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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 9 Review(s)
Chibi_kazReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/9/2004
Hurling!!! I *love* hurling, it's such fun, a cross between rugby and field hockey. We play it all the time in my medieval recreation group.

I still think Faramir is not standing up for himself like he should. But I'm trying to be patient and let you develop things your own way.

Author Reply: Faramir isn't but thanks for your patience...I'm sure by now you know I'm as slow as a crippled snail. :)
Odd because in my life I'm an extremely impatient person--hence my updating and then checking constantly for new reviews only 10 minutes later. ;) I guess writing this is so much fun I want it to last as long as possible.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/9/2004
Thank the Valar for word! I just finished reading the latest, then I noticed you had reformated. Thanks for that! It is appreciated.

Interesting chapter. Arwen's goodbye to Elrond and the departure of the fellowship brought the time line back into the story along with a little bit of canon plot as well. Did Aragorn leave with them and then return? I honestly can't remember and I wasn't sure if he did in your chapter either?

Thank you for that last bit with Gandalf especially him telling Eowyn that Faramir was one of his favorites. Loved that. It's nice to know that Faramir's surrogate father is looking out for him.

I enjoyed the scene with the field hockey/lacrosse game. I got a sudden image in my head of a shirt-less Daniel Day Lewis playing Lacross at the beginning of "Last of the Mohicans", very hot. Not that I'd pick Daniel as Faramir but he's pretty close. Specially the long dark hair.mmmmm.... ;)

I find it interesting that Faramir is being portrayed as a man who's acceptance by his men was based on his status and that he seems to have never undergone the good natured hazing that most men entering that type of situation have to endure. My understanding of the character was that Faramir was a man who was loved inspite of his status as the son of Steward. That he was a man of the people. In Ithilien he was one of the Rangers, their captain but one of the men. In fact I can imagine that Denethor might have been one of these fathers who sent his sons to places to learn where they wouldn't have been treated delicately, where they would have had to earn their acceptance. Hence both Boromir and Faramir being so loved by the men they commanded. I see this Faramir when he's teaching but he's often absent in showing his insecurities with the Rohirrim and considering Faramir's age and experience it seems to me to be out of character. I'm not sure that Tolkien's Faramir would have made the slip he did with Gaer, but then Tolkien's Faramir is darn near the perfect man and the story would be boring if everyone were perfect. :)

That being said I don't think Faramir meant in anyway to insult the Rohirric people or their culture. Faramir is a man of learning and he was getting an opportunity to enthuse about something he loves and he hasn't had much opportunity to do that in Rohan. Was Faramir thumbing his nose at Gaer a little bit when he asked him if he could read? Probably, if not necessarily consciously. Knowing how to read is a sign of status and often, if incorrectly, associated with intelligence. And considering that Faramir has been putting up with a lot insults to himself and his people he took the opportunity to get in a dig for his side; unfortunately Gaer happened to be the nearest and easiest target. It's something most of us have done at one time or another when pushed to our limits. I for one can forgive Faramir for a slip he seems to deeply regret and I hope Gaer can too.

As for the class systems in middle-earth, Tolkien's world seems to be pretty strictly divided and for the inhabitants of this world, it is an unchallenged and, in their eyes, a good thing. The story is written about land where it is accepted that there are those who rule and those who's job it is be of service. It's all through the book, from Frodo and Sam to the wizard hierachy, including Rohan and its King. I suspect that the people of Rohan would have been well aware of who ruled in Gondor and vise versa, especially since the son of the late ruler was marrying their Lady. It would be a pretty darn big event and I'd bet that every Tom, Dick and Beowulf would know who Faramir was and how to treat him whether he was riding as one of the Rohirrim or not.

Finally I loved the referrence to Gollum and the fish. Nicely done! It happens in such a nice peaceful moment and whoosh there it is. It reminded me of all that had happened in the recent past and that for these people the war really has just ended. The orc references were good too. I did wonder what happened to them.

Whew! What a long review. As always I'm greatly enjoying your story. I wouldn't write so much if I didn't. I can't wait for more! Good luck too with your studies.

Author Reply: Aragorn left and rode to Isengard where I think he got the keys from Treebeard and the palantir. Then he said goodbye and he's coming back to Edoras. It takes him a little over a week I think to get to Isengard. I'm betting he travels faster on the return trip--no hobbit ponies or elven nobility to pamper with slow gaits, just him and I'm assuming a company of royal guards. I doubt Middle-Earth is safe enough yet for the King to go riding about with only one man or so.

Eww, Daniel Day Lewis is gross! Maybe I got into a bad picture. He does have the long dark hair, though.

Yes, Faramir as perfect would be rather boring. :) Good thing I'm not writing that. yes...good thing. Heh. :D

Well, all I can say about Faramir is that he can relax with his students and not have to be on guard for attacks. He can be himself. And, you are correct--Faramir didn't mean the reading thing as an insult, sort of "hey, I'm the Prince here! I'm better than you!" No, he was trying to meld minds, trying to come back at Gaer's "look what you're missing" remark. Frankly, I think their friendship is more realistic and Gaer is more of a full character if they have a bit of rockiness. Few people automatically have a perfect bond, you know? Yeah, Gaer forgives and they make up. I want this to be a strong friendship so they talk a lot later. Gaer goes to Gondor in the future so this HAS to be a strong friendship, so I have to spend some time on it.

As for how to treat Faramir, you bet they know the proper behavior but has Éomer once indicated they should treat him correctly? These guys are almost acting under unspoken royal permission to be dicks. Éomer could have broken that fight up and punished the man who started it but he didn't. Which is totally assholish but Faramir won some brownie points with the Rohirrim in playing the game and not folding like a little wussy when he got stomped. Go Faramir! :) And very soon he'll stop being tormented, I promise. He's going to be one of the gang, especially when Éomer and he start being friends. :) (about damn time, eh?)

I liked the Gandalf and the Gollum parts, too. The orcs I was uncertain about putting in, but I needed a valid reason for Elfhelm to come and delay Eomer. So, we've got the last of the orcs. It would be nice if I could realistically have Faramir kill a few and impress everyone. Dunno.

Thanks for the luck. This is a long reply, but I love commentary even if you don't always agree with my characters' actions!

Chibi-KazReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/8/2004
Well, it's definately good to see an update!

I was very pleased w/ Gaer for chewing Faramir out. First, Faramir's attitude was superior and rude. Secondly, he's done far far too much angsting, even with his enjoyment of teaching the lads. Yes, the societies are very different, but they are all men of the west, so to speak, and Gondor and Rohan have had close enough relations that they should at least be knowledgeable of each other's ways. Perhaps you're making Gondor out to be a bit too classist?

I don't like 'Larcwide'. It still doesn't suit. No matter what his personal preferences, Faramir commanded what is effectively a special ops unit in hostile territory for at least 15 years. At some point, I'd love to see him snap and act like the commander he can be. yes, we saw a bit of how dangerous he can be before with the 'fight', but I'd like to see more.

At the very least, let Faramir snap back at Gaer.

(Oh, suggestions for casting of Gaer -- norwegian actor Dennis Storhoi. He played "Herger" in 'The 13th Warrior'.)

Author Reply: Yep, Faramir deserved that and probably more, because though he is technically way superior to a simple soldier--he doesn't have to act like it! Especially not to a guy going out of his way to be his friend. He insulted the hell out of Gaer and he's lucky Gaer's a very nice, very non-tempermental guy.

Also, Gaer insulted him with the mocking of the men of Mundburg to the other Rohirrim and the "they believe that" remark. That was B.S. because if Gaer is Faramir's friend then he should not make fun of him like that, jokes are one thing, but that was totally inappropriate rudeness. They're not going to mesh perfectly but they'll get a good friendship out of this.

Well, society was classist as crap back then (as I'm sure you know, I hate it when someone writes things like that all righteously) and I'm assuming with all the formality that Gondor apparently had that it was more strict and well, Gondor's way more advanced than Rohan. Certainly they would be a tad snobbish. And Rohan, a simpler country and people, might be defensive out of self-defense.

Faramir's going to get his snapping out soon. He doesn't have a clear target with the whole bedroll thing, suspicions, yes, but no clear target otherwise, yeah, heads would roll. He's actually going to get a LOT of digs in at Eomer, get him back for all those rude comments and do it in style. :D

We're casting now? heh. Seriously, I loved this guy in 'The 13th Warrior' which was an awesome movie. He's perfect as hell for Gaer. Just dye him redhead. :D

I don't like Larcwide, either, for an end all name. Not good enough, too blah but hey, Gaer doesn't have that much to work with yet, does he?

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/7/2004
I wanted to mention about the formating. If they can't fix it... I copied it into Word so I would not have to scroll over. Just a thought for any of you diehards who have not read it yet.

Author Reply: diehards. Heh. I've fixed it but the fonts still small. Actually copying it to Word would be better if they wish. Sorry, I think the chapter was just too long for it to handle.

AdamasReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/7/2004
Another fine chapter… I enjoyed every word. I loved all the scenes with Faramir and his students. I like the way they are awed by him and his Ranger ways. I think its amusing all the questions from the students about Eowyn.

The conversation with Aragorn and Eowyn was good. “You help me; I’ll help you.” I am very anxious to see this play. I also loved the parting words of Gandalf… “To test fate once more would be folly, do you not agree?” Gandalf is awesome!

I was concerned about Gaer and Faramir, that was a huge blunter on Faramir’s part about the written word. I am a bookworm and I can easily see myself making that kind of an innocent but disastrous mistake. I also loved what Gaer told Faramir in their last conversation together. “You already have the Lady, don’t you?” … “Then flatter my Lord.” I can’t wait to read how the Faramir and Eomer relationship works out.

Thank you again for sharing your time and talent. I really enjoyed the whole chapter start to finish. Thank you for your regular updates. I know that it can be hard to have spare time to write for your followers in the middle of a semester. I really can’t stand it when I get hooked on a story that the writer does not update for months and months leaving their followers hanging. I know that with your lively followers we would pester you too much to let you get away with not updating regularly. But I am still very appreciative of your time and talent. Thank you, again. As always please don’t keep us wanting to long.

Author Reply: those students are about to get really awed...after all, Faramir's just been going about doing simple stuff, wait until he decides to show off!!

I like Aragorn/Eowyn interaction. They'll get a lot in Gondor.

Gaer and Faramir get a little rocky here, but they pull through. Good for Faramir, lol, because he needs friendship. Gaer's trying to tell him what he needs to do, Gaer's outside the situation and that's always the POV that's right.

Ah, all I can say about my studies is they keep me from updating way faster...seriously, I'd rather be writing this story than sitting in math class trying to figure out ANYTHING the teacher says or history where I'm falling asleep.

Lady of The WoodReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/7/2004
Just a quick note about the formating as well. I hope you can decrease the width. I gave up trying to read the chapter because of the continuous scrolling. I hope you can fix it. :)Love the story and looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Okay, I've made it so you don't have to scroll back and forth. God, that was annoying just looking at it. Anyway, the font is a little small but I don't think there's anything else I can do. I think I just posted too much, there had to be a limit somewhere, huh? I'll just make sure to not go over it again. Hope you can finish the chapter now!

Rayma3Reviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/7/2004
I have not reviewed this until now. I love the changes to both Faramir and Eowyn. Please look into the formating, this chapter was much harder to read because I had to continuously use my mouse to scroll back and forth.

Author Reply: Sorry, I didn't know it was doing that! I'll bet it was frustrating but thanks for hanging in there, I'll check the next one first!!

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/7/2004
Loved the scenes with Faramir and the boys playing Ranger games and hanging out with "Teacher". He is going to be such a great father. And I want a rematch in the game with the Rohirrim - loved Faramir charging in with a Quenya battle-cry!

I'm still not happy with Eowyn going off to Gondor ahead of Faramir if I read it right; but it's your story. I do wish I could have seen Faramir's triumphant return to Edoras with the Eored and a happy Eowyn awaiting him, but hopefully their relationship will weather the strain she's putting on it.

Faramir/Eomer slash? Interesting. Yes, I've read and really loved Kielle's BLOOD AND WARM BLANKETS. Faramir falls for and marries Eomer's sister; Eomer marries a young woman who probably looks a lot like Faramir; and Eomer's son will have a strong resemblance to Faramir's uncle (according to Tolkien), so an AU case could be made for an Eomer/Faramir slash attraction I suppose.

Author Reply: Yeah, Faramir's doing great. I actually found a huge site on games some kind of boy scouts play--nature sort so they're perfect--so I'll have a description of a game or two. I've got plans for the Rohirrim game to be played a lot, so a rematch is entirely possible. hee, the Quenya battle-cry! I thought it was tame, I searched but really, there's very little out there that wouldn't just be silly. Sigh, maybe we'll get silly. :)

Well, you'll get Faramir's triumphant return to Gondor with a happy Eowyn. I hope that will at least be a nice substitute.

DrakeReviewed Chapter: 63 on 11/6/2004
Awesome chapter!

Hey, they was a pretty good game you came up with. The way you were talking about it, I thought it was going to be something *bad*, if you know what I mean. Which is why I brought up the crudest contest I've ever heard of men doing together (Even though I knew it wasn't what you had in mind). But this was a pretty legitament sport that I can see people playing in Rohan. Kind of a mixture of football and lacrosse, as I see it, or something like that.

Loved all the time with Gaer. Actually, I was reminded of a question I wanted to ask while reading this chapter. Does Gaer have a girlfriend? If not, will we get one? Great oppurtunity for him to both embarass Faramir and teach him more about Rohirric culture, lol.

Can't wait to see the Eomer/Faramir bonding you've been speaking of. Anyway, we're like, what, halfway through the story now? :)

Author Reply: It's a real game. I found lots of ancient games like that including one Faramir and Eomer will play. It's like a ridiculously complicated trivia/chess game or something.
I'm not too sure about Gaer's love life. heh, I'm just fleshing him out as we go. Hmm, halfway...that puts us at Chapter 126? LOL, I'm laughing but that, uh, that sounds about right.

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