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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 8 Review(s)
Nieriel RainaReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/19/2006 I'm only half thru this chapter, but I have to go to bed & I couldn't go without commenting. I WANNA BE EOLYN!!! *grin* I'm tremendously jealous...I think I will have to open an elf bath.... Brilliant! I loved the modest blushing elf!

Author Reply: Wasn't that funny? And I wanted to be Eolyn, too!!! She, however, was so much a mother figure here, and I think Legolas needed a little tender loving care after all his trials! Yeah, I really liked Eolyn! :-) And the blushing, modest elf! *g* Thanks, NiRi!


Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/30/2006
Legolas trying to get all that food into him as quickly as possible must have been a sight to behold. *g* And it seems tempers are flaring again. I can understand how difficult it must be for Legolas to speak about that dream (especially in front of a disbelieving dwarf). Eolyn really has a lot of good sense, it's a good thing all of them ended up in her house.

I simply love the interaction between Legolas and Eolyn, and I can only imagine how happy he must be to be able to bathe again. ;-) And it seems he even escaped with his modesty intact, lol. That is such a sweet scene, with Legolas sleeping against Aragorn's shoulder and Eolyn combing his hair! *huggles all*

It seems things are finally getting back to normal again... *watches elf and dwarf happily exchanging insults* I was so looking forward to the moment when Legolas would finally see the mare! :) I'm really relieved now, for I moment I thought she would still decide to leave. The two of them must be such a beautiful sight! Legolas really deserves this joy.

“You may tell us whenever you find those words, mellon nin, and know that we will believe you.” - I love that ex-ranger. :)
"Both songs are part of the Great Song…I knew that, but did not realize that through my own song, I could bring them into harmony." - A wonderful idea, and absolutely perfect. The scene with Legolas and Aragorn sitting there and Legolas singing was incredibly beautiful. I think I'll probably sit here for a while and listen closely - perhaps I will hear the song. I'm glad Aragorn does not need to fear for his friend any longer. I wish I would be Laelith or Eolyn. *sigh* It must be nice to have a singing elf in your garden for a time... ;-) Hm, I think Eolyn and Laelith are really going to miss that elf... I wonder what trip Legolas has in mind?

Another wonderful chapter, I especially love all the parts about Legolas' new song. That was quite breathtaking. *dreamy look*

Tinu :)

Author Reply: I really had a blast writing this chapter - and Eolyn developed into a very understanding, compassionate character. Legolas is going to find many people on this extended trip that will care for him and help in ways he can't imagine. The elf shoveling the food in as fast as possible just seemed to slip out - and I figured all his friends would be sitting around staring at him until he notices. How embarrassing would that be? *g* Yeah, Gimli didn't mean anything really, but Legolas is very nervous about revealing his 'dream' to everyone...he's pretty sure they'll think he's lost it! Had fun with the bath scene, too! LOL Gee, I wonder why?

The mare fully accepts Legolas - finally! Gimli and Legolas return to their normal insulting selves - of course! And we begin to see how Legolas being able to recognize all his different parts in the Great Song will ease him enough to stay in ME. Not that he still won't have trouble - but at least it won't be quite so painful. (Says the author somewhat hesitantly. Hmmmmm...)

I want an elf in my garden, too! Know where we can find one? *looks behind nearest tree* :-) Thanks again for another wonderful review, Tinu! *sends along big hugs and more chocolate*


Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/31/2005
Chapter 9

Hobbit-sized appetite, what a thing to say to a fastidious elf! Trust a dwarf to start things boiling.

Tender mothering by human females and the gruff, practical Eolyn assisting with the bath were priceless. Aragorn’s amazement at the encounter with Nienna is certainly justified.

Ah, the golden mare and the golden elf together. I also had tears of joy at that pairing, though she may be long in coming to the bold trust of Arod.

It is good to know that Legolas will not be further tormented by the sea-song. Again the song of Creation and Arda Marred was woven into the theme artfully. Always elves loved song and to find that he could blend those songs with his own brought a yearning to do the same.

Thank you for this touching tale.

Author Reply: I appreciate the review, Eruanneth, and apologize for not replying sooner.

I thought a ravenous elf licking a spoon and thinking about scraping the bowl with his finger would be a rather amusing sight! LOL Of course, Gimli commenting on it was the match to the fuse! An explosive situation, indeed!

Eolyn helping Legolas clean up just about embarrassed him to death! But he was a lot more weak and shaky than even he realized! Aragorn will hear the full story of Nienna eventually...but yes, he is totally flabbergasted by it all!

The mare is still skittish and will be for awhile. Trust takes time, but she loves Legolas and has decided he is worthy of her trust. I'm glad things finally worked out where he could see that she had stayed.

The song Legolas is hearing now is much more complete than what he heard before. Blending his own part with both brings him a measure of peace, tho' the sea will still call him until he sails.

Thank you again for this wonderful review!


DotReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/28/2005
So many great things in this chapter. First off, I have to say that I adored the hungry elf! What an image!!

He’s clearly much weaker and exhausted than he realised, though. Poor Gimli would never have intentionally upset him. It must be rather disconcerting to Legolas too now that he’s awake to think back to his experience with Nienna and apply what he’s learned. I imagine it all made much more sense to him in her peaceful presence than here in someone else’s bed in Rohan.

I just love Eolyn. She’s so practical, yet she is also a mother first and foremost and I love the way she intuitively knows how fragile Legolas is really feeling and responds to that with care. It was so touching the way she sets about washing and combing his hair, trying to make him feel a little better. It’s sad that her husband was killed. I thought her outlook on it, that his death was worth it for the freedom and peace they have now, shows tremendous strength.

It’s good to see Legolas becoming his old self again and hearing him and Gimli trading insults once more. Gimli, of course, knew exactly where to take his friend. I had to laugh at the way Gimli dismisses the mare’s change of mind because she’s “a girl, and nothing but trouble.” As my mother used to say, it is a woman’s prerogative to change her mind!! I loved the warm reunion between Legolas and Arod too.

It was such a powerful moment when Legolas communicated with the mare and asked if she would stay. He was wonderfully respectful towards her. I think I was holding my breath in anticipation! “I will stay and carry you, if that is your wish.” Yay!!

I was surprised that it was Eomer who finally asked Legolas about his tears but it was good to see how understanding they were of Legolas’ vague answer and reluctance to share his experience. I was glad, though, that Aragorn went after him and listened to Legolas as he tried to put into words what he learned.

I just adore your idea of Legolas’ new understanding of his place in the Great Song. It’s such an elfy thought, that he tries to find harmony between the song of Aman and the melody of Ennor, discovering that both can become one and that he has his own place in the Song. At least, that’s what I’ve understood from this chapter, although I may not have read it correctly. Anyway, it’s beautiful. A really enjoyable and touching chapter. :-)

Author Reply: Hello Dot! This is one of my favorite chapters mainly because of all the little points you talked about in your review!

Can't you just see the Prince of Eryn Lasgalen sitting in that bed, licking that spoon and about to scrape the bowl with his FINGER? What a picture, and fun to write his friends lined up watching every move he made, too! LOL

Eolyn is also a favorite part - she takes care of everyone, but is especially careful with Legolas. Truly a mother first, and our poor elf needed a lot of mothering and TLC when he woke up. She is very strong, and I think over the years has come to truly appreciate the sacrifice her husband and many others made so she could live and raise her children in peace.

Isn't Gimli a hoot? Actually, they both are! :-) You know, he warned Legolas the mare would be nothing but trouble because she was a girl! *g* Legolas was very glad to see Arod again, but the sight of the mare totally floored him. She was the last thing he expected to see! Everyone, including Legolas, was holding their breaths waiting to see if she would accept him, and was relieved when she did!

I hope the song and Legolas' new understanding of it is coming across...I know what I want to say, but sometimes what I write seems so inadequate. But he is finding that we are all a part of a Song much greater, and even tho' our parts might be small, they are important. I'm so glad you are still enjoying it, Dot!


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/4/2004
So many gorgeous bits!

The beautiful horsie wants him! Despite her nerves she agreed to carry him. What a lovely moments. Although horse spit in his hair won't go down too well. He'll have to go straight back in and wash it.

I love the 'hobbit' insult. Did it take long for Gimli to think that one up? Their repartee is a lovely part of their relationship. And seeing the ethereal elf stuffing away food as if he is Pippin is rather appealing - as is everybody watching him with satisfied smiles on their faces.

Eolyn mothers him well - and he is enjoying it! There are times when all we want is someone to take over and make things comfortable - and she's good at stepping back as he gets better, too.

Legolas and his song - very moving. I'm glad he is feeling better. And that the story continues!

Author Reply: You just had to guess she would eventually give in, nerves or not, when she led the others to him a few chapters ago! Horse spit - ewwwwww! Still, those braids are awfully tempting, and not to be passed up!

As for Gimli and his insult - he knows very well that calm, fastidious Legolas would be mortified if he was reminded of his rather un-elflike behaviour with spoon and pudding! But hey, he'd been many days fasting in that dream state he was in, and woke up feeling very much recovered. Thus the "Pippin" masquerade!

I had fun with Eolyn this chapter! And Legolas was just glad to let her baby him as much as possible at first. You're quite right - we all reach a point when we want to be taken care of, and not have to worry about taking care of others. Eolyn was very astute in seeing his need for lots of TLC and acting on it, elf or not!

Thanks for saying the song was moving...I had TROUBLE for awhile getting what I wanted said typed coherently! LOL This story is winding down, probably one more chapter then an epilogue (course I started out with only 7 mapped out!). Glad you are still enjoying it, and thank you so much for reviewing!


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/3/2004
The bath scene was good for a variety of reasons. :-)

I'm so glad the mare accepted him. It must be hard for her to surrender what she has, but she trusts him and loves him and that's some compensation, I think. Legolas's song was gorgeous. That's such a Tolkienish way of putting things.

Author Reply: Yes, daw, and I thoroughly enjoyed imagining Eolyn's delight in that fair and wondrous elf! ;-)

The mare is not too certain leaving Rohan is such a wonderful idea, but love and trust DO help in easing her way. And eventually she will become the close companion to Legolas that Arod is now. I think Arod is a great help, too. (He's still my favorite!)

I am so glad about the song...Tolkienish? *sighs* I wish I had his way with language and expression! I had a very difficult time putting into words what I wanted to express...Legolas' song now is not the one he is used to. Trying to reconcile the vision/music the sea gives him of Aman with the reality/song of Arda Marred had to take some careful listening...then blending the two into harmony which created a whole new song for him. (Still hard to express! LOL)

Thank you, daw. (reviews like this make the whole nail-biting, "birth" process of writing worthwhile!) :-)


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/3/2004
Love the new song he must sing.

Author Reply: Yes, a new song - one that reconciles the other-worldly beauty of Elvenhome with the harsh reality of Arda Marred and creates a harmony IN Legolas that he has been sorely missing.

Thank you for commenting on the new song, Larner! And for a kind review.


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 12/3/2004
What a wonderful chapter! Very funny too.

Legolas and his pudding. Elfwine must be thinking that Legolas would make one fine pudding eating companion. I wonder who would be the first to lick his bowl clean?

Eolyn is so charming but I envy her greatly. She got to bathe AND comb Legolas' hair. Some people have all the luck!

Legolas getting his horse and singing again. How gratifying. He is definitely on the road to recovery.

Author Reply: Thank YOU, Manderly! I had lots of fun writing certain parts of that chapter! (baths and bouncing spoons off Gimli's head come to mind!)

I don't know, I just had this picture of Legolas waking up feeling good after his time with Nienna, and starving because he's slept away the better part of two weeks! LOL He did NOT want to miss a drop of that pudding either! ;-) and Elfwine knew it!

Eolyn - yes, I love her, but she certainly gloated over that bath! :-) She did remind me though that her interest was strictly motherly! HA! says I! *g*

Things do seem to be looking up for our elf now...about time, I'd say!

Thank you for the kind review...(soooo glad to see a new fic from you!!!)


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