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Black Mountain  by White Wolf 8 Review(s)
Shaan LienReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/11/2005
No no no, I wasn't disappointed at all. I was just steady reading and then there was nothing left to read, it was very tragic. I read it all in one sitting and that's something for my poor attention span. Your writing always impresses me, I think I've read a lot of what you wrote. Far from disappointed, just urging you to continue, I need some inspiration for my waning stories. The concept that the howlers just disentegrated because there was none left of them was kind of interesting. Didn't Legolas have some blood on his vambrace--arm brace, whatever it's called? Anywho, I await your next chapter.

Author Reply: I'n glad I misunderstood, because even though logic tells me not everyone will like everything I write, I hate to disappoint anyone. Thank you for the compliments. Tackling multiple chapters at one time is a kind of praise all its own.

I like the concept of the howlers disintegrating, and Legolas possibly dying from creatures that no longer exist. I have a twisted mind. :o)

Actually there was no howler blood on Legolas's vambrace. He did, however, sustain a tiny bite on his right wrist, which will be dealt with in the next chapter, coming next week.

I came across your story, "Nassan", at not long ago and put it on my list of stories to read. I will bump it up to the top and start on it as soon as I can. It’s hard trying to divide reading and writing time, which I’m sure you know. As for inspiration, if my writing can help you in any way, I'm honored. Good luck. I hope to hear from you again at the end of my next chapter.

SitarayReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/11/2005
ooo...your leaving me on the edge of my seat...please let legolas be okay...


Author Reply: If I can get a reader to the edge of their seat, I feel I've accomplished one important task. I will consider your request but no guarantees. :o)

Shaan LienReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/10/2005
Well, darn, I was getting all into it.

Author Reply: I'm at a loss as to what to say. Were you disappointed in some way?

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/10/2005
He had grown up with these elves, and he could usually read them pretty well, but when they wanted to hide their emotions from him, they could do it.

This is a nice observation, telling us much about the relationship between these three.

But what an interesting puzzle you've left us with!

Author Reply: I've read stories where the twins couldn't keep anything from Estel. I disagree. They are elves and thus masters at hiding emotions, even from those close to them. In my little Tolkien universe, the twins did it to protect rather than fool their human brother.

I had hoped my readers would find the puzzle at least interesting, if not intriguing.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/10/2005
It only affects elves, and the twins have enough human blood to make the difference?

Author Reply: That's a pretty good guess. The next chapter will let you know, if you are right.

sofiaReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/10/2005
Ever question I was thinking about were answered by the twins or Aragorn. I don't have a clue. more soon please.

Author Reply: I tried to keep things a little confusing, even while E3 sorted through the answers, just to maintain a bit of mystery. :o) I hope to update next week.

FaithReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/10/2005
Whats the cure preciousssssssss? what have we missed preciousssssssss? tell the preciousssssssssss.....please? pretty please? pretty please with cherrieses on top?(*wink *wink *wink)upadates soon preciousssssssssssss...the precioussssssssss wants to know what happenses to the elveses........mustnt keep the preciousssssssss waiting.......'tell us....tell us...tell us...tell us...tell us....'

Faith, the slightly obssessed fangirl

Author Reply: Well, preciousssssss, make that chocolate ice cream, and we have a deal. Not. You know I can't reveal anything now. However, I will be revealing the first part of the puzzle in the next chapter, preciaousssssss, yes I will. ;o)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 21 on 2/10/2005
I'm racking my brains to come up with a reason why E3 are getting better and Legolas isn't - it's driving me to reread all the bits where he was munched. (I hope the howler blood isn't reacting against the snake poison from the last tale. That would just be toooooooo sneaky.) And that infection started pretty quickly.

It must be incredibly useful for warriors to have mega-quick healing powers. You'd think that the time it takes Men to heal would persuade them to give up violent pursuits. But no such luck.

I hope something occurs to them soon. They're not going to get Legolas any further in his condition.

Save that elf!!

Author Reply: The answer if simple, and E3 are going to be very upset with themselves for not thinking of it. That is, btw, not a slap at you or any other reader, who can't figure it out. I purposely tried to confuse you and still have a viable answer to the puzzle. No, it has nothing to do with what Mordraug and his little snake did to Legolas in TWP. That is a neat idea, but I actually hadn't thought of that, or I might have used it.

No violent pursuits? Think of all the angst we would be missing. :o)

You are right. They aren’t going anywhere with Legolas. Whatever happens will happen right where they are.

I'll put the "Save that elf!!" plea under advisement.

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