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In the Deep Places  by Lamiel 4 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/23/2005
'in which Gimli learns how to find an Elf in the dark.'

I do love the little temptation tasters. In fact, I decided to sneak off elsewhere and read the rest!

Gimli is well on the way to overcoming his distaste for elves when he wants to leap off a tree and polish off the orcs invading Lothlorien. (Mind you, that could be for the joy of orc-slaying - but still.)

And there's nothing like being forced to defend a dwarf - because he's your dwarf and you'll be damned if you'll let an uppity Lothlorien march-warden criticise him - for strengthening a bond that is just beginning to form.

Just as well they let Gollum go. I've a feeling he might turn out to be important somewhere along the line.

I don't blame Gimli for being a little miffed at the suggestion that only he should be blind-folded - and he's got a point that some of them should see what's going on, but 'if the Dwarf had the diplomatic awareness that Ilúvatar gave a jackdaw he would realize it' was the only way Haldir would let them through without a chit from the boss.

Very honourable elf - even when given the opportunity to see, he won't do it. I think he's about ready to become a dwarf-friend.

FaithReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2005
yay! it worked! woo hoo! love it! update soon! sooner than soon! sooner than sooner than soon! sooner than sooner than sooner than sooner than soon! I mean now! LOL hehehe anyway this fic rock... rock on sister!:)

Slightly Obssessed Fangirl,


Author Reply: Well, it can't work EVERY time. Updates will come when time permits. But I am glad that you like the story.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/22/2005
This was another great chapter! I love Gimli's anxiousness to fight the orcs and Legolas' debate with Haldir about staying to guard Gimli vs going to draw off the orcs. I love it when Legolas says that Gimli was willing to fight to defend Lorien. The theme of uniting in trust or falling divided is one that I think is central to LotR and I have always liked the way Tolkien brought it out in this chapter of Fellowship. You have added to that very well here.

And Legolas' conversation with Aragorn was great. I would do as you say, even were it against my wish... That is indeed one of the strengths that Legolas added to the Fellowship.

But the whole thing with the blindfolding--I mean it had obvious potential for expansion but what you did with it was fantastic! Too funny!

“You did this. You black-hearted, traitorous, treacherous, misbegotten Orc-spawned –”

“Gimli!” Aragorn said sharply.

The Dwarf stopped, but continued to glare for a long moment. Legolas met his eyes fearlessly. He could not explain his actions, which surely must seem like treachery to the Dwarf, but neither would he be goaded into apologizing for them. The blindfold, unfair though it might seem to Gimli, was the only way to gain entrance for him at all. It was this or splinter the Fellowship even further. And if the Dwarf had the diplomatic awareness that Ilúvatar gave a jackdaw he would realize it.

After all Legolas and Gimli have learned and thought about one another, this was very powerful and sad. The last line is hilarious, of course. :)

But my favorite part is where Legolas steps between Gimli and the drawn bows. Very powerful.

And then after all that: Then there was a clink of metal and Gimli shoved Legolas aside. He knocked the Elf back a step, and Legolas whirled to keep from stumbling. All his frustrated tension and weariness came bubbling to the surface, and he glared at Gimli. Gimli glared back, a wealth of stung pride in his eyes.

Legolas could have struck him then. All his efforts this past night: his admission to Haldir, his sleepless watch, were evidently worth nothing. He had nearly had the situation under control, and given a moment to speak quietly with Haldir he was certain he could find some way to compromise. But in his stubborn blindness Gimli would not even trust him that far. “A plague on Dwarves and their stiff necks!” Legolas hissed.


I really loved this chapter. This is a really outstanding gap-filler.

Author Reply: Thank you so much elliska! It's rare to get such a long and thoughtful review, and I can't tell you how much it means to me. I'm so glad that you're enjoying the story.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/21/2005
I feel so for Legolas being so tired and unable to get any rest. I thought he showed admirable restraint. It's neat the way you are slowly moving him and Gimli toward tolerating each other. That is so much more realistic than some sudden revelation abruptly changing their behavior. Good chapter! Can't wait for the next! TF

Author Reply: I've always felt that the development of Legolas and Gimli's friendship, "greater than any that had been between Elf and Dwarf," was one of the great untold stories of the Lord of the Rings. Certainly it can't be explained just by Gimli falling in love with Galadriel, as powerful as that was for him. Something had to come first, for both him and Legolas. Hence this story.

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