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Good Enough  by The Karenator 14 Review(s)
GalathilReviewed Chapter: 1 on 5/30/2021
Hi The Karenator. I hope you get this review. I love your story. Am hoping you will start writing again. Now off to find and read your other stories.


Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/6/2005
Oh, another story about that wacky duo, Daeron and Legolas! I can't wait to see what you put them through... not to mention, what they put others through. May I offer Belas as a target? Hee hee hee... Not to worry, I think you have big plans for them all...

- Barbara

Author Reply: Hi Elena Tiriel!

This little training mission was intended by the masters to be a tough go, but even the most well planned things can go awry. Add Daeron and Legolas to the mix and the whole thing is bound to unravel. And Belas would make a good target, wouldn't he? He's such a jerk. But fun to write.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story.


perellethReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/6/2005
Oh my! Where has all this nice Mirkwood been hiding? (rather, what have I been reading, I wonder?)

Deep in Sunday procrastination I ran into this story, and noticed there were precedents, so I went to check them dutifully and... now I wonder how I have been able to do without Daeron's how-to survive-life guide. He's so fun! An almost irreverent, close to earth account of Greenwood's royal family and affairs is just what was needed! I love Daeron's euphemistic approach to life, oh, yes, count me in!

Author Reply: Welcome! The Greenwood is always pleased to have visitors. The king is not nearly as grumpy as some assume.

I'm so glad you stumbled in our door. And I'm most pleased that you enjoyed the tale. Daeron is a fun character to write. I imagine that we all have irreverent thoughts at times, but good manners prevent us from saying them out loud. That's the beauty of rambling around in Daeron's head; he lets us see those thoughts.

I've done this story a little different than the first one. Each chapter will be from a different character's POV. I enjoyed doing it this way. It gave me a chance to get to know the others more intimately. But I'm most comfortable in Daeron's head. I', sure you know about all that 'stretching' to try new things stuff.... I hope I've not stretched too far!

Thanks again for reading and reviewing. What a delightful treat for me to hear from you.


KarriReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/5/2005
So this is Daeron. It is very nice to make his acquaintance. :-)

Author Reply: Yes, and welcome. Daeron is pleased to meet you too. He's always happy to make new friends.

Thanks for stopping by. Daeron said to tell you that he hopes to see you again.

:>) Karen

terrybReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/4/2005
This is a great start. I particularly like Daeron's voice and his way of viewing the world; it's colorful and amusing (boggy hay, punished further for having the audacity to live, his desire to guard the wine cellar.) He's great fun to 'listen' to. I can't wait to see what trouble Daeron and Legolas get into in the Endurance Games. I'm sure Belas will pose no problem at all.

Author Reply: Thanks, Terryb!

I'm so pleased that you're enjoying this tale so far. Daeron is a fun character to 'listen' to for me too. He's a good guy, but he does have a different spin on things usually.

The Endurance Games were well named, I think. The masters intend to push the novices to their limits and with the help of Belas, I think we might find out just where Legolas and Daeron's limits are. Belas has been a fun guy to write too. He's such a jerk.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I plan to have chapter two up in a few days. Daeron and Legolas hope to see you there!


NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/4/2005
Hey, Rolly really did get you to post!

My memory of how hilarious I found Daeron had diminished somewhat, but he has restored it to fine form. His euphemisms are great - warg's and warts and boggy hay. There is a Belas in every group, isn't there? I have some predictions for how Alar will do, as well as Belas.

And Seregon and Aldamir...what torment to have younger brothers? What a pain they are! But in this case, the older have authority over the younger, so they can limit the smart remarks. Or, at least dump water into their wine!

So, this is done..when do we chapter 2? And cute jammies, btw.

Author Reply: That cat was a slave driver! Whew! The fur was flying.

I imagine we all know a Belas or two. Such personalities are such easy pickings. You can be over the top with writing them and still look perfectly sane. I guess that's because they're so insane to start with.

I imagine you're pretty accurate in your predictions about Belas and Alar. Of course, they'll have some help in working out their problems. Or maybe, the helpers will just create new ones. But they mean well.

Being the youngest, I can't say much about how it feels to have younger siblings, but I do have experience in tormenting older ones. And I'd say--from my perspective--that the older ones enjoy reminding the younger ones that they are older, bigger and in charge. I got a phone call from my older brother last night dressing me down for not telling him I was going to be out of town. I did...he's just getting old and forgetful. I suspect that Seregon watered the younger ones' wine with a smile and hearty chuckle of devilish glee.

I've not decided what my posting schedule will be. But I won't wait too long between chapters. Every few days or so, I guess.

You just had to mention the ranger's betrayal, didn't you? If I had known I was going to be on display, I'd have combed my hair or something. But in case she's feeling mighty proud of herself, let me just remind one and all that I also have pictures!

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Nilmandra. It's always a treat for me to hear from you.


French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/4/2005
Oh my goodness, Belas! I know people like him. There's one in every group. There was even a guy in my bibliography class last semester who was like that, and that's grad school. And, of course, the masters make long speeches about the value of learning Group Cohesion and Togetherness to a bunch of hormonal adolescents whose only desire is to torture each other to death slowly. Grownups always do that.

Author Reply: LOL! You're right; there's a Belas lurking in every group. If these people weren't so annoying, I'd almost feel sorry for them. They obviously have problems. And the adult ones are the worst. They don't even have the excuse of being young and stupid.

The master's speech was reminiscent of some speeches I've heard through the years. These speeches always paint a happy picture of group effort, when in reality, everything comes down to survival of the most clever tormentor.

I really appreciate you taking the time to read and review. It's such a treat to hear from you.

I hope you don't have anymore classes with 'your Belas'. Makes me shudder.

Thanks again, Karen

LeawardReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/4/2005
I love the imagery you create: "They dropped like boggy hay" ..."being dumber than a rotting log" ... "inadequate as a maiden with a wart on my nose." Where do you come up with them! Wonderfully evocative. And the phrase "big bad warg’s rump", I am going to have to remember that one ... I've been searching for insults that could be used within ME for quite a while. Nothing like calling someone a horse's, um, well, a warg's rump!

What a wonderful command you have with words to be able to bring such images to life. And the story of Legolas in training, and your OMC watching him, makes me want to read more. And isn't there always a Belas in a group.

I am now waiting impatiently for the next chapter ....

Author Reply: Leaward of the Dunadain!

What's this? A ranger in the Greenwood? Welcome! :>)

I'm so glad you enjoyed the first chapter. The rest of the story is written and hopefully, I'll keep a good schedule in posting.

ME insults... Maybe insults just come easier to me than you. :>) You're too polite to say nasty things to people. I, on the other hand... You've just got to think in more derogatory terms! Daeron does tutor if you need help.

I truly appreciate your kind words. I've enjoyed writing this story, even though it did take me longer to get it done than it took the UN to achieve nuclear disarmament.

And yeah, we all know a Belas. Maybe Legolas and Daeron can help us deal vicariously with our own RL bullies. Though come to think of it, that might not be a good idea.

Thanks for reading and reviewing. I'm so glad to see you in my fair woods...the part without spiders.


elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/4/2005
Oh goody! I absolutely loved Serious Trouble so I am glad to see this cast of characters back in action. And older too--I already like what I can see of how they have grown. You have a lot of room for excitement in this story. I'm looking forward to seein how it develops.

Author Reply: Hi Elliska!

The guys have grown up now to where they sit smack in the middle of the teenage years--in Elf years, of course. They're young enough to still use shaky judgment and old enough to really find trouble. But they mean well.

I'm glad to read that you're pleased to find this motley crew back and didn't run screaming when they showed back up. I hope you'll enjoy the remainder of the story. It's all written, and I plan to post another chapter soon. I've not decided on an exact schedule just yet. But I don't plan to take too long between chapters.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Elliska. It's always a pleasure to hear from you. So...when can we expect an update from you? I don't mean to be pushy or anything, but if it'll help....


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/4/2005
God, I love Daeron. "the big bad warg's rump" LOLOL It's interesting to see Legolas react to Daeron's voiced unwillingness to go on this upcoming trip. He "whips" his head around, and that word "whips" tells it all. He's startled that someone wouldn't want to do this training. And he's confident in his own skill with a bow, which is nice to see. And also confident in his reception by the girls!

Daeron's fear of spiders is both hilarious and unfortunate, given where he lives!

The boys are funny as they admire the maiden with Aldamir. I guess they've grown up some since the last time we saw them. I like the "fine blown glass vase" comparison. And I like the way Daeron thinks of Isilya as potentially "one of us." I think he's probably right that Aldamir wouldn't appreciate them counseling him about Elenna's previous love life. The last thing he needs is these two upstarts watching him.

That Seregon took Aldamir's night duty is a tribute to their friendship and understanding.

But wow, Daeron and Legolas are cruising for trouble with Belas. I look forward to it!

Author Reply: Hi daw,

Legolas and Daeron do have differing opinions on going on these games. Legolas is eager to go despite knowing how difficult they'll be. Daeron, on the other hand, really doesn't like the idea of being miserable, but he understands that this will be good for him--sort of like having to eat peas.

Daeron still doesn't like creepy, crawly things with eight legs. But he's growing up and only time will tell. Spiders are going to be hard avoid considering where he lives. Poor Daeron.

The guys have grown up and have come to an age where they appreciate a pretty girl. Even though Daeron might enjoy watching the lovely Elenna, he still has eyes for Isilya. And no, the commander would not take kindly to his youngest kinsmen meddling in his love life. But they are watching! Better than reality TV.

Aldamir and Seregon are close. They've always had each other and find safety and comfort with one another. They trust each other completely. I would think placing personal trust in someone outside the family would difficult for them considering who they are. But they have each other and the bond is strong.

And yep, you're right; Belas is trouble. Who better to stir up even more trouble than two well-meaning, little busy bodies like Legolas and Daeron? They're just trying to help!

Thanks for reading and reviewing.


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