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Fields of Gold  by Anso the Hobbit 9 Review(s)
IcaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/14/2005
What a wonderful story! I just happened upon it and read it all in one sitting! I love all the angst! Worried-Pippin is so sweet, doing everything he can to take care of his poor sick Merry. The scene where he strokes Merry's cheek, and then his hand gets stuck--that was so adorable! You write all the hobbits so well! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it. The next, and last, chapter should be up in a day or two.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/4/2005

Merry is starting to recover. You get to know what pippin is thinking as he has been so worried,but he is feeling better since Merry is up and talking.
merry's parents will be there soon,and he has missed them a lot.
Pippin thinks of the days ahead and what kind of adventures they will see.

Love it..

Author Reply: Merry`s on the mend and that is a great relief to his family. Thank you!

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
I'm so glad Merry is getting better. I love he and Pip splashing the bath water. Wonderful!!

Author Reply: Thank you! Yes, I always thought Pippin would be the splashing of water type, Tolkien did put that into my mind himself, lol, but lads are lads so Merry would want to do that too, as he is feeling bette.

Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
Or maybe a less wonderful adventure...but at least they meet nice people like Strider. Excellent chapter, as always.

Author Reply: Thank you! Yes I don`t think they would expect the kind of adventure they get, but it is a comfort to think that they will meet nice people.

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
Oh! That's such a comforting chapter. And our Merry deserves it! He's been through hard times.

It's quite interesting, that Merry still remembers his dreams about the forest and the Orcs. Will he remember it again, when he really has to let Frodo go? What do you think?

Author Reply: I don`t know if he will remember his dreams again. I tend to wind older stories into new ones so who knows? Maybe, if I write about that day at Parth Galen that he will.

Yes, Merry deserves some rest and calm now. Thank you!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
This was just so satisfyingly lovely, Anso. Of course, it's not over yet--Merry's going to have to recover his strength, but with his Frodo and his Pippin both there, it should not be too sore a trial.
I adore the gentle and tender love you depict between the three of them. It is just as I always imagine it.

Author Reply: Oh, thank you! Yes Merry needs to recover, but it should not be too hard, no. And yes, they are gentle and tender towards each other those three lads. I always have looked at them that way too.

It`s not over yet though, one more chapter to go!

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
Oh! *happy sigh*

What a lovely ending. Pippin is so bright and cheery and young and able to bounce back, Frodo is as yet untouched by trouble, Bilbo is... Bilbo! (wish he'd sit and tell *me* stories! I'll have to ask him if he's not too busy...) And Merry, how nice to see him having nice dreams.

And the typical conversation at the end, the little one, so innocent and trusting and fearless, speculating on adventure, and the fond older one indulging him.

Very nice, indeed.

As my old riding instructor used to say: "Ya done good!"

Author Reply: Thank you for such nice words! It`s not over yet though. One more chapter to go.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
As the healer turned to leave, Pippin scrambled down off Frodo`s lap and enthusiastically hugged what he could reach of her. “Thank you for healing my Merry, Miss Daisy!”

Yay! Healing hobbits! Such love and devotion... *sigh*

Author Reply: Yes! That is what we want, isn`t it. Happy, healthy (or at least healing) hobbits! Thanks.

ArielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 3/3/2005
The thing I always cringe to see is a sappy ending to a h/c fic, but you've managed to be credible, not campy and the chapter comes off very well balanced. Good work, Anso!

Author Reply: Thank you! It`s not over yet though. One more chapter to go. I try to not write sappy and I`m glad that you find that it isn`t. Then I have achieved that at least! :)

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