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My Dear Bandobras  by Le Rouret

Gimli Son of Glóin, Lord of Aglarond, Lock-Bearer and Elf-Friend, of the Nine Walkers and Beloved of Your Master, Meduseld,

To Galás of Doriath, Seneschal of Legolas Thranduilion Lord of Dol Galenehtar, Ithilien,


Well we have managed it at last, good Galás; we are in Rohan!  And let me tell you straight off that if ever I suggest in your hearing again to make such a journey in the dead of winter I am mad indeed, and require a good stiff rap upon my skull, to be repeated 'til I have gained reason.  And even more should I ever say I wish to take a jaunt with two Hobbits, a female Dwarf and an Elf chain me and lock me in a dungeon; I shall not be fit for public company by that stage.

Ah, I should not complain, Galás; it was not so bad, all things considered; we had two stout covered waggons and a full complement of supplies, and Hwindiö being skilled with his bow provided us with fresh game almost daily through the wilderness of Hollin.  Wood there was plenty, and water to drink (indeed though the frozen variety it served well enough), and when the drifts were too bad Fríma and Hwindiö and I broke through them with shovels until the horses could trample the snow down enough to pass.  We fitted runners upon the waggons after leaving Bree and so were spared the greater indignities of attempting to drag the waggons through tracks of mud, or hauling them over flat expanses of snowy fields; we made quite good time actually, and having arrived last night achieved our goal in under five weeks.  King Éomer had set out scouts to watch for us, so that there was a great feast prepared in the Golden Hall when we at last pulled up to the doors of Meduseld, with hot spiced wine (though Mistress Pearl would not let Bandy have any, claiming he was too young yet, much to his chagrin) and fresh bread and roasted meats fresh off the spits.  Then he led us to our baths and warm comfortable beds, and I at least slept more deeply and soundly than I have in two months' time, including our stay in Crickhollow – I may not be man-sized, but Hobbit-sized beds are far too small for the likes of me!

I am glad we had Fríma with us, for Mistress Pearl should I fear have been most uncomfortable otherwise; it was bad enough, Took though she is, for she had never attempted such a journey before, indeed she had never even left the Shire save to visit Bree on one or two occasions; Fríma however set her greatly at ease, reminding Hwindiö and me to guard our tongues as there were ladies present (indeed I am sure he stretched the limits of the rougher aspects of his vocabulary simply to incite Fríma to censure) and making sure there were adequate barriers betwixt the men-folk and the women-folk during times of rest or bathing.  They are happier now, for they have their own separate chambers, and clean clothes; I have noticed a marked increase in their goodwill since last evening.

Éomer bid us stay and rest a while, but Bandy is very impatient and insists upon coming straightway to see his Master, so we are giving the horses but one day more to rest and shall take our leave on the morrow.  If the weather holds we shall be five days out of Osgiliath. 

Watch Legolas carefully for me!  I should like to surprise him if I can.

With many thanks and deep relief,

Gimli Lord of Aglarond


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