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To The Ends Of Middle Earth  by Jay of Lasgalen 9 Review(s)
DelraukoReviewed Chapter: 6 on 2/14/2006
OMG that was beautiful! its one of the saddest things iv read!! *sniff, sniff* well done, u deserve lots of praise!!! the only downside is now i need to buy more tissues! lol :-)

NoorReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/12/2005
A very sad tale, I can't believe that legolas would die first....
The recollections of Legolas by his friends were very well written.

I have read all your tales and I do think you write beautifully about the elves.
I would like to read the happy version of this tale if it is still on a site?

Thanks again for all your stories!


Author Reply: Thank you! I'm glad you like the tales, and especially that you like the elves.

Although I rarely ecommend it now, the alternative version is on

Try it - let me know which you prefer! (You can review the one here if you like - it means I can reply.)

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004
I had read this story awhile back at another site (not fanfiction - Eternal) and when I saw this I thought, "uh-oh, I recognize this story...and this is not the alternate ending, I'll bet..." It wasn't...I cried...went immediately to the other site to read the second ending just so I could face my class (such a wimp, I know...)

I can see why the first ending is, in your opinion, the best one for the story. It seems very plausible...every reaction of the characters true to form...but, Jay...YOU KILLED HIM!!! (uh, sorry..) So I will appreciate this ending and your excellent crafting of it...(and then run to read the second one to improve my mood!) :/ The entire story, BTW, is very well done. I was especially taken with Eldarian's reactions throughout - it's a tough age to come face to face with death...old enough to understand, but still young enough for his elders to want to protect him. I appreciated Faramir's insight and understanding in speaking up on Eldarian's behalf so he might attend the ceremony. (Brave kid...I could NOT have stood it! I know...) Good story, for all its sadness (needs a warning attached, Jay...angst is not strong enough!) :-)


Author Reply: You know, I still can't quite believe that I killed Legolas in the first chapter of my first story ;/ He was my favourite character then, too. (Now the twins are). Maybe I'll post the link to the other ending as a helpline for those who need it.

I still prefer this ending, and I'm thinking of an epilogue where I can have Thranduil and the twins learning the news or visiting Minas Tirith.

You think it needs a tissue warning? I'll put one on.

SheikanReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004
A-ha! I knew this sounded familer! You had this posted on! xD I never noticed it wasnt posted all the way on here. Such a sad story =[ I'm happy I re-read it though! ^_^

Author Reply: Yes, it's an old story, but I tried to tweak and polish it when I posted here. It seems odd to go back to it, I feel as if I know these characters so much better now.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004
It is less than easy finding anything on Unless you want a load of girls to drop into Middle Earth and go to High School with the Fellowship.

But I might have to try. Legolas - dead! I can't believe it! After all the suffering he went through - trolls, spiders, caves, the quest - he could survive lightning! I'm suffering from an excess of exclamation marks!!!!

Author Reply: You've got to a T! I agree, but I still post there because I know not everyone can get to SoA.

Here's the link:

It felt good to think he wasn't dead, but this ending doesn't really work for me.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004
You killed him! You killed Legolas! How could you? What will Thranduil do now? And the twins and Arwen? At least Elrond isn't there to suffer.

I cannot believe it - such cruelty.

Author Reply: I know ... I'm sorry :(

I wrote this story a long time ago (it was my first) but forgot that I hadn't finished posting it here. Poor Thranduil - poor twins. When I wrote this, I didn't know them, or how it would affect them.

If you really want a happy ending, there's an alternative version over on my page at

This is AU - I know that really they're all safe and well in Valinor!

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004
I read the earlier version of this story a long time ago on the MC site, but when I read this new version today, after having read your other stories, I had a new and different reaction. All I could think was "What's going to happen to Thranduil?" Back when I read this story the first time, I didn't know your Thranduil. But now I do, and I'm worried about him.

In your other stories, you've created a very appealing and interesting version of Thranduil who, unfortunately, has one enormous weakness; he's the sort of person who draws his strength from his family ties, yet the only family he has left is Legolas. Without Legolas, Thranduil will fall apart -- as Gimli noted here and as Thranduil himself has realized on several occasions. Or will he? Is Thranduil really as dependent on his bond with his only remaining family member as he thinks he is? Or does he have other sources of strength? Perhaps someday you will let us know.

When you posted this story on MC, you included an alternate ending for the mushy-minded among us, but I don't see it here. Have you decided that this version of the ending is the definitive one?

Author Reply: When I wrote this so long ago, I didn't know Thranduil either. He's going to take this very, very hard unfortunately - as you say, Legolas is the only family he has left now. I didn't know the twins, either - they are going to be very upset too, but back then they barely got a mention. I feel I know these characters so much better know, but that makes it worse, in a way.

I'm thinking of an epilogue looking at their reactions when they hear the news - but the 'happy ending' version makes everything too untidy. This original version is the one I always intended, sad though it is.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004
Let's try that again. This was very touching, Jay. I think they did the right thing to let Eldarion go, but how hard that must have been. And I especially liked the image of the smoke traveling over ME.

Author Reply: It seemed strange going back to this story (the first I ever wrote) after so long - I feel as if I know the characters so much better now. I felt it would help Eldarion to attend the funeral - and who better than Faramir to point that out? I'm glad you liked that last image of the smoke :(

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/26/2004

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