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The Terror of Buckland  by Inkling 3 Review(s)
good_one_pipReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/14/2005
This is the first time I've read any of your stories, and I'm quite enjoying them. I started reading , but decided to look at some of the chapters from "The Terror of Buckland" first. It's a very interesting tween Frodo you've managed to capture. The Frodo still scarred by the loss of his parents, yet not yet scarred by the ring. The young, reckless, Frodo trying to find meaning in his life. I also like the gift of drawing you've given him. I myself love to sketch. It's sad that Frodo is so closed to everyone around him. I think it's going to take a Took, Brandybuck, and Gamgee to show him the true meaning of love. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately considering the tribulations needed to get to that point) that won't happen for quite a few years:)
I love the line "a credit ot the famliy name...just now that seemed about as likely an event as the return of the king." Ironic, isn't it?

Author Reply: Thank you so much! I’m glad that you like “my” tween Frodo. For some reason, it’s easy to imagine him as an artist as well as writer.

You’re the first person ever to comment on the line about “the return of the King.” In Appendix A of LOTR it says “…for a long time many [Shire-folk] still looked for the return of the king. But at last that hope was forgotten, and remained only in the saying When the King comes back, used of some good that could not be achieved, or of some evil that could not be amended.” I thought it would be nice to use that somehow.
Hope you enjoy the rest!

ArielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/10/2004
Oh goody! This is a marvellous fic and so deserves to be here! I couldn't be more delighted to see it turn up here at my favorite website! Yeah!!!

Author Reply: Thanks for the warm welcome! *hugs* I posted it here because the story I'm currently working on is a sequel of sorts, and if I ever get the durn thing finished I want to publish it "Terror" needed to go up first.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/9/2004
I can also remember wanting to be unloved in my childhood. Find I can empathise with your Frodo. Well written.

Author Reply: Thank you Larner, I'm so glad you enjoyed it and that you "got" Frodo's response to Ezzie. In this story Frodo's problems are at least partly of his own making.

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