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Brother, where art thou?  by Laikwalâssê

Brother, where art thou?

Author’s note:

Many thanks to Erulisse and to Selene Aduial for beta reading this story for me. 

Chapter 8:   

Going in cycles

Over the following two days, the wounds Elladan had sustained, barely healed despite the proper treatment his father provided. The dark-haired Elf-Lord was puzzled and so engrossed in his worry, that he didn’t waste a second to think of any other reasons that might be responsible for the older twin’s poor healing progress.

Uncounted times the Elf-Lord had cleaned and bound the numerous bruises and cuts on the younger elf’s upper body and taken care of the difficult breaks, but even the healing plant Athelas seemed ineffective.

Elladan was always semi-conscious at best, barely acknowledging anyone. Pain wracked his body every time he was awake. Elrond almost feared to drug his son further and he felt that putting Elladan into a healing trance might mean his son would never reawaken. He was on the edge of desperation.

The worst thing for him was to see one of his children suffer. All his illusions, that all would be well when he had found his son, had disappeared like mist in the morning sun. He didn’t know what state was worse. Not to know what had happened to his child, or sitting before him and being unable to help.

He sighed. His thoughts were going in circles. He had overlooked something important, something that he knew was simple and obvious, but his tired mind could not come up with the solution.

The Elf-Lord leaned wearily against the doorframe and looked unfocused into the distance, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned towards the worried face of Glorfindel. “I don’t know why I’m not able to help him. His physical state isn’t that bad and yet with every passing hour he is slipping farther away.”

Glorfindel squeezed his friend’s shoulder, narrowing his eyes, when he realized that Elrond was trapped in his reeling mind. “Perhaps it isn’t his physical state that prevents his recovery?” he asked in a low voice.

Elrond head jerked up. “Elrohir!” he breathed. “Elladan has lost his connection with him. He cannot reach him. That’s the reason why he is fading. Elrohir has shut down!”

This was, of course, nothing new. Elrond knew that the connection between his sons was disturbed, but he had only just now realized that it was far worse than he had thought. Elrohir must have cut the bond completely when he began to fade and thought his brother dead, and therefore Elladan could not sense his brother any more. And that was the paradox of the situation:  Elrohir was fading because he thought his brother dead; and Elladan could not recover because he got no response from Elrohir.

Glorfindel nodded, hoping that they had reached the right conclusion. “Then I think there is only one option left for us. We must hurry and bring them together”, Glorfindel answered knowing that they would face the same problem as two days before. Elladan´s condition had not really improved.

As if reading his thoughts, Elrond answered his face sobering. “There is no possibility to move Elladan on horseback.” The worry for his sons still clouding his sharp mind Elrond looked helplessly at his friend.

Now it was Glorfindel who showed the ghost of a smile. “Then I will send the guards home to fetch a wagon. I’ve made preparations already.”

Smiling gratefully, Elrond nodded, thanking his friend silently. “Yes, this could work. But we must be quick for I fear we have not much time left.”

Confident that he could leave the preparations to Glorfindel, Elrond went back into the house and recognized with guilt the sleeping young woman on the sofa, bereft of her own bed for over three weeks now. He spread a blanket over her slender body and stirred the dying fire to new life, sitting before the hearth on a low stool.

Lost in his thoughts he jerked his head up, when he felt he was being watched. Seeing Isiwen still asleep he turned his head and to his great surprise saw Elladan awake, looking at him.

Quickly the Elf-Lord rose, walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress. Gently he took a pale hand into his and gazed intently into his son’s face. With joy he realized that his son’s eyes didn’t look so glazed this day, but seeing the pale and hollow cheeks, he was still greatly concerned. “How do you feel, my son?” he asked.

“Not good,” was the whispered response and that statement shocked the healer more than the unhealthy appearance of his son did. Elladan never willingly admitted how he felt or that he was in pain, yet he didn’t even try to hide the obvious this time. Before however Elrond was able to answer, the older twin’s eyes widened and his breathing grew ragged. “Elrohir, where is he? I can’t feel him,” he asked desperately.

The Elf-Lord’s pale face turned to a shade of grey. What he had only feared before, he now knew for certain. Elrohir had finally cut the bond. Their connection was no longer disturbed, it had ceased to exist. With a great effort Elrond forced a mask of serenity onto his face. “Do not worry, Elladan. He’s at home and waiting for you. Tomorrow we will leave,” he answered at the same time knowing how hollow this statement sounded.

The expression on Elladan´s face told the Elf-Lord that, despite his bad state, the older twin had clearly looked through his attempt to calm him. But, too tired to respond he closed his eyes and fell into a restless sleep.

After speaking to Maren and again thanking him for the offer to stay another night, Elrond took up his vigil over his son and prayed that Glorfindel would return soon.



Elrond awoke when someone gently touched his shoulder. He blinked confused, not realizing that he had fallen asleep. “I have made breakfast, if you would like something,” Isiwen said with a smile and gestured toward the small table.

Elrond nodded gratefully and rolled his shoulders to loosen the knot that had manifested there during the night. “Thank you. I will join you in a few minutes.” The Elf-Lord rose and leaned over the bed and was relieved to see Elladan awake. He was still far too pale, but his eyes didn’t look as glazed as the days before.

“Good morning, my son,” he said, kissing the older twin’s forehead. “How do you feel?” Instead of an answer, Elladan grabbed his father’s hand. “Ada, Elrohir is not simply waiting at home, right? Something is wrong with him. Otherwise I should have been able to feel him. But I cannot. Please Ada, tell me what happened because I can barely remember anything of the last days.”

Elrond sighed, knowing full well, that he could not hide the truth any longer. “You are right,” he began with a soft voice, “I left your brother in almost the same condition that you are in now. He couldn’t believe that we had lost you, and so he searched for many days without rest until all his strength was spent and he succumbed to desperation. He had almost reached the state of fading, and when we received the message that you had been found he wasn’t conscious.”

Elladan´s hand, now grabbing his father’s hand almost painfully hard, trembled and on his face was naked fear. Elrohir had thought him dead and had shut all his senses to the outside world. This was the reason why he couldn’t reach him.

When Elladan had regained his composure somewhat, he struggled to sit up. Knowing this was coming Elrond quickly restrained his son and pushed him gently, but firmly back onto his pillow.

Sensing the protest that would certainly follow Elrond held up his hand. “Please, Elladan. You should not move too much. This will only worsen your condition. Glorfindel is already on his way home to fetch a wagon in which we can transport you home. He will be back shortly.”

As if he had not heard his father’s words the older twin tried again to struggle out of the healer’s restraining grasp. “But, Ada, I must go to him, before it is too late. I cannot wait for the wagon.” Elladan again tried to argue with his father, although he knew better than to make the attempt.

Elrond was weary and worried beyond measure. The Elf-Lord rose and released the struggling youngster in fear he would only do more harm. “No!” Elrond said sharper than he intended. “You are far from healed and two days ago, you nearly slipped past my ability to call you back. You are in no condition to travel. It will serve no one if you don’t survive the journey, least of all Elrohir.” After this outburst, the Elf-Lord lowered his eyes. “Or me. I won’t lose both of you.”

Seeing the desperation in his father’s eyes, Elladan grasped the hand again. “Forgive me, father. I’m sorry. I have caused you so much worry already. I will be no burden to you.” Elrond looked up and embraced his eldest lightly. “You are no burden, Elladan. The only thing I want is to see my sons healthy.”

Settling the older twin back under the blankets after receiving an affirming nod, Elrond waited until Elladan had closed his eyes and finally joined Isiwen at the breakfast table. He nodded gratefully, when the young woman handed him a steaming mug of hot spicy tea. “How is he?” she asked, glancing quickly over to the bed, while sitting herself down.

Elrond sighed. “It’s not easy to explain. As Lord Glorfindel told you before, the healthy state of an elf depends not only on his physical body, his hroa, but also on his mental or spiritual condition, his fea. Elladan is badly wounded, yes, but much worse is his psychic state. He has lost his connection to his brother.”

Although listening carefully, Isiwen looked still confused. Seeing this Elrond smiled. “My sons are twins and very close. They draw strength from each other through a bond they share. My younger son, Elrohir had searched many days for his brother and finally thought him dead. He snapped his connection with the outside world and therefore Elladan cannot reach him.”

While listening, Isiwen had paled. “Do you mean to say with this, that your other son is in the same poor condition as Elladan is?” she asked anxiously.

Elrond nodded sadly. “Yes, and therefore we are working on a way to bring them together soon.”

“And then all will be well?” Isiwen asked doubtfully.

Despite his worry Elrond laughed. “There’s a little bit more work necessary than just bringing them together, but yes, that’s the important step.”

Isiwen sighed. “Then let us hope, that your friend will return soon.”



Erestor leaned wearily on the door frame of the main entrance to the Last Homely House and gazed into the valley. Disturbing thoughts raced through his mind and made him shiver. The longer the absence of the Elf-Lords stretched, the more his hope dwindled; the hope that they would return successfully and all would be well again.

The previous day, Elrohir had lost consciousness and Erestor had been unable to rouse him again. Erestor hadn’t slept or eaten, rather he constantly attended the younger elf, although he knew very well that he could do nothing if Elrohir decided to heed Mandos´ call.

He stood there and let the cool morning breeze ruffle his hair, but the peacefulness of the valley could not drive away his fear, or calm his nerves. He was restless, nervous and short-tempered. “Why?” he thought. “Why must this always happen? Were the times not dark enough?” Shaking his head, he turned to step inside again, when he heard hoof beats on the cobblestones of the path leading to the house.

Alert at once, he spun around and ran into the courtyard, hoping to see the people he so desperately hoped to see. Now he recognized the urgency of the hoofs clattering over the cobblestones, and when he saw a flash of white, he knew that it was Glorfindel who was racing into the courtyard at a breakneck speed.

The horse and rider stopped only a few steps away from him, both of them shivering from exertion and panting hard. The golden haired Elf-Lord leaned over the neck of his horse and tried to catch his breath. Asfaloth hung his head, trying the same.

Alarmed Erestor stepped closer and grabbed the other Elf’s forearm to gain his attention. “Valar, Glorfindel, what happened?” he asked, deeply concerned over his friends totally distressed state.

With a great effort Glorfindel raised his head and Erestor gazed into the weariest eyes he had ever seen. Still breathless, he grabbed Erestor´s outstretched hand and dismounted “Erestor, I need your help. We must prepare a wagon and I must return at once. We have found Elladan, but his condition is bad. We must hurry.”

Barely able to follow the rapidly tumbling words and at the same time very relieved over the good news, Erestor shook his friend by the shoulders to gain his attention. “Glorfindel, you must rest. You are exhausted and weary. You cannot race back in your state.”

This time Glorfindel´s expression calmed completely, a transformation Erestor had often seen in the past. He had always wondered how he accomplished it. He looked at his friend with a stern visage that tolerated no refusal. “No Erestor. The life of the twins depends on our quick reaction. Will you help me now, or must I do it alone?”

Erestor was shocked. Never before had he seen Glorfindel in such a desperate state and never before had he felt that any wasted minutes could pull them into an abyss.



A few hours later a wagon suitable for transporting an injured person was packed with all that the dark-haired advisor thought necessary, and Erestor had at last received some answers. He was grateful to hear that they had indeed found Elladan more or less alive, but now that the desired goal was so near the time was slipping through their fingers like sand.

The guards that had arrived in the meantime had rested and changed their horses and stood ready to depart again. Erestor had even managed to convince Glorfindel to rest a bit, while he had arranged all that was necessary.

After a much too brief respite, the golden-haired Elf-Lord had sat on Elrohir´s bed and pleaded for the young one to hold on just a little while longer. He could not rouse the unconscious young elf but he hoped that his desperate plea had nevertheless reached him.

After changing into clean clothes and a quick bite of breakfast in the kitchen, Glorfindel stepped into the courtyard, gratefully smiling at the sight that greeted him and the surety that Erestor had again outdone himself in preparing everything that would be necessary. Nodding his thanks silently toward Erestor, he stepped up beside an elaborately brushed Asfaloth and stroked the soft nose gently.

“I’m sorry my friend, but I need your strength once more,” Glorfindel whispered apologetically into the stallion’s ear. The white beast shook its mane and whinnied loudly, showing his master that he was ready and eager to depart.

Glorfindel turned once more toward Erestor. “Thank you my friend, we will be back soon, although the distance is not a short one and I fear our journey back will be a slow one.”

Erestor laid a hand on Glorfindels shoulder. “Come back as fast as possible, I will do my best to keep Elrohir alive, but he needs his brother and his father.”

“I know,” Glorfindel sighed and mounted Asfaloth. The wagon, flanked by ten guards, was set in motion and soon they were out of sight.

After standing there for a while Erestor finally returned inside the house. Keeping Elrohir alive…easier said than done. He had absolutely no idea how to fulfil his task.

To be continued………………..


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