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Black Mountain  by White Wolf 5 Review(s)
SitarayReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/11/2005
great story...can't wait to see what happens next....

write soon...


Author Reply: Thank you. I try to be entertaining and also keep my readers wanting more.

I will update later this week.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/10/2005
I thought those bites were particularly evil. We'll see how all four of them do now. I hope Estel is still ready to brew up some antidote.

Author Reply: Evil, indeed. I cringed writing that bit. :o) Since their teeth were the howlers' only weapon, it made sense all of our boys would get bit. Estel is in for a big surprise regarding the antidote. They all are, actually.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/7/2005
Hmm, I'm not sure whether to say YAY! or UH-OH! Being rid of the Howlers has to be at least some improvement in their situation, but ai! ... Terrific chapter! :-)

Author Reply: Being rid of their enemies has got to be a good thing, but then where does that leave our heroes, who have all been bitten? Right? Ai! indeed. Thank you.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/4/2005
yay, they are dead. Too bad they were not able to find a cure from the howlers blood.

Author Reply: Yes, the howlers are finally dead. They will be very upset when they hear the news Elladan will give them in the next chapter.

Author Reply: I reread what I wrote, and it sounds like its the howlers that will be upset. I meant Aragorn, Legolas and Elrohir are the ones that will be upset.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/4/2005
One step forwards, two steps back?

Getting rid of the howlers must be a good thing, but somehow I fear that there will be rather large problems to deal with yet. They've all been bitten. This cannot be good. Elladan has the least serious bite - so I just hope that keeps him mens sana in corpore sano just long enough to save the rest. Legolas is not in a good way - the elf needs help. Soon.

Author Reply: Isn't that the truth.

Dead howlers is indeed a good thing. As for the fact that they've now all been bitten is not necessarily as dire as it seems. The next chapter should help to explain that enigmatic statement. Elladan will be the bearer of some very bad news very soon, and he won't be happy about having to do it. As for Legolas, he only gets worse. Poor baby.

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