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A Shire Sketchbook  by Baggins Babe

Halimath 1430 SR

Limlight cantered swiftly along the road from the Bridge, the air fresh in his nostrils. He had enjoyed his stay in the stables at Brandy Hall but it was good to be going home again. He was happy because his master was happy.

       Frodo was singing softly to himself as the road flashed by beneath him. He had left the Hall immediately after first breakfast, in order to arrive back in Hobbiton before nightfall. His saddlebags were loaded with food and he would pause for lunch at the Floating Log. He had enjoyed his stay and the party in his honour, as well as the quiet time with his close family. The mathoms had been received with delight and his parents' jewellery was now taking pride of place on the dressing tables of Brandy Hall and Crickhollow, a fact which left Frodo feeling very satisfied indeed.

       Lunch at the inn was as good as ever, and he sat for a while, chatting with the innkeeper, before finally gathering his bags and stepping out into the sunshine.

       "Drat it! Now that little 'un's stuck up the tree!" cried Rowley Longtoes in exasperation.

       Frodo looked up through the branches and was confronted with a woeful little black furry face and a very pink tongue as the mouth opened to give voice to a string of complaints. It was a kitten, no more than seven or eight weeks old.

       "Poor little mite," said Frodo softly. "Is he yours?"

       "Bless you, no. He's been hanging around for a few days. Don't know where he came from, although I've asked around and no-one's owned up to knowin' ought."

       Frodo stretched his arm up and the kitten advanced an inch then backed up again. Frodo called and made encouraging noises and the creature slithered down again and kept going until he reached Frodo's sleeve, where he jammed all his claws in and clung on for dear life as Frodo slowly drew him down and cradled him inside his jacket. He could feel the tiny heart racing.

       "Hush, little one, you're safe now," he crooned, and gradually the shaking turned to purring.

       "They don't go far on their own at that age - reckon someone had been told to get rid of him and thought leaving him here was better than drowning the poor little beggar," said the innkeeper, puffing strongly on his pipe.

       "I wonder if there's any more around?" Frodo examined the kitten to see if it was male or female. Has anyone checked rain barrels and ponds? I suppose he could have escaped from a sack."

       Rowley nodded. "Don't like the thought of 'em drowning. It's a cruel death. Seems it's just this 'un."

       Frodo looked very thoughtful. "Rose may kill me but I'll take him, if that's alright with you? Even if we don't keep him at Bag End I daresay I can find him a good home."

       "That's right kind of you, Mister Baggins. Shall I hold him while you sort out the pony?"

       Frodo fastened his saddlebags and settled himself before taking the kitten and tucking him inside his jacket. "Well, little one, let's see what Rose and Rufus have to say to this!"


       Rose gave Frodo a quite unreadable look as he related the story. The children milled around, trying to stroke the tiny creature.

       "Oh Mum, he's so little!"

       "Can we keep him?"

       "Can I hold him?"

       Rose held out her hands. "Give him here," she said, and rested the kitten on her bosom. It gazed at her with blue-green eyes and blinked, then began to purr and knead his front paws in her shawl.

       "Looks like he's made himself at home," said Sam with a chuckle. "Though I'm not sure Rufus will approve."

       Hearing his name, the Bag End cat emerged from the parlour where he had been enjoying a nap in Gandalf's old chair. Frodo made a great fuss of him to forestall any jealousy, then Rose lowered the kitten to the floor.

       Everyone held their breath as they waited for Rufus to puff himself up and growl. They were astonished when the big cat merely sat down and looked at the kitten with interest. They were even more startled when the kitten fluffed himself into a furious ball and spat loudly. It was not the long hiss of an adult cat but a short sharp fizzing noise like one of Gandalf's small fireworks.


       The children giggled. The sight of the kitten spitting at Rufus looked very funny. Rufus curled his tail round his toes and remained perfectly still as the kitten made repeated rushes round him. He resembled a very large star being circled by a small and erratic planet in a very eccentric orbit.

       When the kitten appeared to have exhausted himself, Rufus leaned down, sniffed the newcomer and then began to wash the small head quite vigorously. There was a startled squeak, a tiny paw waved in protest for a moment, and then the kitten began to purr very loudly. After a while he burrowed underneath Rufus, which reduced Rose to helpless giggles.

       "I doubt you'll find what you're looking for under there, my lad!" she said.

       Ellie clapped a hand to her mouth as she realised what her mother was saying. "There's no milk there - Rufus is a lad!"

       The kitten emerged, looking rather puzzled, and butted Rufus to demand more washing. The cat obliged, pinning the little thing down with one paw.

       "Well, it looks as though you've been accepted by your Uncle Rufus," said Frodo. "What shall we call him?"

       "Sooty!" cried Rosie-lass.

       "Your kitten was all covered in soot when he went up the chimney, so Sooty's a good name for this one," added Frodo-lad.

       "Yes, he does look much like Mischief did when he came down in that big pile of soot. Good idea!"

       Rose chopped some cold chicken very finely and put it on a saucer, then put it beside Rufus' plate, and the two ate side by side. When they had licked the dishes clean, swapping plates at the end, just to check no stray morsels had been missed, and Sooty had looked underneath his saucer to make doubly sure nothing was left, they sat together on the hearthrug. Rufus began to wash himself, starting with his face and ears. Sooty watched him carefully and then, to everyone's amusement, he copied his uncle.

       When Rufus washed his back paws, stretching out one leg and licking between his toes, so did little Sooty, glancing up now and then to check he was doing it properly. He rolled over a couple of times, but righted himself and determinedly continued.

       Frodo looked in the second pantry and filled a very old and dented baking tin with sandy soil, which Sooty inspected and scrabbled in. Sam found a small box and Ellie contributed one of her dolls' blankets and they settled him inside, but he was insistent upon nestling beside Rufus. After a snooze Sooty was ready to play, pouncing on a cotton reel and chasing bits of string. When a reel rolled near Rufus he batted it back, causing lots of ooohs and aaahs from the family and delighted squeals from Pip-lad.

       When they were ready for bed, Sam locked up, Rose gave the cats another meal and Frodo took the sand tray and a bowl of water to his bedroom. Rufus followed him down the passage with his tiny acolyte trotting behind him. Having tucked Sooty into his box, Frodo cleaned his teeth, undressed, wriggled into his nightshirt and climbed into bed. Rufus curled up beside him and they settled down to sleep.

       Sooty had other ideas. Frodo heard piteous squeaking, followed by a 'flump' noise. A few seconds and another squeak, then the sound of claws lodging in the counterpane and a small weight dragging itself up. Frodo stifled his laughter as a little head appeared and the kitten waddled over, nudged Frodo's hand and then snuggled himself in the curve of Rufus' body, cushioned on the cat's ample belly.

       "You seem determined to follow your Uncle Rufus everywhere, but you couldn't have a better teacher, my little lad." He rested a hand on the two warm bodies and drifted off, lulled to sleep by the sound of drowsy purring.

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