentence of shunning, until you return to hear the Ban against you lifted. Have you anything to say before the silence begins?’

 ‘How long?’ Paladin managed to say.

 ‘Until you come to your senses, apologise for your disloyalty, renounce your sister and swear an oath of loyalty to the Tooks,’ Lalia said smugly.

There was a gasp from the doorway where Pearl stood frozen in place.

Paladin turned his head slowly, breathing hard, and raised a shaking hand to point at his eldest daughter. ‘You stay out of this, girl,’ he said. ‘This has naught to do with you!’

 ‘But...’ she whispered.

 ‘Obey me!’ his voice cracked like a whip. ‘Do as you’re told!’

 ‘Yes, Father,’ she said, her eyes filled with tears. Paladin nodded, bowed to the Thain, and marched from the room, stopping to hug his daughter without a word. They shared a long look while the others in the room looked on in silence, and then the farmer was gone.

 ‘You’re a good, obedient girl, are you, Pearl?’ Lalia said sarcastically.

 ‘Yes, Mistress,’ Pearl murmured, quickly wiping her eyes. She’d obey her father, for true, but she’d not give old Lalia the Fat the pleasure of seeing her cry.

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