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Estel's Birthday  by shirebound 14 Review(s)
LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 3 on 10/2/2004
So poignant, the contrast between overheard conversations in Brandy Hall, and the one in Bag End.

Bilbo and his verbal tussles!

warm, fed, loved, and kept busy--sounds like a formula for any toddler

O now, I want to know what the Elves think about star showers, too!

(I imagine the Tooks have a distinctive speech pattern too. Had a lovely chat with a linguist recently, who discoursed on all the dialects to be found in places like the British Isles and the mountain valleys of Switzerland and even in the modern-day US. Someone told me once (this is hearsay, of course, but it made sense at the time) that Tolkien set up the Tooks' clannish ways and chieftains and "Thain" based on Scottish ways, so a Scottish brogue is not out of order; though they often sound a bit more Irish to my inner ear, for some reason, perhaps because that's the lilt I remember from childhood.)

Jeodo BrandybuckReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/13/2004
Hi there!

I'm reading your current story, "Estel's Birthday," because I always read anything I find by you. (You're terrific!) However, I think you got my comment mixed up somehow with one of yours in your reader responses for chapter three. (It sounds like I'm attempting to take credit for the story. And while I'd love to, honor forbids it.) I think my original comment went something along the lines of: "Baby hobbits! Puppies! Could I be having any *more* fun reading this?" followed by the usual: "Thanks for a wonderful story!"

If it didn't go like that, I repeat:

Baby hobbits! Puppies! Could I be having any *more* fun reading this? Thanks for a wonderful story!

Best to you,

Jeodo Brandybuck

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/6/2004
Ah! The fun Peter Jackson has brought us by casting Billy Boyd as Pippin and allowing him to use his native accent! With Tolkien having credited the Tooks with inventing golf, it makes perfect sense to have them be "Scottish" hobbits. Also, most of us have the four Travellers looking like they do in the movies, but that is alright as well I think.

This is wonderful as always. A joy to read, a brightening to my day. Thank you so much!!

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/5/2004
*sigh* Such sweetness! I don't think I've told you before how much I'm enjoying this, so let me just state it quite clearly now: I LOVE THIS FIC!!!!! It canNOT be too sweet for this writer, the one who likes to make her characters absolutely *wallow* in chocolate. I will be watching closely for the next chapter of goodies!

EllyBagginsReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/4/2004
loved it! especially the description of pip's stuffed toy :)

and this line was great:
“I wonder if hobbits can be taught to do that,” Aragorn said, brushing his hands together in Frodo’s direction.

well done, look forward to the next update ~x~

esamenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/3/2004
" Frodo’s confidence and self-assurance are so much stronger than when we first met.”

Ah, so now Frodo's grown up past the Quarantined phase but he's not quite at the BCOP phase yet. Oh, good! Now we can have an "Estel's Birthday" phase! Love it! Please shower us with fluff (is that possible?) and if at all possible, can you sneak in just a little angst? We love it so much and you do it so well.

Don't you dare let Pippin drown in the pond, though. That would be pretty scary.

I very much like your comment about PJ's casting a distinctive accent in order to highlight the uniqueness of the Took clan. I hadn't thought that through. Proof again that the more we think about them, the better the stories get.

Happy typing!

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/3/2004
I hadn't realized that Aragorn's birthday was so close to mine. I like that!

Frodo paused in the hallway as tears sprang to his eyes. Knowing that the people whose opinions he valued most were proud of him, filled his heart with such joy, he feared it would burst.

I'm glad Frodo overheard this. It's good for him to be reminded of how much he is loved. *hugs Frodo*

I loved everything about this chapter. You write the best fluff!

ParkerReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/3/2004

Do you mind if I squee? This story just gets cuter & cuter. I like the fact that you took a movie thing (Pip's accent) & worked it into this story. I can see flashes of Aragorn in Estel, even at what I'm assuming must be a fairly young age.

I also love Bilbo & Frodo's good-natured 'bickering'.

Another wonderful chapter (just what I needed after this week)

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/3/2004
simply lovely

ElenarReviewed Chapter: 3 on 9/3/2004
Lovely chapter! I love your Pippin, very cute. I am looking forward to their camping adventures.

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