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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 9 Review(s)
QueenOfKumquatsReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/18/2004
This story-- novella really-- is like crack. I'm quite addicted. Please keep up the good work!

But I think I see how this will conclude-- Eowyn will finally get the medication to treat her bipolar disorder... ;-)

Author Reply: LOL. A little on that side, isn't she? Ah, well. She'll be fine, more than fine, really. Faramir and Eomer aren't that level themselves, are they? :D

rheaReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/15/2004
LOVE IT! You are a great writer with a wonderful sense for the characters! Your Eomer really tugs at my heart. I hope he gets it together. :) Aragorn and Arwen are wonderful. A refreshing change from a portrayal of them as a lovey-dovey, sickeningly sweet couple.

The puppy is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. After all, who can't love a puppy?? Maybe Eowyn should give her brother a puppy or better yet a cat when she finally leaves.....just a thought. :)

Keep up the great work!

Author Reply: Exxxxcellent. *rubs hands together* Another review.
Aww, you like Rusco, too? Well, that's good cause he's gonna be around a long time, lol. Yeah, Eomer's reeally gettin low. It's sad, but he's going to come around eventually. :D
I like that you like the A/A fighting. Sickenlingly sweet is well, sickening, isn't it? Nobody's that happy. So, nobody is that happy in this. :D

lmwReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/14/2004
I was glad to find another chapter. I love the way you write. This story is full of life. Your characters think and feel and interact with each other so well. I still love your Eomer best, I think, although Merry and Pippen are right up there too. As always, waiting anxiously for more.

Author Reply: It's good to find someone who likes Eomer in this story. Most dont...for some reason. He's just as sad as Faramir. And Faramir is just as much of a dick to him--he actually started it this time around. Thanks for all the compliments and reviewing!

Lady of the WoodReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/14/2004
First of all let me say "Three cheers for Gandalf! Hip Hip Hooray! I love that wizard and his talk with Eowyn was just perfect and needed. The scene with Faramir discussing his brother was very well done. The bits with Frodo and his eagerness to get everything done was excellent as well. I didn't realise how much I missed Frodo until this chapter. Poor Frodo.

I'm also very glad that you've gotten Faramir off on his time with the Rohirrim at last. I've been waiting for this for weeks! I love how he's making friends with Thorn. A man and his horse, a love story... :)

I'm dying to know what's going on with Arwen and Aragorn. They're fighting for a long time for a couple that've been through a hell of a lot over the past number of years.

Eowyn, Eowyn, Eowyn, I wanted to shake her and say "Do you know what you're doing?" She's reminding me a bit of Scarlet O'Hara; throwing away happiness with both hands. At least Eowyn realises that she loves Faramir, but half way through reading this excellently long chapter I was thiking 'I wouldn't blame Faramir for telling her he's had enough and going on home.' or to quote Rhett Butler "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." (Forgive me for making movie comparisons.)It's why I felt that Gandalf was so on with his warning to her. Perhaps Faramir's time away with the Rohirrim will help her appreaciate what life would be like without him?

In response to a review by another reader, I don't feel that Faramir is relying on the physical too much. He's in love, he's an adult and like all people in love he wants to be with the person he loves, physically. I think it would be unusual for him to hold back. He's being very patient with Eowyn. I do agree that Faramir doesn't seem to know how to respond to Eowyn some times and does grasp at straws, but is it any wonder? Faramir is very alone at Edoras and is doing the best he can in rather confusing situations. I think he's doing remarkably well under the circumstatnces.

Finally a question about Morwen Steelsheen, is she a character that is canon or is she made up? I've come across the name before and I can't remember if it's from your story or some one elses. I'd like to know a bit more about her.

Thanks for updating so soon. Your note about being busy with school had me wondering when we'd get a new chapter. Little did I know how nice and long it would be! As always I'm looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Morwen Steelsheen was Eowyn's grandmother...I think. I'd have to look, but she was definitely one of the family and Eowyn's supposed to be a lot like her.
Hee on the Rhett Butler reference. There's a tiny bit of that in all of Faramir's frustration, which he has a great deal of in this chapter.

Faramir and his horse will bond more and more. It will be cute, I think, with scratching and hugs. A love story indeed. :)

The physical can see it both ways--personally I felt it was slightly off in character, BUT it could have been off because he was being more assertive in asking for sex (which, in counting the dry sex *cough* dry humping *cough* of last chapter, maybe he thought she was more ready than she was and that's not a giant leap for Faramir to think)
Or he was being needy and forceful(the knee kind of threw me the way he did it--without any of the previously normal reassuances). I do feel Faramir meant every word of the little speech he gave her about wanting more than just sex, about wanting to be closer. He is being patient-Chapter 59, people, before he goes for it. That's pretty patient. Eowyn's just not ready by a long shot.
Well, as for school, I work in a computer lab so after I study I can write all I want. :D It is the PERFECT job. No work, just fun and really, I get paid for writing this story. :)

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/13/2004
I have been silently reading your story for something time. I really enjoy your writing style; you sure know how to keep your audience interested. Keep up the good work, you’re very entertaining.

I like the way you wrote Eowyn and Faramir each supporting each other when they recounted their stories. I really like the way Eowyn saw Faramir (then and now), as he told how they meet. It was good that Eomer was listening maybe he will finely see Faramir as the man his sister loves and not the guy who’s stealing his sister away. I thought it was insightful Arwen and Aragon’s reactions to Faramir’s tale. I wonder if you are not hinting at something.

You really know how to build tense and hold it right to the point where your reader wants to scream and hit something. I am referring of course to the scene where Eowyn is sitting next to Faramir while he is speaking about his brother. She just sits there and sits there…then finally does the right and loving thing, which is to support and comfort him.

I wanted to applaud Faramir when he boldly asked Eomer if the trial/test was legitimate or just way of holding on to his sister. I’m glad Faramir is finely putting his foot down. I wonder if part of that was due to Faramir realizing that his brother Boromir “would not have suffered me [Faramir] suffering through his [Eomer] demands.”

As I said I am really enjoying your story. You are wonderful at creating tension between characters. Please do something about Eomer. I am really starting to hate this otherwise very likeable guy. He needs a woman in his life. Where is Lothiriel? If she were in the picture Eomer would be distracted by her, and Eowyn can move on to living her life and not her brothers. Eowyn needs to stop playing the hot/cold game. If she has not figured it out yet, Faramir was only the most eligible bachelor in Gondor. I say “was” because surprise surprise out of all the lovely ladies of Gondor, Faramir only has eyes for Eowyn. He certainly is no slouch, and considering Gondor and Rohan just end a very long war there probably is not to many men of marriage material. Finally, I think its time you resolve the mysterious fight/argument between Arwen and Aragon.

Whatever you do, please don’t keep us waiting to long. Thank you for you talent.

Author Reply: Ah, you're one of those people. All day I stare at the hit count and go "What? Didn't you like it?" Shame. But you've redeemed yourself now!
Actually I'm considering putting in Lothiriel a lot sooner than I was. I just have to, you know, GET her there. She will definitely be a distraction, lol! She's like her cousin, Faramir--she sees what she wants and goes for it. Poor Eomer...hee
Anyway, this separation will be good for both Eowyn/Faramir. Faramir is really realizing that he could be in Rohan for a looooong time if he doesn't push Eomer. The man could think up hundreds of little tests and at the end scratch his chin and go, "Well, I don't think that was good enough, Faramir. Why don't we do them all again?"
Eowyn's hot/cold game will resolve itself. I'm not sure when. lol Sorry.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/13/2004
Faramir and Eomer desperately need to get into a bar fight. They seriously need to whale on each other for a few minutes, I think. It might work wonders on their relationship. :)
I'm curious to see what Merry and Pippin's plan is. Those two have been too quiet for too long. They see a lot, don't they? I like how you write them.
Poor Faramir. I'm beginning to hate the Rohirrim, but they are a playful culture. Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: I'm seriously considering a Eomer/Faramir fight to end all fights but I don't know when or where. Yep, Merry and Pippin were there before Aragorn's first talk at the funeral feast, weren't they? They left together.
They saw all the bruises after the first fight--and Eowyn ran to them. So, they are not blind little hobbits. :D
Poor Faramir's going to kick some serious ass in the next chapter. Just you wait. :D Hee, he's even gonna freak Eomer out a bit with his mad fightin' skillz. LOL

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/13/2004
Another well-written chapter. Somewhat disquieting, though.

It seems to me that Faramir is starting to rely on Eowyn, and more particularly, sexual relations with Eowyn, as a crutch to help him through some very painful times. Eowyn is not helping by running hot and cold, yes, she lets him touch her all over, then she doesn't want him to make love to her, she loves him, but won't tell him what she fears.

I assume that Faramir's sudden coldness, the strange lack of feeling, is his way of shielding himself from more hurt. He is emotionally adrift; having lost his father and brother and just found out about his father's attempt to kill him. He needs consistent tenderness and concern from someone, and the only person who seems available more than once a week or two is Eowyn. But she doesn't seem to be emotionally or physically ready for that role; it doesn't help that Eomer is being such a jerk. And Aragorn, who should be trying to befriend Faramir in a low-key but genuine way, is being oafish and trying strategies that just exacerbate Eomer's dislike of Faramir.

Note to Aragorn - don't whine about Rusco the dog biting you. He's a puppy; puppies play-bite and nibble and chew on everything and everybody, and those little puppy teeth are very sharp. Instead, teach him not to bite you, and reward him for not chewing on you; pet him and fuss over him; Arwen might well be impressed.

Is Frodo going to interview Pippin and Gandalf about the Pyre when Faramir is gone? They really need Beregond...

Faramir and Eowyn really need some time apart. Eowyn needs to grow up and decide what she wants out of life and stick to her decision and it could be she can better make that decision without Faramir's sexual distraction. Right now, she's unwittingly toying with Faramir and it's hurting him. Eomer needs to be away from the source of his jealousy (i.e. Eowyn). Faramir needs to be able to survive and cope, even in this unhappy time, without the heavy petting/sex- with-clothes-on sessions with Eowyn. It would help if Eowyn told him that she's still afraid of sex and that they need to take it slower...

As a reader, I'm enjoying the story. But I'm getting tired of Eowyn's vacillation. Faramir can't stay in Rohan forever; he has an important position waiting for him in Gondor.

I'm looking forward to Faramir becoming a Rider. Hopefully he'll finally get the respect that he's due.

Watch the modern terms - "time out" and 'replaying the conversation' have a 21st century sound...

And do update soon!

Author Reply: It is disquieting. Faramir's turning more and more to the physical--he assumes Eowyn's allowance of touching is her acceptance of him and with his father he craves acceptance. That's not really true as far as Eowyn sees it, but that's why he's doing it more and more, especially when he feels threatened. She accepts him as who he is, likes him, she's just not yet willing to have sex with him.
She's definitely not ready. Eowyn needs the time while her brother and Faramir are gone. Eomer needs to get out and get over himself--he's actually a very goodnatured guy who's just been pushed into this moody role. He doesn't like it and I think if he saw a chance to really respect and like Faramir he'd jump at it--especially seeing how unhappy Eowyn is. i.e, Faramir proving himself rather quickly as a Rider.
Aragorn's just whining. He'll stop really soon, I promise.
Yep all good points. They all need a change, a break from each other to grow up, that's why Faramir's riding off and Eowyn staying to talk woman to woman to Arwen.
More Frodo in the next, very brief, though. Faramir really doesn't remember the pyre. More Pippin and Merry, too. Actually they have a short time in the morning before he rides out.
Next chapter, fight, Gaer galore :D Funny, less sad.

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/13/2004
Fight, fight! Heh, must have some Rohirrim in you!

So you are going to be putting Faramir through his paces? LOL make that boy sweat (and then make him take his shirt off at the water trough ;) )

BTW, I meant 3000 not 300 (dropped a zero) in my earlier review regarding Arwen's age. It will be sweet to see them reconcile. Nice touch about puppy trying to bite Aragorn *g*

Author Reply: hehe, he gets naked... the summary says "bares all" doesnt it? :D

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 59 on 9/13/2004
Ahh, another deliciously long chapter to savor. I have been impatiently checking SoA every day since the last update.

I found the retelling in Frodo's room surprisingly painful. Poor Faramir! You wrote the characters and dialogue very well. Kudos!

I do hope you are going to resolve Aragorn and Arwen's situation soon. I normally like Arwen, or at least what I imagine Arwen the 300 year old daughter or Elrond could be, but she is starting to come off as rather immature here. And Aragorn is uncharacteristically ineffectual in dealing with her. I do think these two need to start moving forward now.

I am very happy to see Faramir's stint as a Rider begin. I've been looking forward to it, and am looking forward to more quality chapters from you. Good work.

Author Reply: Tee-Hee! A review! *g* Sorry, I've been waiting anxiously. Thanks about the Frodo's room--it was very difficult. A/A will be resolved, hopefully in the next two chapters. Some girl time and boy time, lol, now that Faramir's getting going. He's doing mild rites of passage now. Worse ones later. I usually take a day off after posting but I'm so excited about the next chapter I don't know if I can!

BTW, the long-awaited fight is in the next chapter!! Whoo-Hoo! I can't wait to write it, in fact, I would have made it begin at the end of this one if I hadn't thought that it would have been a horribly cruel cliffie. :D

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