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The Hunt  by Manderly 6 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/5/2005
Wow. Scary. Legolas handled the emergency with his brother's injury well. And wolves too?! Yikes. The good thing about reading this late is that the next chapter is already posted.

Author Reply: Legolas really was quite brave, wasn't he? Too bad Feren was not around to witness this, but then if Feren was around, Legolas would have been instantly delegated to the sidelines and kept from harm.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/30/2004
"It happened in an instant."
See? I knew it! You were being entirely too nice to our elves!
Valar, Manderly! A landslide, and then wolves? Eight wolves? *clears throat noisily* Ummm, you DO remember that Aldeon is trapped and Legolas is on his own...what am I saying, of course you do! LOTS OF TENSION HERE...LOTS AND LOTS. *deep breath* Weeeelll, Legolas seems to be holding up, aside from a few moments of panic when thinking first that Aldeon might be dead...then, that he had hurt his brother worse trying to help. Now, if he can just keep himself and big brother from becoming wolf appetizers....

Great chapter, Manderly...what is with you people and these cliffies? (lol)....I'm off for the next so I can see Legolas kick some wolf b--- uh, hiney! :-)

(You did a wonderful job here of catching Legolas' feelings of horror, fear, determination...If I could have thought straight after all that, I would've mentioned it sooner...see, you've scrambled what little brain I had left! *g*)

Author Reply: Wolf appetizers?! I've never thought of it that way, but it seems pretty obvious now that you have mentioned it.

After giving those elves three whole chapters of peace and quiet, I thought it was high time that I show them some excitement. I mean, did they really think they were going to leave that mountain unscathed?

Legolas is doing quite well, considering what he's up against. I suppose the innate warrior instincts are kicking into full gear, but another part of him must be totally freaking out. It's probably good in building up character, or something.

merReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/20/2004
I am new to this story--it is wonderful! I love stories about Legolas being a youngest brother and his struggles as a direct result--not just with him but for his older brothers as well. (I don't know why but I don't care much for stories that include an older sister. I also don't like Legolas to have any younger siblings--I just like seeing him as the baby of the family). So that is partially why I love reading this.

I hope you don't make Legolas' battle with the wolves TOO easy! Thanks for the story.


Author Reply: I am glad you like the story. I too see Legolas as being the youngest as well so I naturally am drawn to stories where he is depicted as the baby of the family. I am also reluctant to read stories with him having sisters as there is always a risk of "romance" which I am not too fond of. So I guess we are on par on our taste of stories.

Don't worry, the battle with the wolves will not be easy. Have to show off Legolas' prowess with his weapons, you know. Thanks for reviewing.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/18/2004
I think I've missed this story before, but I'm glad I've found it now! I like to see Legolas and his brothers together, and how protective they are of him.

Now, though, it seems that Legolas will have to protect his brother. This was a very dramatic chapter, and Legolas's fear and courage well described. Poor Aldeon - his injuries sound serious :(


Author Reply: I am glad you like the story so far. I am a sucker for close family relations so I really enjoy writing about it. Now that he has the chance to act as the grown-up and the protector and finding out how demanding and stressful it can be, Legolas is probably wishing that he can be the protected baby again. When I think of the crashing headache that Aldeon must have right now, even I cringe for him.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/18/2004
It doesn't seem to matter how much they try to protect him, Legolas is born to attract trouble like a fly-paper attracts flies.

Poor Aldeon - although I don't think he's in much of a position to protect little brother at the moment, he did his best to hurl him to safety. And now it's down to Legolas to keep him safe until the cavalry arrive.

Author Reply: Poor Legolas does seem to hone in on trouble, doesn't he? Aldeon must be beside himself right now, trapped and helpless to help himself and his little brother. Now it's little brother's turn to look after the big brother.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 4 on 12/17/2004
Wow, Manderly. A landslide and then wolves! That was kind of scary, but I like the image of Legolas protecting one of the older brothers who think of themselves as protecting him.

Author Reply: Yeah, landslide and wolves. I'd hate to be Aldeon and Legolas right now. Legolas probably thinks having overprotective brothers around isn't such a bad thing after all, right about now.

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