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History Lessons: The Second Age by Nilmandra | 18 Review(s) |
lwarren | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 12/7/2004 |
Yay!!! The eagles!!! They are such magnificent birds, and even more so here with their extreme size, nobility, and ability to speak! I loved how you tied the eagles that helped the new settlement of Imladris to the eagles living nearby Imladris still! Twirling whirling laughing glorious twins! What a vision! ('nuff said!) It was very moving to go from the carefree joyful group gathered around the campfire to hear the story of the founding of Imladris, to the struggling, sometimes cold and hungry group of the past. I love Elrond taking charge - first with making sure the children and women were fed first, and later grounding Erestor to his bed and tent to recover from that wound! A wonderful chapter, full of contrasts (light and dark, happy and sad, hopeful and despairing)...a joy to read...and reread! lol Thank you! linda Author Reply: LOL - glad you liked the vision of twirling, whilring twins! That is a glorious vision, indeed! This was meant to be a contrast chapter - and to show that Imladis was forged out of darkness and despair to be a beacon of light. Thanks for your comments! | |
LKK | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/13/2004 |
sighs contentedly I've wanted to get a chance to read this chapter ever since you posted it, Nilmandra. Happily, I finally had the opportunity. It goes without saying (but I'll say it anyway), the chapter was worth the wait I endured to read it. Elrohir's joy at his freedom was so tangible. It fairly leapt from the page as he bounded about deer-like. I loved how he and Elladan fell back into their old elfling game in their happiness. In the Second Age, I can see Elrond's tradition of fostering humans coming out of his treatment of the mortal refugees among his people. One last comment, back in the Third Age, where Elrond thinks if using Vilya could somehow help to protect Imladris, freeing his sons and other elves to explore their world and learn all they wished to learn, was that not a good thing? Are those truly Elrond's thoughts? Or perhaps are those thoughts directed by the awakening ring? And was Vilya causing Elrond's pain that Elladan noticed? Are you craftily laying the groundwork for a battle of wills between ring and master? Author Reply: LKK, you are a trooper! I write these mammoth chapters and can't seem to make them shorter. There is too much history to tell. Writing about Elrohir's joy made me happy for days. It seemed that perhaps this is how a young elf should be - full of joy and delight at the simple pleasures. I am glad you liked Elrond - I wanted him to come across as a reserved but commanding leader. He doesn't need to yell or shout, he is a 'doer' - he lives what he believes. I actually can't entirely answer your questions about the ring, because I am only seeing Elrond's persepective (believe it or not!) - but the ring is not meant for evil and has no evil in it - so it won't so much lead him astray as it might lead him to use it before he has learned to wield it. Fortunately, Elrond is a cautious person! And now, yes, another book. CAn't help it. But we are almost done- probably two chapters left. :-) Thanks for reading! | |
Eruanneth_Luin | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/8/2004 |
Another stirring chapter. So seldom we are allowed to witness the love of an elven couple and you bring it to life so sweetly, but then elves are not at all like most humans in that aspect. Ah, the Elven Rings. Such promise and hope for preserving and protecting, yet in the end all that had been held dear was abandoned to the ungentle care of Men. Do their lands remember still the sound of elven voices and the light tread of elven feet? Speaking of elven feet, I was thrilled to see Elrohir back on both of his once again and dancing for the joy of restored health. There always seemed to me a kind of innocent, youthful, joy to elves and you showed a glimspe of those glad times. But war and trials so often beset this fair race and to now have the added burden of absorbing into their struggle for survival those of a different kind must have been difficult at best. Though not only for the elven folk; mortals would probably have trouble fitting into an elven culture. Such are some the perils of war. The great eagle arriving and his remembrance of Earendil made my wonder if any eagles died in the battle. Glorfindel putting and end to Erestor's stubborness had Blue laughing (again). That Elrond had such a care for mortals does not seem surprising, and eventually made Imladris the true refuge of all in need of rest and healing . As usual the next part of this chapter is eagerly anticipated, by both of us! Thank you for your window into the world of elves. Author Reply: Thanks for your review, Nancy. You are extremely encouraging in many ways and I appreciate you more than you know. I enjoyed writing Elrohir's joy - it was how I think the elves were meant to be. Writing the dark years of siege, the loss of hope, wondering if they would survive...I probably didn't make it harsh enough - realistic enough - but I hope that the difficulty of food and shelter came through in the first year, and the weariness and despair by the fourth year. This is sad to write, yet their is again great joy at the end. Thanks so much for your kind words. | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/4/2004 |
Glorfindel: the elf who knows how to respond in any social situation. Author Reply: Glorfindel says to say he wrote the Middle-earth 'Miss Manners for elflings'. :D | |
esamen | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/3/2004 |
Hello Nilmandra . . . great stories, as always, from you. Congratulations on your beautiful website. I love SoA. I have a request . . . for one of the Tolkien quotes of the day . . . I was reading through The Hobbit, and in the chapter Inside Information I stopped again and marveled at the wonderful lines: 'No thank you, O Smaug the Tremendous!' he replied. 'I did not come for presents. I only wished to have a look at you and see if you were truly as great as tales say. I did not believe them.' 'Do you now?' said the dragon somewhat flattered, even though he did not believe a word of it. 'Truly songs and tales fall utterly short of the reality, O Smaug the Chiefest and Greatest of Calamities,' replied Bilbo. I am always amazed at the magical conversations between Bilbo and Smaug. What a moment in time! | |
Nikara | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/2/2004 |
Very nice chapter. I really love your characterization of Erestor. He has really become alive to me. Author Reply: I am glad you like Erestor. I enjoy writing through his eyes, and its unfortunate that with this many characters, he gets shorted a lot! | |
Bejai | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/2/2004 |
Ah, so Elrohir gets to walk at last! I beat him to it though. Although he seems to be doing better than me. *Sigh* Oh, for elvish healing! No running here yet, not by a long shot. Wonder if I can get Elrond to rub my leg? Stinkin' winter is here, and it hurts. Loved the animal in this chapter. Alagos with his horsy humor and the Eagle with his otherworldly might. Really loved how Imladris as a refuge was Celebrian's dream. Seems appropriate, although I'm worried about Elrond and Vilya. Elrond was already moving that way, though -- it was certainly a refuge for those hungry children, even before it was fully established. I'm glad. Really enjoyed the chapter! Author Reply: Thanks, Bejai - I have been so slow lately! I am sorry that your leg is still not healed - I can perhaps send Elrond to you? Galadriel seems skilled, but she scares me at times :-). Elrond and Vilya are interesting -its so odd, as I think you well know, to think of the ring as its own entity, somehow almost sentient. Celebrian shows up next chapter, for which I am glad, for while Adar will be glad to see her, I am enjoying the thought of writing a star struck Elrond too. (in a sophisticated way, of course!). | |
Dot | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/1/2004 |
You know, I can’t decide whether I like the Third Age or Second Age story more. I get utterly engrossed in both… What a difference there is in Elrohir. Even apart from him looking physically better, his frustration seems to have eased and his old sparkle has definitely returned. Lothriel, eh? And who’s making Elrohir blush like a maiden??! I loved Elrond’s little moment of insight about not holding onto his sons too tightly. I suppose he’d already been learning to let them find their places as adults but Elrohir’s accident meant that he had to care for him like a child again and now has to let him go all over again. I was just as eager as Elrohir to hear Elrond’s tale about the eagles! These little hints of what’s to come next in the story always result in me having to sit on my hands to stop myself from scrolling down! Oh, I just adored the image of the twins lying in bed, Elrohir spinning tales for his brother and then having to be comforted later by Elladan when the tales came to life in his dreams. It’s such a wonderful glimpse into their childhood and of the closeness between them, each with their own personalities that fit together perfectly. “Adar, you are clutching your side like you are in pain.” I thought that part when Elrond thinks about how he would use Vilya to protect those he loved and all that he helped create was really quite touching. After all that he has experienced in his life I can understand why he would want to do anything he can to offer protection, especially as there is probably more at stake for him personally now that he has a wife and children. You brought tears to my eyes when he remembers life with Gil-galad and Círdan. I think I’m going to have to go back and re-read the first HL when I get a chance. I loved that part of Elrond’s life. I wonder what kind of a relationship he has with Círdan now. And will Gil-galad be making an appearance in this tale soon??! Oh, and I really like the idea that it is Celebrían who had the dream for Imladris to become a refuge for all who needed it. I loved, loved, LOVED Elrohir and Elladan spinning together in complete joy. It is absolutely how Elves should be. The depth of emotion that they all shared at the sight of such happiness was beautiful to witness and does so much in showing the love that they all have for Elrohir. And what a contrast then with the siege of Imladris and the Elves’ suffering. I thought you did a great job in driving home even the amount of toil that went into building Imladris. There’s no sense that it is in any way easy even once they had found the Hidden Valley. Conflict and tension in such difficult circumstances are only natural and it’s fascinating to watch the way they all deal with it. That part with the eagle was amazing. There’s a wonderful hint of arrogance to eagles in Tolkien and it really comes through here too. It’s incredible to think that Elrond is of a line of people respected by the eagles and spoken of amongst their race. They do share a history and I think these Elves are very luckily to have such a valuable ally in them! I really felt for Erestor in his utter exhaustion. He’s obviously someone who will just keep giving of himself until he can do no more. And even then he’ll worry. I’m so glad that Elrond not only forces him to rest but makes it clear too how much he values and appreciates Erestor beneath his jests. There’s something very sad about the women and children waiting so patiently for leftovers. I thought Elrond did exactly the right thing – the Elves just needed to see what they were probably too busy or tired to see before. Seeing a starving child so intently eating a bowl of food is just heartbreaking. Is that THE fireplace then or just A fireplace? It’s quite moving to think that would be the origins of the Hall of Fire. It seems that the mortal women are not afraid of some hard work and won’t let it dampen their spirits. I guess they’ll all need such optimism to see them through times to come. This is all fascinating, Nilmandra. I hope you’re feeling a bit better. Take care and I’ll be eagerly awaiting more when you’re ready! :-) Author Reply: It was a joy to write about Elrohir's joy - and I felt like I was twirling with him in that field (and believe me when I say my joints don't allow for that anymore!). That kind of joy is how elves are supposed to be, I think. The eagles connection occurred to me after reading sections of the Hobbit and the Silmarillion - the eagles nested in the mountains near Gondolin, and I knew they were near Imladris from the Hobbit - and when I thought of them fighting with Earendil, it just suggested a connection. I am glad Elrond's leadership style came across well - he seems to me to have a quiet strength and presence that is very influential. He is one who does seek to understand so that he can choose his methods wisely too! Oh, and it is THE fireplace :-) Thanks for the wonderful review. | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/1/2004 |
I just love that conversation with the eagle. When different races are respectful of one another it makes everything easier. This story continues to fascinate! Author Reply: Thanks, Shirebound - when I think of how the Last Homely House took in men, elves, dwarves and hobbits, it just seemed Elrond would know proper Eagle etiquette. :-) | |
Marnie | Reviewed Chapter: 24 on 11/1/2004 |
LOL! I'm glad that Elrohir is well again - he does seem to have really suffered with that leg. It did amuse me that Erestor, who was all wisdom about Elrohir's wound was such a pillock in the 2nd Age about getting his own healed. It's easier to see what other people ought to be doing, rather than you yourself. I can just see the Gwaith i Mirdain deciding that they'd rather sleep on snow than rush a building project to make it less than perfect. It does seem very elvish not even to realize that there might be more important things at stake :) It's nice to see Imladris starting off as a haven for all, just as it continues. Author Reply: Perhaps Erestor has learned by the third age! Although, I had him still pretty stubborn earlier in the third age story. He thinks such rules and privileges don't apply to him :P I could see the Noldor so concerned for their craft they forgot about the war and the people - I am hoping Elrond got their attention and can keep them on task. HE seems a quiet but powerful leader to me - he gets his point across, hopefully. | |