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At the End of His Rope  by Lindelea

Chapter 6. Farmhouse Hospitality

A grizzled hobbit with a healer's touch knelt beside the Thain. 'Let me check him over quickly before we move him any further,' he said to Ferdibrand. He looked penetratingly into the Thain's face. 'Good evening, Sir, I am Botham, healer in these parts.'

Pippin nodded back, 'Lovely evening,' he said. The healer went over him quickly, then bent at Pippin's head again. 'Let's get him into the waggon. Carefully, now.' Several hobbits worked together to ease the Thain onto a blanket, then using the blanket as a stretcher, lifted him in to the first waggon, nestling him on a straw tick that had been placed on the waggon bed and cocooning him with blankets. Diamond and Faramir were handed up next, and as soon as they were settled, the babes were placed in their arms. Botham climbed in, then Ferdibrand settled himself, called to the driver, and they were off at a slow pace.

'The others will salvage all they can of the baggage tonight,' Ferdibrand told them, 'and in the morning we'll see about the coach.'

'Did we salvage any of the brandy?' Diamond asked.

Ferdibrand frowned at her, for all she was Mistress, but she jerked her chin significantly at the Thain and his cousin realized that Pippin was beginning to shiver violently. 'We'll get him warmed up soon,' he said. The healer had noticed the shivering also, and spoke to the driver. The ponies began to trot. Lantern carrying riders went before to light the road. There would be no more overturning this night if Ferdibrand could help it.

It seemed to Diamond a long time before she saw welcoming lights pouring from the windows of a sprawling farmhouse. Her husband spoke, and she bent closer to hear. 'N-n-next t-time let's overturn the c-coach a little c-c-closer to civilization, shall we?' he chattered.

'Yes, let's do,' she agreed, tucking the blankets more tightly about him, for all the good they seemed to be doing. The waggon pulled up before the door, and the healer jumped out, shouting orders. Diamond and Faramir followed as Ferdibrand helped carry the Thain into the kitchen, where a steaming tub of water waited.

Hearing that she'd delivered the babes by the roadside, the farmer's wife placed a gentle hand on Diamond's arm. 'Come, Mistress,' she said. 'Let's get you clean and comfortable as well, and you can attend him again.' Diamond allowed herself to be led away. It was a relief to get cleaned up and changed into warm, dry clothing. The farmer's wife smiled as she lifted the simple shift over Diamond's head. 'I haven't worn this since my last babe came two years ago,' she said. She wrapped a shawl about Diamond's shoulders, then took up a brush and gently brushed out the tangled curls, picking out leaves and twigs, braiding the hair and fastening it neatly up. 'There you are, my lady,' she said warmly, and Diamond thanked her.

The two eldest daughters brought in the babes, clean and fresh, diapered and clothed, and nestled them in Diamond's arms to nurse. One whispered that young Faramir had fallen asleep in his supper and had been borne off to a bed to sleep. 

'Oh!' Diamond said. 'We are so very much in your debt.'

'No trouble at all,' came the answer. 'Poor lad was all in.' Diamond had no doubt about that. She didn't know how they'd have managed without the lad's help.

While Diamond's arms were engaged, the farmer's wife fed her warm, nourishing soup; then the two mothers chatted about various childbirths they'd attended or experienced as the daughters settled the babes for a nap.

'Would ye like to take your rest now?' the farmer's wife asked, and Diamond shook her head. 'Take my arm, then, we'll go back to the kitchen.'

Pippin was still in the steaming bath, kept hot with fresh additions of water from the stove, face tight with the pain of returning circulation in his legs, and the healer was coaxing hot sweet tea into him. Diamond took up her husband's hand to add her encouragement. 'Come, love, drink it now, do,' she said. 'It'll help you get warm.' She looked up at the farmer's wife. 'He'd drink for you better if it were hot milk with honey and a touch of nutmeg,' she said. 'It's about the only way he'll take honey willingly.'

'Aye, and put some brandy in't,' the healer added. 'I'd take some of that, myself.' Diamond smiled.

'I'll get right on't,' the farmer's wife said. She was as good as her word, and they were able to get several cups of the warmed milk into the Thain before his eyelids drooped and his chin began to nod.

'Bed's all ready,' the farmer's eldest daughter said. 'All warmed up, and we've fresh bricks in the oven.'

'Right, then,' the healer said. Soon the Thain was out of the tub, dried, and in the bed. The healer had made a quick examination upon their arrival, pronouncing no bones broken, and said, 'I'll check him over more carefully after he's had some sleep, Mistress. The thing that worries me most at the moment is the chill he's taken, and we've done about all we can do about that.' He fixed Diamond with his eye. 'And now, if you'll just climb into the bed next to your husband, I'd like to take a quick look at you.'

She hesitated, wishing for the familiar comfort of Healer Woodruff, then complied. He was gentle and quick, and soon she was tucked under the covers next to her husband, drifting off to sleep. She almost didn't hear the farmer's wife say, 'We'll bring you the babes when they wake.' Nodding sleepily, she turned to wrap her arms about her slumbering husband, soon joining him in dream.

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