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Blessings Outweigh the Curse of the Gift  by Meldewen Ilce

, Olórin thought as he leaned forward to brush debris off of the stone-marker. Their lives were like candles that burned brightly only to soon extinguish themselves with exhaustion from the force of the way they had lived their lives.

Time passes by so swiftly where mortals were concerned

And so it was with the four who lay resting in the earth of the Blessed Realm now. Olórin's eyes filled with sadness and memories as his ancient eyes read each of the names that had been reverently carved in the stone-markers:

Bilbo Baggins
Ring-Finder and Ring-bearer

Frodo Baggins
Ring-bearer and Sauron's Downfall

Samwise Gamgee
Faithful Friend of the Ring-bearer

Gimli, Son of Glóin
Elf-Friend and One of the Nine Walkers

'So brief a time,' a voice said, startling Olórin out of his thoughts. The Maia turned his head to see Legolas standing there, his head reverently bowed as he gazed down at Gimli's resting place. "Had I know the pain I would feel after his passing would have befriended a mortal and Dwarf no less? Would I have befriended any of them?'

'I do not know the answer to save only this: Consider this, Legolas Greenleaf, Does the joy you found in your friendship with them outweigh any of the pain you've suffered after their passing?' Olórin asked.

Legolas thought for a moment. 'It does indeed, Gandalf. I would befriend and love them all if I had to it do over again.'

'Indeed,' Gandalf said, 'As would I.'

And in the Halls of Mandos, the Seven of the Nine Walkers smiled on their missing friends, knowing that they wouldn't be seperated forever...

In Ilúvatar's time they would be together again...


Author's Note: I am relatively new to the world Tolkien created and therefore I may have misused the Hall of Mandos in this story. At the time I wrote this story, it was my understanding that all the Free Races of Arda went to this place after death and if this is incorrect then please overlook this in my story and just see this story as my way of paying tribute to the extraordinary friendship of those who were the Fellowship of the Ring....



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