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In the Deep Places  by Lamiel 5 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/13/2005
I have been buried by another large project at work and another two chapters have slipped by me. This is one of my favorite parts of the book--the time in Lothlorien. I loved the way you filled in thoughts and events here. Legolas really shines in this chapter. Great job.

EnvinyatarReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/13/2005
Feeling very guilty that I haven't reviewed this before. Like Meckinock I agonise over the words to put in a review - heaven help me if I were ever to try writing a story.

Enough of that, I wanted to congratulate you on some very fine writing. I've resisted the temptation to go and read the rest on because I like savouring each chapter. Your imagery is beautiful and as layered as Haldir's speech. That's what finaly nudged me out of lurkerdom, though, this was such a wonderful conversation, with Legolas' dry asides making it even more enjoyable. 2 passages that made me laugh out loud:
"He made no apology for having aimed an arrow at the head of the Elf-friend, and Legolas did not ask for one. He himself had been tempted to do the same in the past." Conjures up a world of possibilities. And:
"Legolas had learned more from listening to Boromir with a stubbed toe than he ever had from all his study in Mirkwood’s library." I can just hear Boromir - or wish I could.

Thanks again for this, looking forward to reading the rest.

Author Reply: Judging by this sample, I'd say you have no need to worry about the quality of your reviews, Envinyatar. Thank you so much - it means the world to me when readers take the time to note passages or descriptions that they particularly liked.

I'm currently writing a new story on, so that's taking first priority, but I shall continue to archive this story as time permits. I'm so glad that you're enjoying it!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/11/2005
'susurration' Isn't that just a lovely word!

Poor Legolas. Now he is not only an elf enduring the company of a bunch of strange men, hobbits and a dwarf, but he is now defending said company before a group of fellow elves. He must be wondering if Arda is ending.

'Bring him' - I note that, as far as Sam is concerned, bring Frodo also means bring Sam. Good for him - Gandalf said to stick with him and stick with him he will, regardless. I can't imagine him enjoying the trip up the ladder, though. Although he probably climbs like an elf in comparison to Gimli.

Author Reply: Poor Sam goes through a lot that no sensible Hobbit would tolerate, doesn't he? Actually, come to think of it, I guess that every member of the Fellowship is pushed outside his usual comfort zone in the course of the story. Epic heroic Quests will do that to you, I suppose.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/10/2005
I think my favorite bit in this chapter was Legolas'musings as he was finally able to relax a little in the wood, and the subtext of emotions and memory as he sang of Nimrodel. His word-play with Haldir was amusing, but you also cleverly slipped in a lot of character stuff in the midst of it. (A little word-play on your part, perhaps?) I can't help thinking Tolkien would have loved reading your stuff. TF

Author Reply: Everything I write is word-play, I think - I just have so much fun with the language. If a little character development can happen too, so much the better.

The idea that Tolkien would have liked my little fic... oh, that's one of the nicest things anyone's ever said to me! Thank you so much, TithenFeredir!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/10/2005
I always liked the chapter about Lothlórien in LOTR, and you have managed to carry over the magic, awe and mystery Tolkien conjured in your work.

I liked the parallels between the Nimrodel and the Enchanted River - I hadn't noticed Legolas's words about it bringing sleep and forgetfulness before!

Finally, the way Haldir and his brothers fawn over Legolas when they realise he's a prince is great! I liked the touches of humour in this chapter in amongst the stark grief of Legolas and Gimli.


Author Reply: Thank you Jay! Yes, a bit of humor is a necessary break from all the angst, I think. And I had a lot of fun with Haldir & Co.

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