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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 6 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/18/2006
Another brilliant chapter. Wonderful visuals of Aman. I love how you pull Sil knowledge into this story and weave it all together. WOW. Only thing I see that is possibly a problem is I've been told elves do NOT get infections. If something remained in the wound like poison or a sliver of arrowhead it might fester and not heal, but they do not suffer bacterial infections like mortals. And fevers from poisons is fanon but I like it! We need someway to torture the Firstborn. *grin* Excellent job and a great story!

Author Reply: Hey NiRi! I'm glad you enjoyed the descriptions of Aman. Had a time getting that the way I wanted! As for the infection, I didn't intend for it to be an infection. It was all about a poisoned sword wound. I'll check back and make sure that it's clear. Thanks for pointing that out...and for taking the time to write so many reviews!!!!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/30/2006
I am sorry to hear about the illness of your mother, I hope she has recovered completely by now. I know hos difficult such a situation can be - my own mother had an accident some months ago and was completely unable to move for more than a month. Situations like that can be very frightening and sometimes do not even leave the room to *think* about writing.

Alright, back to the story. :) I think I'm going to need tissues if you go on like that. This is both sweet and heartbreaking. *sniff* "I will be with you every step of the way. I will not leave you." - *sigh* Friendship is something wonderful to write about, isn't it? I love it that the mare still refuses to leave.

"Leaving the walkway, he approached the tree, his awestruck gaze tracing the trunk up and up, following the graceful branching of limbs draped in a gray-green robe of leaves and mist." - I love this description and Legolas' interaction with the tree! It seems we both have a liking for oak trees. ;-) Wow! You leave me slightly speechless here- what a wonderful idea to bring Nienna and the Valar into the story in such a way! I'm so glad they want to help Legolas, he really deserves it! "no one of importance" - *snorts and mutters something about stupid, stubborn elves* "As for your fears of eternal separation from them…you must, in the end, trust that He will reunite all of you someday.” - *sniff, sigh* Legolas is not the only one who feels comforted here... So that is why he suddenly started weeping before. *huggles soundly sleeping Elf*

What a description of the sea, I feel as if I were right there standing on these shores now! This chapter was so incredibly beautiful! *sigh* For the moment I think words are a bit inadequate...

Tinu *sigh*

Author Reply: Thanks for your good thoughts about my mom - we had a terrible few months then dealing with medication/dosage, but finally all seems to have settled down. It is very hard to watch a parent grow old and lose their health bit by bit.

I do love writing about the strong bond of friendship between Legolas and Aragorn (and Gimli *dodges an elbow from an irritable dwarf*). And reading about it, too! :-) (And I'll try to remember to post a tissue warning next time!)

Now Tinu, you know that wherever Legolas goes, he is going to find a sympathetic tree...and you are right, it always seems to be an OAK!

I had to find a way for Legolas to get some help...he is not going to leave Middle-earth, no matter what pressure is put on him (short of death or fading.) I got to thinking about this friendship and how important it would be to Aragorn to have that support during his reign...and how things don't JUST happen...everything happens for a reason. Well, if the elf is to stay to help the new King establish a stable, peaceful reign that will help heal the Shadow-torn world, then he needs some big-time help to do so! Enter Nienna - you'll note she says that Legolas' plight was 'brought to her attention'. Soooo....

Legolas is such a humble Prince - really! Tolkien never had him do anything to bring attention to himself or his heritage - can't you just hear him saying 'Who, me? Why me?' So Nienna comforts him concerning the losses to come and then takes him to discover some really important things about his relations with the sea and the Song...Thank you for thinking this was are toooooo kind, my friend!


Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/31/2005
Chapter 7

Bad enough to be taken by orcs, now he must, with the help of dear friends, fight not only the effects of the poison, but the sea-longing. Ah, a great tree for comfort and now Nienna. Facing the sea alone is perhaps his most severe test yet.

Tears shared are often the best expression of love and caring. How wonderful that the Vala, Nienna, would aid a ‘lone Sinda’ in his struggles. They always seemed so distant and aloof of the troubles of Middle Earth, though they did in fact care greatly.

Another splendid chapter.

Author Reply: I suppose having one of the Valar intervene was stretching things a little, but Legolas' reasons for staying were selfless and noble (IMHO) and sometimes when we least expect it, mercy will come in unexpected forms. Yes, Nienna weeping WITH Legolas helped more than millions of words would have. I am glad you liked this chapter, Eruanneth.


DotReviewed Chapter: 7 on 3/20/2005
This’ll have to be a quick one :-( I suppose I should be glad that I have a job to go to during the week and friends who want to meet up at the weekend and not complain that it cuts into my reading and reviewing time, eh?!!

This is a beautiful, emotional, tenderly written chapter. I had tears in my eyes right from the beginning as both Legolas and Aragorn try to reach out to the other but just cannot make that connection.

I felt so sorry for Elfwine too. Not only is he worried for Legolas, but it must be frightening to see the strong adults around him so full of despair. And Arod! How distraught he must be!

The weeping was heartbreaking to see. There’s such a sense of weakness and helplessness that don’t seem to belong to the elf Legolas always was.

It was incredible to witness the way Legolas was torn between two worlds, too tired to return to one but still reluctant to venture fully into the other. Your description of Nienna was breathtaking. I love the way Legolas suddenly felt that he could release everything that he’d kept inside him. His humility was so perfectly him too. I was particularly touched too by her reassurance that there’s no such thing as eternal separation. What a wonderful thought, and exactly what he needed.

I’m intrigued by the end of this chapter. It’s all so wonderfully fascinating! Sorry I couldn’t take more time – I’ll be back tomorrow :-)

Author Reply: Hello! Enjoy your friends, sound a lot like me - my reading and reviewing time is not to be trifled with! :-) This chapter is the worry chapter for Aragorn and everyone else. First the poison almost gets Legolas - they defeat that obstacle - only he doesn't wake up and those mysterious tears start! So everyone is very concerned and at a loss as to what to do.

Meanwhile, Legolas is "somewhere" else. I wanted his loyalty to be rewarded and for someone to help him with the pain of the sea-longing, which, face it, would not get any better as the years went on. Nobody on M-e could help him - that left the Valar...or Eru. Or both. I opted for both. You'll notice Nienna said Legolas had been brought to her attention...that from time to time she was given the "reward" of aiding the living. I figured her big brother Lorien (of Dreams and such) would be able to craft a dream so she could spend some time with our elf. I thought she would be the one to help him turn his grief into endurance and could show him a way to understand the sea-longing better. Those tears he shed in his unconsciousness were the ones shed in his discussions with Nienna. made sense to me anyway. And I don't like the idea of the Valar being totally separated from the elves of M-e...they've intervened before...why not again from time to time! *clears throat* I'm glad you thought Nienna came across and I'm really glad you liked the reassurance about eternal separation. Somehow I don't think Iluvatar will keep His Firstborn separated from the Secondborn forever. :-)

Thanks, Dot, for taking the time to review. I appreciate each one! :-)


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/23/2004
Has this chapter been here for a while and I've just missed it? I really enjoyed it. Legolas's dream/vision is fascinating. I love the little glimpses of his past as he struggles with what the future will inevitably bring.

Author Reply: No, daw...I wish! I have been drowning in school and RL since I posted ch.6 waaaaaay back in September! AAAGGGHHH! But hopefully the dust has settled and that won't happen again. (Yeah, right!) I worried about the dream/vision that Legolas was experiencing - and you saying it was somewhat ok makes me feel better. (I get really insecure right before posting and just after - does everyone have that problem!?) Anyway, I very much appreciate the encouraging words...Thank You!


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 7 on 11/22/2004
Killer squirrels? That sounds bad.

I'm glad to see the story continue. It was most unexpected (but welcome) to see the intervention of the Valar - Legolas needs some help to get him through this time.

At least the golden mare is remaining nearby.

Author Reply: Yes, killer squirrels! Bodkin, you have no idea! I love 'em, but they will be the death of me (and when all are stirred up, they scamper around just like squirrels, chattering and throwing insults at each other like nuts! LOL)

I'm glad to see this continue, too. There were times when I wondered.
Yes, Legolas needed a helping hand. I was really hoping the solution with Nienna came through, though I had my doubts. And the mare is going to get her elf, finally! I hope...

I was sitting here going through all the stories I've read over the past 2 months and not had time to review, and marking them so I can catch up over Thanksgiving! You top the list! :-)


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