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May the Valar Protect Them by Nilmandra | 1 Review(s) |
rgbj | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 1/10/2004 |
'Zad is truly a bad man. There is just no way to justify what he did. Since Tal-Elmar has never seen his father act this way there must be something about elves that really brings out the worst in him. That may be a reason but it certainly is not an excuse. He must not have been able to get any money from Sarn for Tinania helping so he figures he will sell the two girls off. It is actually quite common for farming families to 'rent' out sons and daughter for the harvest. They help with cooking and field work. The money used to go to the parents to pay for expenses but now it usually goes to the children who do the work. So I have problem with them working for other families but Tathiel knows that Hazad will not care who they go to and could go to ones who would abuse them. Also for the first time Tal-Elmar stood up to his father and took his "wife's" part. Hazad must have felt he was losing control of his son as well. Tathiel is such a bad influence on Tal-Elmar. As long as they stay there they are not safe. Tal-Elmar can't be with them all the time. I thought it was very telling that Tathiel had never hurt anyone so this happening must be so shocking and unreal to her. Well they are fleeing at a really bad time. Winter is just too close and they only survived last winter because someone watched over and took care of them. They really have little choice though they have to flee. Sarn was very kind. Tathiel was very unfortunate to end up in the wrong hands both times. But then of course we need a story don't we? A gut feeling got the rescuers this far so just go with it. It was so sweet when Galithon asked "What does a mother's heart tell you?" and then when she answered he back her up. Long weary search for the elves. At least the Dorwinians were kind to them and very helpful. It is near the winter solstice when they meet up with Sarn. It has been a long time since Tathiel and elflings left. I loved the bird calling to each other. So neat the Tinania had taught Sarn one so he could let the elves know that he knew they were there. I was glad that there were a few humans that were helping Tathiel et al out and that Sarn and Balwyn were trying to find elves to get Tathiel and crew rescued. The elves left no footprints and then were behind Sarn in the barn. Having elves around would give me a heart attack. You would never know when they were right behind you until they spoke and that startles the heck out of me when that happens. Of course think of the nice things they could/would do to make up for that. Rawien told Sarn and Balwyn everything! I was surprised because he usually is so quiet about everything. I expected him to tell them that he meant to make Tathiel his wife after that little incident about Tal-Elmar and his taking her to 'wife'. Got a little stiff and scary there. And yes Tathiel has been very clever, strong, caring and adamant. She will make someone a wonderful wife. The King thanked them with a bow and arrow set, that was very appropriate, and gold, that was practical. He didn't forget those who helped get his son back. Great chapter because we got to see nice humans for a change. I do get very embarrassed when all we see are r*t b*st*rd humans all the time. I still cringe when Elrond says 'men are weak.' I like book Elrond better. He loved his brother Elros and his descendants and worked tirelessly for them. There has to be a reason and that is because most humans are OK. | |