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Home To Heal  by Clairon 4 Review(s)
annmarwalkReviewed Chapter: 18 on 3/15/2005
I haven't been leaving reviews after each chapter because I've been busy devouring this at every opportunity!I really enjoy the originality of the plot; the skillful introduction and development of the blue wizards, and the everyday life and details of Fourth Age Minas Tirith and Ithilien. The touches of humor and bawdiness (for lack of a better word)are handled deftly, as are the slight bits of angst (poor Faramir! still longing for his Dad's love) and the contrast of Faramir's own parenting skills.

Thanks for quite an enjoyable read! I don't know when you last updated; when will you update next?


BranwynReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/24/2005
I think Faramir is feeling like an old man with all these young pups trying to protect him, LOL! I was a little shocked by how many people, including some women and boys, the Easterners killed in the raid in Ithilien. Not dealing with nice people, are we?

Cirion is, as always, adorable and funny. Liked how Faramir kills two birds with one stone by asking Cirion, who is feeling rather downcast and discouraged, to help Eldarion with his swordwork and other physical training. Hope he doesn't get Eldarion into TOO much trouble.

Not so long between chapters next time, please?

JuliaReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/24/2005
I have read this story and its prequels over the past few days and absolutely loved them. I have read tons of LOTR fics, and this ranks as one the best I have ever read, and is the absolute best "Fourth Age" fic I have ever encountered. You have done extremely well with keeping the characters and settings in keeping with what Tolkien created, while adding in your own ideas. Please keep up the good work, I can't wait for Eomer to show up and to see what kind of trouble Cirion and Eldarion get into!

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 18 on 1/24/2005
Excellent, as always.

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