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The Best Laid Plans  by Lamiel 8 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 3/7/2005
Huzzah! I'll have you know that this story made my day.
Thank you!

docmonReviewed Chapter: 2 on 10/31/2004
this was terrific! The attempts to get around Legolas's acute senses were hilarious, as was his insistence in trying to track the 'intruder.' But the image of Legolas tackling Bergil adn then being covered with cake - LOL!!! It was so funny to hear Gimli's reasons for Legolas needing a party - 'he's getting twitchy' - hah! the image of a twitchy elf will be making me laugh to myself for quite some time. Perhaps you can write more of the misadventures of some twitchy elves???

I appreciated the bittersweet touches of the sea-longing that you included. And I really like the idea that Legolas has an oak - "his oak" - in Mirkwood, that marks his time in middle-earth. Perfectly elven concept, I think. That Gimli suggested cutting it down - rather dwarfish, I agree, but boy, had he bettr watch his back! Yay for Legolas getting back at him with some cake in the face. LOL! Oh, but here's a thought - does this idea mean that the tree is in fact cut down when the elf leaves middle-earth/dies?

BTW, I agree with Legolas's muse - nix on the chocolate. It would seem too modern in this context.

great job!

Author Reply: Wow, thank you Monica! Both for your review of this story and for my other little ficlet - your wonderful feedback really made my day.

Regarding the chocolate: alas, it could not be. Ah well. And as for Legolas' oak tree - I did fancy that touch myself. Yes, the seven oaks mean that in my universe Thranduil has seven sons (Legolas being the youngest), which puts him even with Feanor. I figure, if Feanor can have that many in the peace of Valinor, surely a large family is even more warranted in Mirkwood, the darkest of the Elven realms in Middle-earth. But that's only my personal opinion.

No, I can't imagine the Elves ever cutting down the tree, even if the prince that it was planted for dies or sails to Valinor. In that case I suppose that the tree would serve as a memorial, until it died of old age and was re-planted. What could be more fitting for the memory of a Wood-elf?

Le RouretReviewed Chapter: 2 on 9/7/2004
Thank you for my evening of sniggering -- I was getting tired of all that angst in "My Dear Bandobras" anyway.

I've never really made much of Legolas' sea-longing; you described it perfectly, though. I suppose I've put so much other crap in his way he can't really pay attention to the sound of the gulls; an oversight on my part.

The bit with the cake was priceless! And Arwen's assertion that "someday we'll all laugh about this" while laughing anyway made me laugh so hard my daughter came in to see what was wrong.

I'm directing my Dad to this story! He'll get a big kick out of it.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you for all your reviews, Le Rouret! I'm thrilled that you liked these little sketches - and I'm also glad that you pointed out Merry's line about the Witch King. That's always been one of my favorites.

Yes, your Legolas has rather a lot on his plate at the moment without the sea-longing to boot. H'm. We could always feed Laustarie to the gulls. That'd do to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Eventually I'll get my other stories posted to SoA as well. I will. I keep telling myself that, eventually it'll happen.

EmilyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/18/2004
I have to admit, I cheered for Legolas when he shed his robes and crown. Shame on the Hobbits for finding them!

Legolas's barricading himself in the Council Room was hysterical. Dusting. I'm still laughing just at the thought. And then Gimli half done with his rant by the time he even enters Aragorn's study. Poor Aragorn! All he wants is to get through the Conference without bloodshed, and suddenly his private chambers are being converted into a party zone! It's not easy being King!

I loved the image of Legolas scaling the wall. I can just see Gimli's eyes go wide as he realizes where Legols is headed.

The cake just had to fall on someone or something. It was doomed from its creation. Poor Legolas. Thinking he's taking out a threat only to find himself absolutely covered in cake! (I can just hear Pippin's disappointed wails!)

A wonderful conclusion! I enjoyed the story very much!

Author Reply: Two reviews! Thank you, Emily - I'm so glad that you enjoyed this little tale. And as you say, that cake was doomed from the beginning. But its sacrifice was not in vain: frosted Legolas remains an image very dear to my heart.

JoyceReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/16/2004
This was lovely and particularly love legolas' problems with his robes. Should be glad he wasn't made to wear high heels as well!

Gimli and the tree was great. Even though I saw it coming, I still love the reaction to his suggestion.

Author Reply: High heels? Oh goodness no. I can't wear the things myself without falling over - I wouldn't inflict them on poor Legolas.

Thank you for the review, Joyce - I'm delighted to know you liked it!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/15/2004
That was great! You write with such a wonderful comic glare! There were a lot of things that I liked in this story and I am going to try and name some of them!

Legolas always trying to get out of having to wear his robes was great! All his reasons for not wearing it seemed valid to me ;) I guess that sometimes you have to be uncomfortable to perform you duties! Him ending up running around in his udnertunic was great!

The way Gimli got so many people to help him with the party was splendid! Including so many from different countries! Of course I would think that who ever met Legolas would want to help!

The whole thing with Merry and Pippin stealing ingredients for the cake and then running into Bergil who was so intent upon making sure that the King was safe was splendid! Merry ready to try and talk his way out of getting in trouble with kitchen staff and Pippin brandishing his egg whisk!

Legolas doubting the need for unification with Men when they all smelled and he was trapped with them in a room! Aragorn deciding that it was a good thing that the delegates hadn't declared war on one another over the tent arrangements!

Legolas and Gimli in the Council room! Poor Gimli trying to put together a surprise and Legolas is in the way of him completing it! Gimli then complaining to Aragorn about it and ending up using the King's private rooms! Splendid! Then having to direct everyone to another room and coming upon Merry and Pippin with the cake and talking to Bergil asking if he shoudl kill the "Easterling" for them for bothering them!

The last bit with Legoals crashing his own party and ending up with the cake all over him was such great fun! The whole thing was fun to read thank you!

Author Reply: Oh my goodness, I love your enthusiasm! Thank you so much, I'm delighted that you enjoyed this little story. Thank you especially for taking the time to point out so many details that you liked - that really just made my day.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/15/2004
This was wonderful! In amongst the humour were some lovely descriptions of the sea-longing. I liked the increasing pandemonium, especially when the hobbits became involved, and Bergil sneaking around as an Easterling.

I wonder if it really was Legolas's begetting day?


Author Reply: Thank you Jay! I did have a lot of fun with this rather silly fic, even though some angst did creep in here and there. It was originally a gift for Ithilien, after all.

As for whether it really was Legolas' begetting day . . . well, Irluin says it was. I for one would not argue with him.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/15/2004
Oh I read this at and though it was hilarious! and I still think so. I like the vision of Legolas climbing in what is essentially his underwear "and then a cake fell on him." LOL

Author Reply: Thank you daw! I was thrilled by your reviews at, and thanks for taking the time to comment again here! And Legolas covered in cake certainly makes for a nice visual, doesn't it? Mmhm.

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