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Therefore, I Have Hope  by Emily 6 Review(s)
ShlainReviewed Chapter: 5 on 3/24/2009
Well written! Love the way you portray your elves. I found it very amusing the way Legolas went off on his fellow wood-elves and the odd name calling lol. Good to see you considered love in a time when political marriages were quite common even among the elves. Hope you write a ficlet with Elladan and Elrohir as main characters one day. Shlain

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/27/2004
How nice to see Aragorn and Legolas coming to understand one another! And I like your cranky Legolas. But it feels to me as though a chapter was omitted here. I would have liked to see the events that led to the breaking of the engagement between Arwen and Legolas.

Author Reply: You're right. There could have been something about the breaking of the engagement. It never even occurred to me. Just the same, thanks for the review!

MollyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/26/2004
This story was over too soon for me. I was just getting into it. I was looking forward to seeing Legolas and Aragorn's friendship develop, but what you show here is touching. It's nice that neither of them hold grudges. I also liked the wood-elves--correct that, "tea-elves"! They were amusing and annoying but also concerned about Legolas. I enjoyed this a lot and I hope to see more stories from you soon.

Author Reply: Thank you for the review. I'm glad you liked it. The "tea-elves" were fun to write. Just imagine seven elves hovering over you! I probably would have thrown the tea just like Legolas. :-)

Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/26/2004
“Ay. He called me leaflet. It was not to be born.”

Great line. Very funny. I enjoyed you take on Legolas and Aragorn's first meeting.

Author Reply: I liked that line too. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reviewing!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/26/2004
I really, really liked this take on the meeting of Aragorn and Legolas. It's quite plausible and it's canonical (which I like). Legolas is nicely done as a wood elf here, with his dangerous and less wise behavior. Indeed, he and his warriors are quite rowdy! But there's also the poignancy of Aragorn leaving Imladris and seeking his destiny.

Author Reply: Book Legolas seemed more blithe than the one portrayed in the movies. He's cerainly not afraid to speak what comes to his mind (like at Lothlorien or on the Caradhras). I assumed his fellow wood elves, who are presumably 100% silvan, would be even more so.

Aragorn's leaving is bitter-sweet to me. We know what happens in twenty or thirty years, but it's a hard life till then. It's hard even after he meets Arwen in Lorien. Their whole story is like that: happy and sad in the same moment.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review! I appreciate it very much.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/26/2004
This concluded more quickly than I expected, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. I especially liked the "tea-elves" in this chapter, and I laughed out loud at Legolas' line, "If he did not want me to throw the tea, he would not have given it to me. It is my only weapon, and he well knows it." Hee! I also laughed at the description of how the duel with Glorfindel began. Leaflet.

I wish we could have seen more of how Elrond came to the decision to call off the match between Arwen and Legolas. I felt there was a lot of potential there, which could have been explored more deeply. Ah well. I'm not really one for romances anyway, but it might have been nice.

I hope that you continue in this fandom - it's been lovely to have you.

Author Reply: I've discovered over the past couple of years that if I draw things out too much, I get bored and the story doesn't get finished. Bad excuse, yes, but it's the truth. It's something that I'm working on. I appreciate your mentioning it, because most readers don't talk about those things and I never know what it is that worked or didn't work.

I'm glad you liked the tea-elves. They really deserved it. Legolas's telling Aragorn about the duel didn't come in until the very last rewrite. I thought it was a nice ending to that thread.

I don't have any feel for writing romance. The attempt would have been laughable. And Elrond's been with Arwen while the boys were out fighting Orcs. He saw her probably being miserable. I think he knew from the beginning that it wouldn't last.

Thank you so much for all of your comments. I appreciate it more than anything.

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