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While We Dwelt in Fear  by Pearl Took 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/5/2005
Finally--a look at the moment of redemption for Lobelia. Something that we speak about but I'd not seen described till now.

Love it.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/5/2005
“Lobelia glared at herself until the flash of fury passed. Tears gathered along her lower eyelids before forming drops on her lashes, before forming tracks on the dry skin of her cheeks. She would do something, though at the moment she had not the slightest idea what, but she would do something to make amends. The haughty coolness of her grey-blue eyes was washed away by her heartfelt tears. It never would return.” PT

Wow...amazing. The change in Lobelia is so felt so keenly here while just combing her hair and having a conversation with herself. Her thoughts on Hamfast living in little more than a privy-house was marvelous. So very well written, Pearl. There was so much detail about Bag End (in the Scouring) that JRRT didn’t touch on (for good reason). The gradual change of Bag End turning into Lotho’s and Lobelia’s own personal Lockhole was no less than they deserved, but sad nonetheless. I am glad that Lobelia found her senses before the end, and you wrote it all wonderfully. Thank you once again for another great chapter! :-)


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/2/2005
Ah, what thought-provoking writing, as usual, contrasting Lobelia's slow wakening to Lotho's illusions ("They were all sunny days").


(yes, I am reading rather than typing. And I really ought to be doing RL work but sneaked a peek in spite of myself)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/1/2005
Lotho is a very poor general isn't he? He is very much out of his element in planning defense. I suppose most bullies would be though. Always the ones doing the attacking and never the ones having to defend themselves. Horray for the Tooks! Looking forward to more.

Author Reply: Yes, I definately joing Frodo in feeling pity for Lotho. Tolkien has the right of it, greed and wanting to lord it over others leads to this kind of downfall. Lotho was in over his head allmost from the beginning.

Thank you so very much for reading and responding :)

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 38 on 3/1/2005
"So, Lobelia Bracegirdle Sackville-Baggins, you got what you always claimed you wanted. You live in Bag End and I truly doubt either the Thain or the Master, have more wealth. All the Shire has seen you and your son rise to the top while they’ve all been put in their places." She searched the face in the mirror, delving deep into those eyes surrounded by the wrinkles of time. "Huh!" she huffed. "And I can see just how deliriously happy you are with your life, old lass."

Oooh, it's fascinating to see Lobelia's slow but shrewd assessment of what she finally had obtained, and how empty it really was. You really show us the slow burning anger that would have led up to her 'rebellion'.

Author Reply: Thank you :) Yes, I've always liked that she changes in the end. Thank you so much :)

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