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Postcards From the Shire  by SlightlyTookish

A/N: This was written as a holiday ficlet for Shirebound, and also takes place in her "Quarantined" universe.

A Sticky Yule

Yule preparations were in full swing at Bag End. While Frodo measured ingredients and stirred the mixing bowl, Merry carefully cut the dough into shapes: stars, boats, and even hobbits. Armed with icing and small sweets, Pippin stood at Merry's elbow, waiting to decorate, as Sam kept a close eye on the treats already baking so that none would burn. Scamp darted around the room, barking excitedly and waiting for something sweet to fall to the floor (as it often happened, in this kitchen).

Bilbo entered the room, carrying four identical packages. "Come here, lads! These just arrived in the post. There is one for each of you," he said, smiling mysteriously.

The hobbits hurried over, their eyes wide and curious, and eagerly tore through the wrappings.

"Marshmawwos!" Pippin squealed in delight.

"These must be from Estel!" Frodo cried. Scamp wagged her tail at the sound of Aragorn's name and scampered off, presumably to watch for him.

"There was also a note," Bilbo said, handing it to Frodo.

"What wonderful news!" Frodo said, scanning it quickly. "Estel wanted to send our presents early because he may be late, but he plans on visiting us for Yule." All five hobbits grinned at each other, delighted.

"Look, there's more," Merry said, peering over his cousin's shoulder. "'I’ve heard that marshmallows are even better when toasted.'" Merry glanced up at Frodo. "Toasted?"

Sam wrinkled his nose. "Like bread, sir?"

“I’ve a better idea,” Bilbo said. “Half a moment!" Disappearing into the storeroom, he returned with a handful of long wooden skewers used to roast small pieces of meat over a flame.

The young hobbits each took a skewer and placed a marshmallow at end, encouraging Bilbo to join them. They then held the marshmallows over the fire until they turned brown and puffy, and ready to eat. So eager to try their gooey treats, they all nearly burnt their tongues as they chewed their way through the stickiness.

“What did you think?” Bilbo said when at last the toasted marshmallows were gone.

"Estel was right," Frodo replied. "I like them better this way."

Sam was more uncertain. "They were a bit messy," he said, rubbing at his sticky chin.

Merry and Pippin shared a mischievous glance. "We’ll need to try another before we make a decision," Merry said, grinning broadly. <>Everyone laughed, and no one stopped Pippin's hand from creeping toward another marshmallow.

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