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A Gift From Oromë  by Still Anonymous 3 Review(s)
Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/28/2004
Yeah! I'm glad to see that you were able to post again!

Puppy!Huan has me delighted, being one of my favorites and all that. Of course our brave Huan had to have started as an adorable little puppy. But is seems Celegorm is going to have his hands full.

I like how you handled the first person, it's not too overpowering, it just draws you into the story.

I cannot wait to see where you go with this.


Author Reply: Hello, Kitt!

Glad to see you haven't given up on me. :) I finally resorted to finishing the story in my email account, because all I really have is Internet access. I decided I'd made everyone wait long enough. :)

You're a member of HASA, aren't you? I posted a little "trailer" to this story in the Story Trailers forum there.

As I said in the trailer, " . . . every hound has a puppyhood." I was amused by the idea of Puppy!Huan and just had to write him. I'd forgotten he was one of your favorites, but I'm glad he has you delighted. :) Oh, Huan is *definitely* a handful, I can assure you. ::evil smirk::

Oh, thank you! :D Very much! I am flattered! :D If you liked this PoV, I hope you like the next one even more. It's Curufin's.

Only one more part, but you'll get it soon, and I certainly hope you enjoy it. :D

Still Anonymous

NoldoReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/28/2004
I tried to review on FF.Net, but the website ate it. Grr. Evil Empire is back.

Anyhow, I love this story, I really do, and I'm very happy you managed to overcome computer difficulties and post it.

Huan's an adorable puppy! Chewing Vana's shoe, wonder Orome leaapt at the thought of fobbing Curufinwe off with him.

Hope Orome gets his beard cleaned, I do. Otherwise who's to inspire the Rohirrim to write noble, stirrig stuff about 'Bema'? With him like this, all they'd do is fall about laughing.



Author Reply: Mae govannen. :D

::grins:: My condolences. I know what you mean. I absolutely *hate* it when I write this nice long review, and then it just disappears. A trick I learned the hard way to help with that, is before posting the review, select all, right click on it, and then click copy. That way if you lose the review, you can just paste it.

Thank you! I'm glad you love it. :D I haven't really overcome my computer difficulties I'm afraid, just circumvented them. I finished writing this story as an email draft in my Yahoo! account. I'll admit that I found it rather irking, but at least I got to *write!* And I *finally* finished this and got it beta'd. I'm going to try to keep writing, even though I have to write everything as an email which is much more difficult.

Puppies are really cute. :D I wasn't sure if I should write Huan Humor or not, having written Huan Angst, but I had this picture of an adorable little puppy with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and drooling on everything, and I just couldn't help it. :) The chewing of Vana's shoe came from a dog my parents used to have. They both had jobs, and when they left in the morning, the dog would take an item of clothing from whoever had left last, usually a shoe, and chew it! Much of this crazy stuff I write about animals, I don't have to make up, just change the perpetrator. ;)

That's the way it always is with famous people. You just hear about their virtues, and never about the fact that, say, they had dog hair all over them. Maybe that's why Oromë always rode so fast . . . so no one could tell he was covered with drool/hair/dirt. Though you have given me a rather amusing mental image of the Rohirrim getting a closer view of this Oromë. ::evil smirk::

Thank you very much for the review,
and now prepare for part two.

Still Anonymous

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/28/2004
Aw, what a cute puppy! I feel a bit bad for him, being shoved into a Kinslayer's pack when he so obviously wants a master or mistress all to himself, but we know that Huan was at least physically well cared-for as he matured.

I hope Orome got the dog hair out of his beard. If he's gonna breed and raise puppies, it would be a good idea to shave the beard, slobber and dog hair are an occupational hazard!

Charming story!

Author Reply: Hi, Raksha! Thank you for reviewing!

I noticed you at HASA (unless there's someone else with the same name running around), and I thought you had a neat name. I wouldn't have, except I read and greatly enjoyed The Jungle Book. Just thought I'd mention it. :)

Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. This story was fun to write because puppies *are* so cute! You just *have* to love them! :)

Oromë was pretty much satisfied with just getting the dog hair out of his *mouth.* The beard was a secondary consideration. But he wouldn't make a very impressive Valar-lord if he were riding around with dog hair in his beard.

You'll see a little of how well Huan adapts to being with Celegorm in the next chapter (there's one more). ::evil grin::

My thanks,
Still Anonymous

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