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Black Mountain  by White Wolf 4 Review(s)
GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/25/2004
I'm lovin' it! Your writing style is VERY interesting and those tingles are still running up my back, Update soon!!!!
Galimeril ;D
P.S. When you said that the used tender with their wood to start the fire I think you meant Tinder. Other than that, Flawless

Author Reply: I'm so glad you are. Thank you so much. I hope I can keep those tingles in place. I plan on updating early next week.

You are correct. Sometimes I get brain cramp. I did mean tinder, and I will change that right now. Thanks for pointing out the error.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/19/2004
Very good. I always find the getting to and fro hard to write, but you have managed to make it quite entertaining. Well done!

Author Reply: Thanks, Karri. I don't like to pad, and I don't like to have my characters travel and then just suddenly end up where they are going. I think journeys should be interesting. Glad you liked it.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/19/2004
Actually, it is pretty interesting that the howling is only on Legolas's watch. I suppose that could be a coincidence. Indeed, I can't think of what else it could be. That overhang sounded chancy to me too. I'm not sure I'd want to be in it.

Author Reply: I think Legolas wonders why the howling is only on his watch. It may or may not be significant. Of course, I can't say yet.

Aragorn had a valid point, when he asked where the others thought those boulders on the lower part of the mountain came from. I thought it was funny that despite his concern, he wasn't willing to give up a good night's sleep over it.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/19/2004
After a moment, Elrohir looked up from his plate. “Put that nasty pipe away, Estel, and we will sit with you.” The three elves were all seated together on one side of the fire while the man sat alone on the other side.

“I know the real reason,” the ranger said in a very pitiful voice. “You all blame keeping your distance on my pipe smoking, but the truth is that you do not like me.”

The elves looked at each other and laughed. “He has found us out!” cried Elrohir.

I just love this bit. It just seems to sum them up. Loving friends, close as kin - but the differences still there. It must have been really hard for Aragorn to be brought up elvish without any of their natural advantages.

Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the funny bits. I always try to insert a little humor from time to time. I think the humor often tells as much about a character as the serious things do.

Yes, they do love each other very much.

Aragorn surely got quite frustrated about being a human among elves more times than he cared to count. Hey, that might not be a bad line to put in the story somewhere. :o)

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