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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 11 Review(s)
DrakeReviewed Chapter: 62 on 11/3/2004
I was just thinking....

It's also almost possible to break away from the formula Faramir=Angst. Writing a non-angsty Faramir seems to be a tremendous feat for any writer. :)

There's a lot of Eomer angst also, but not as much as Faramir.

Author Reply: Faramir was born to angst. Eomer fights it. Thankfully, it's almost over. :)

LOL, there's this site about Frodo with all these screencaps of Elijah in the movie where he's looking just the saddest and have these captions "I pee angst" "I'm drinking liquid angst" LOL! I love that site, there should be one for Faramir.
One of my fav pics is actually Sam where he's slid down the hill and he's buried to the waist and Frodo's trying to pull him out and his face just has the scrunchiest expression. The caption is something along, "Maybe you can't help me because I'm TOO FAT!" ROFL!

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/31/2004
That story is called "Blood and Warm Blankets." It was written by Kielle, and can be found at

It was written to exploit every cliche in slash, which it does very well, lol. :)

LOL, and I imagine it would be hard to write Eomer to be believably submissive when paired with Faramir.

Author Reply: aw, yes, that's a great story. One of the very best that's not PWP. Though, some of those are good, too. ;)

Yeah, it's hard but I dream of doing it in such a way that one or the either doesn't come out as obviously a woman in man's skin--the common flaw poor, gentle Faramir has to endure. I mean, they're warriors, not pretty, prancing girls. Eomer written as such is hysterical.
I've got an idea of a Faramir/Eomer, but it's rather dark. Faramir does top, though. Maybe after All for Her I can concentrate on it. What can I say, I'm bored with Faramir being the submissive in slash. I'm going to write him a revolution!

Oh, and plus side--now up to 6,100 words on the next chappy. Slightly over 1/3. Yay! Centering upon Faramir/Gaer/Students, hopefully, after I get some Eowyn and Eomer POV out of the way. :)

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/31/2004
Sorry about the bizarro characters coming when I use the accented characters. Oddly they look fine when Previewed but not in the final post. Back to using plain text *sigh*

Author Reply: those are just about the most bizarro I've ever seen. usually it's just a block or something.

LackwitReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/31/2004
Hmm, I think poor Éomer has been sad long enough- looking forward to seeing Lothíriel in action.

So the wedding is going to be in Rohan, yes? For some reason I have the impression you are planning it in Minas Tirith.

I agree with the previous poster′s comment about some of the characters being somewhat OOC (Aragorn in particular) but that doesn′t bother me in the slightest as long as the fic is good. Personally I also prefer this younger acting, more informal Aragorn- BookAragorn was just way too Epic in the RotK.

IMO Éowyn can be just about any personality a author wants without being considered too AU, as we see very little of her when she isn′t under a lot of stress and I would argue we are not necessarily ourselves in such situations. I have no problem with her making stupid decisions, as long as her behavior makes sense within the context of the story. I do find her decision making here a little immature for a woman who may have essentially run the Golden Hall for years, as well as a bit unrealistically 20th century in her thinking (so difficult not to accidentally slip here). Still, since she isn′t acting like a Mary-Sue it is not an unforgiveable offense :) We′ll see once we get to Minas Tirith.

Interesting that you have Faramir unaware of Éowyn′s age. Are you going to work in the thing about him likely going to outlive her by quite a bit?

Author Reply: The wedding is going to be in Minas Tirith. Sorry if I'm being misleading somehow, I'm not aware of it. Eomer will cheer up soon. He can't go on much longer, he's just gonna snap.

Author Reply: Oh, forgot. The age thing might get discussed briefly. Not going to be a biggie, they're going to be having too much fun.

BKBReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/31/2004
For the sake of consistency, you'll eventually need to have an explanation as to why Faramir can communicate with wild animals but not with domesticated ones. It's a relatively small point, but one that will noticed by many readers.

This next comment is addressed more to Raksha and other readers than to you Sound-of-Horns, so, as Crimson says, you may take it or leave it as you find it useful or not. I agree that most of the characters in this story lack the *gravitas* of their counter parts in Tolkien's original epic, but I have learned to think of this story as being rather AU and I have ceased to worry about certain "weaknesses" and continued to enjoy it strenghts.

P.S. Dare I hope that you will have another chapter ready by 10:00 p.m. PDT this coming Tuseday. I will be doing my first stint as a poll worker and all the signs indicate that it will be a very busy day. I'm looking forward to one or two special treats after doing my civic duty. However, the most importat thing is to post it only when you feel that it is ready. I'll take my treats whenever they come.

Author Reply: Hmm, he is only talking to wild animals. Interesting. Now I do have to have a point, lol. (don't you tell anyone I didn't. ;) ) I'll think about it...mainly the training, I would think, right off the bat. That's the mystical explanation, if you're willing to contemplate that sort of thing--dunno anything about you and don't want to offend. :) --the training and life with humans would cloud all mystical-telepathic-type intentions and words by linking them to past experiences while a wild snake would have no real past links to a man. At least this one...because I said so. There. I'll work it in or something like it.

Sorry about another chapter. I'm only 1/3 of the way done. Sigh, I can't wait until I get them to the Westemnet so there can be some more Eowyn/Faramir goodness, I'm suffering here. Especially with the ROTK EE pics of those two...god, if I was getting looked at like that I'd have swooned into a giggly girl puddle faster than you can say "Aragorn, who?"

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/30/2004
LOL, how could I have forgotten to mention my favorite line in my review?

"“Where you going?” Gaer popped up beside him again, chewing something with gusto.

He gave the young Rider a taste of his own medicine. “Up there.”

“Up there where?” It was unperturbed."

OMG, I love Gaer! I was laughing so hard my sides hurt! I hope there's much more Gaer throughout the rest of the story. :)

And then, seeing this:

"Lonely Eomer + Lonely Faramir = (slash"

I almost spit soda all over my monitor screen! Yeah, this is where the slash writer would get them, isn't it? LOL.

Author Reply: lol, Gaer's in the next chapter a lot. :D You're going to love it.

lol, slash indeed. Do you know I tried a Faramir/Eomer? Didn't work. They're like oil and water, people and its all but impossible to get Eomer to bottom.

The only one I could ever read I forgot the title, but it was PG and started with Farmir asking (rather nervously), "This is going to end in sex, isn't it?"
Hehe, Eomer is just like, "Dude, let me get those wet clothes off so I can bangage your small, nonlifethreatening wound in this isolated cave while we wait for the storm to stop." LOL! Faramir's squirming away, sure the whole situation will end in wild sex--cuz he's read books that start like this, hee--and Eomer keeps trying to calm him down. It's awesome, I wish I could remember the name.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/29/2004
I just finished reading this latest chapter and wasn't in a particularly reviewy mood and then I read some of the other reviews and your replies and I was spurred to action.

First of all thank you for updating! I'm sure you're busy with school right now and I'm glad you aren't giving up on the story. I was worried there for awhile.

My favorite bits were Eowyn and Eomer going through their mother's clothes. Lovely. The dress she finds reminded me a bit of the one that Eowyn has on in the coranation scene in the movie. sigh. :)It also made me think of my own experiences going through clothes or other old things with members of my family. It is a fun and sad experience at the same time and you wrote the emotions really well.

Aragorn getting mad at Eowyn. Thank you! He said what I was thinking. Good for Strider! That being said, I still think it is a good decision for Eowyn to go ahead, almost like she's preparing the new home for her and Faramir; you know getting the home fires started that sort of thing. It's less like Faramir would be taking her away from Rohan if she goes by choice. I don't know how you are going to have the conversation play out but I do feel that if she tells the boys in a positive manner that there really wouldn't be any reason for them to be upset. Perhaps Eowyn and Faramir can even have a nice romantic till we meet again moment (keeps fingers crossed).

Having Sam enter the story was wonderful. A perfect choice for the flower decision.

I liked the moment with the snake. I love garter snakes, at least that's what I imagined it to be, and Faramir talking to it was just great. I would love to have that ability! Perhaps he should use it on Thorn? I hope Faramir's student's don't find out about his mind reading skills. I want him to be accepted too.

As always I'm looking forward to more and hoping for Faramir/Eomer bonding, more time with Faramir and the lads, perhaps finding out about what Gandalf warned Faramir in regards to helping protect Rohan, what the crack in the mirror means and continuing romance with our fave couple. Keep up the good work!

Author Reply: Oh, like I could give up on this story!! :D Especially since I've seen a pic from the ROTK EE of Faramir w/Eowyn and....well, let's just say the SQUEEEE! I voiced might have cracked a few windows, heh.

Anyway, down to business. Thanks for the clothes scene, I wished I could have gotten more Eomer POV in that, but he's going to have a ton when he meets up with Faramir...god, I can't wait...and I felt Eowyn's decision to leave tied in with her not having all the memories he did. She's really got much less to hold her back and yes, Aragorn's pissy moment was good--it added reality and he's going to be bugging her in the next chapter.

I like this--"I still think it is a good decision for Eowyn to go ahead, almost like she's preparing the new home for her and Faramir; you know getting the home fires started that sort of thing."
That is exactly the kind of thing Eowyn will be doing in Gondor. You know, planning her wedding, making friends, meeting relatives, figuring out her duties as wife to the Steward and hiring on people to construct the house in Emyn Arnen-all without having to rely on Faramir, all while going out and meeting these strangers and doing it herself. Faramir really shouldn't have to hold her hand and I'm afraid that's what he would want to do.

More of Sam to come, too, with the other hobbits. :D Then they leave. :(

I've kind of got how she tells them in my head and I really think it's all for the best because Lonely Eomer + Lonely Faramir = (, LOL, that was actually my first thought!! I'm a perv)no, it equals bonding, a bit forced bonding, but a way for them to seek each other out for some friendship based on a common loneliness. Oh, and yes, the Eomer/Faramir bonding will be fierce and maybe surprisingly fluffy. :D

I liked the snake, too. I bet it impressed those kids--Eomer's coming in a day or two and I've got to get them as deeply hero-worshipful as possible!

Faramir's mind ability is definitely going to be Eomer and Eowyn...and Aragorn...and Gandalf's...little secret. Heh, kind of like the "secret" Quest. Well, he tells Gaer later, but Gaer just thinks he's drunk (which he is) and messing with him and doesn't believe it one bit.

Oh, yeah, crack in the mirror, Gandalf's messages, romance...all that, too, in later chapters. Whew.

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/25/2004
Finally, you have updated. I was getting very antsy. I can’t tell you how many times I would check for updates.

I really liked the scenes with Faramir. I am really enjoying what you have him doing with his students. Also, I like the scene with Aragorn and Eowyn. Very nicely done. Totally, understandable that his first reaction would be anger and irritation. I’m glad he pointed out that while Faramir is going through all of this, there is work waiting to be done in Gondor. I also, like that Eowyn is beginning to articulate her intentions and her need to be an equal not a prize to be won. I agree with Aragorn’s directive to have Eowyn come clean.

I loved the Kitchen scene with Eomer and Eowyn. The whole creepy spider-teasing thing reminded me of my own brother. I swear you must have spoken to him. My brother used to get the same perverse pleasure out of freaking me out. Ah, brothers….

Please don’t keep us waiting to long for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Good that you enjoy Faramir with his students, he's doing a lot of that! :)

Yep, Aragorn's going to be snappin' a little with all this--I think he's under the impression Faramir's just going to be riding around and then that's it. Can you imagine the pile of stuff sitting waiting for him and Faramir? Yikes. Minas Tirith itself is big, plus he's got all of the rest of Gondor and Arnor to bug him. Plus, it's getting close to harvest time...that means probably some sort of celebration he's got to preside over and lots of stuff coming in from the common class.

Hee about Eomer/Eowyn in the kitchens. I liked that, too. It creeped me out writing it and imagining it.

As for the next chapter I've got about 3300 words--roughly 1/5. Last chapter was more difficult to write, I think. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long. :)

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/25/2004
I'm still confused by Eowyn's decision to go to Minas Tirith apparently before Faramir returns from his Rohirrim camping trip/initiation. I find no maturity or sound practical reason behind Eowyn's decision; it sounds like she's feeling the bars of the cage again, and wants a new experience to distract her from her dilemma. Which is sad, because it indicates that she's still too immature to be marrying anyone. Faramir's gone through hell for her all these weeks without her, then stuck in an alien environment where he's treated like a "witch" by her brother and not too well by most other Rohirrim, and Eowyn can't wait a couple of weeks in Edoras so the poor man can have a moment of triumph riding back to Meduseld as a full-fledged Rider to get Eomer's approval and greet his future bride in her people's home?

Unless she could somehow go to Minas Tirith or Ithilien, do whatever it is she's planning on doing, and be back in Meduseld before Faramir returns...But I don't think there's time enough for that in 2 weeks.

Eowyn doesn't get it. This is not our current Earth, it's Middle-earth. If she marries, she is going to be somebody's chattel or prize. She lucked out in a huge way when Faramir fell for her; he will give her more freedom and autonomy than most men would; and they can build a princedom together in Ithilien where some of the rules might be different. And she has the reputation of being the Slayer of the Witch-King, though that was bought at the price of Eowyn's disobedience (to her uncle's command, not from an Uncle to a wayward niece, but from a King entrusting his kingdom to his last heir, to rule over Edoras and the Mark in his and Eomer's absence) and disloyalty (i.e. betraying her King's trust in her and the people who needed her guidance). When Eowyn forsook her responsibilities that time, she had the excuse of being severely depressed and overwhelmed by the horrors of the past few years. And it was a good thing that she was on the Pelennor to kill the Witch-King. But what's her excuse now? She's tired of being stuck between Faramir and Eomer. Poor girl doesn't get it - she will always be stuck between them, emotionally. Running away won't help. Faramir and Eomer seem to at least be trying to come to some kind of relationship they can live with...

I'm glad that Aragorn gave Eowyn a good talking-to; but apparently it wasn't good enough.

Hoping to see more of Faramir in the next chapter - update soon!

Author Reply: True, Eowyn is chattel but she thinks of herself in skewed terms. She's been treated like a psuedo-boy--getting trained to fight and such and at the same time expected to act like a woman. She IS Faramir's property as soon as she marries him and she's basically Eomer's now since he's the ruling male of her house. Funny, I just had a Western-civ. class all about that, too... The question is, will these two men exercise this when she comes to tell them she's skipping off to Gondor? I don't know because I don't know yet what Eomer and Faramir will do. (I'm going ahead and telling you there's no letter, she's spilling it in the Westemnet, something you probably got for yourself :) )

Yeah, I had Aragorn pull his punches. Also, you have to acknowledge the fact that if Aragorn gets back in just 2 weeks he will be waiting in Edoras for several days while Eowyn and Arwen are in the Westemnet because its 16 days until Faramir and Eowyn reunite. Sure, he wouldn't leave Arwen behind, but still, its all bad planning and if she comes back to say that Eomer or Faramir or both don't want her to go...Aragorn just might forbid her to ride with him. I still don't know how it's going to play out. (can I say that enough?)

"Faramir's gone through hell for her all these weeks without her, then stuck in an alien environment where he's treated like a "witch" by her brother and not too well by most other Rohirrim, and Eowyn can't wait a couple of weeks in Edoras so the poor man can have a moment of triumph riding back to Meduseld as a full-fledged Rider to get Eomer's approval and greet his future bride in her people's home?" --That sentence makes me so sad. It's true, I suppose, but she'll see Faramir in the Westemnet. Not quite the homecomeing, I know, but it will be good for them. She's proud of him and part of that is her excuse--she's proud of Faramir, he's doing things and Eowyn's always wanted to go out and DO things (things as in quests, etc. Faramir is on a quest of a sort). So, she tells herself she wants to match him...hmm. Interesting, even to me, if I follow that line. Immaturity, indeed. Maybe that's what Eowyn's seeking in Gondor, maybe she thinks that since she hasn't found it in Edoras, she wont. I don't know yet.

"Faramir and Eomer seem to at least be trying to come to some kind of relationship they can live with..." --This, too, makes me sad because what they do build in this might get screwed up with Eowyn's little plan. Certainly there's room for Eomer to think Faramir planned this as an escape. And Faramir, depending upon his level of confidence, might only hear the words "Leaving with" and "Aragorn". Sigh.

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 62 on 10/25/2004
Wonderful chapter, as always. :)

I liked the bit with Eomer and his heirs at the beginning. What an odd and yet cruel situation to find oneself in, if you know what I mean. To not only be pressured into finding a woman your people would approve of, but to do so and sire a child as quickly as possible. Not only that, but somehow miraculously make it a manchild; several, really, in case only one survives to inherit the throne. We've already seen kings in our own history go mad over such a thing.

I'm glad that Eomer is sickened by the fact of having a child just to groom him into an heir. You would figure he would be.

Just a question; is Faramir ever going to master Thorn? That horse seems to have it in for him, lol.

Loved the part with Eomer sneaking through his own kitchens. That was funny. :)

Also, I enjoyed Eomer and Eowyn looking through their parent's things. That must have been painfully nostalgic, but it seems Eomer found a few happy memories in it as well.

Yeah, I know most of this review centers around Eomer. What can I say, I like the man. Anyway, was hoping Eowyn would tell him of her plans in this chapter, but I guess I'll have to wait for a future update. Can't wait to see what happens next; both with Eomer and Eowyn, and with Faramir and the lads. And Gaer. :)


*Wickedly wants to see more drunken Gaer and Faramir.*

Author Reply: Aww, Faramir just needs a carrot on a stick...or the equivalent of. Hee, Thorn's intelligent, so he got bored. Faramir's just gonna have to figure him out.

I liked the Eomer/kitchens, too, especially when he was creeping Eowyn out with the spiders. gah, that made me shudder. And the memories, well, Eomer actually could rememeber stuff--Eowyn was only five--and he could link it to happy childhood times.

Eowyn won't break the plan for a while. Sorry. She kinda wants it to be at the same time--wouldn't you think Eomer would get to thinking Faramir planned it if she told Faramir first? I do. So, Eowyn's going to wait but we'll see if she can.

You'll get your Gaer in the next chapter. *He* might be drunk but shame on you! Faramir's a role model now! Hee. Drunken, stumbling Faramir comes up soon, too, and we'll see the adventures him and Gaer get into, along with the reappearance of the vanished Halorl. LOL, let's just say Gaer's mom rocks!! Oh, yeah, and chickens and goats have no respect for Stewards. You try and figure that out. :D

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