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The King's Commission  by Larner 5 Review(s)
ArielReviewed Chapter: 69 on 8/7/2005
I am making progress, as you see. *grin*

I am pleased to see you heeded my crit. I don't usually provide it and, as I said, this is such a delightful story, so well written and interesting that I just felt moved to say something. It's a hot point for me, and while I don't fault women for operating on the best information they have, I am driven to provide better info at any opportunity I can.

Nursing your own child is the most incredibly empowering experience in life, even for a relatively non-maternal woman like me. Modern women (and their children) have been robbed and denied this birthright because some corporate interests weren't satisfied simply providing a vital product to those few who actually needed it. They make an enormous profit (something like 86 cents on every dollar they charge) and so are highly motivated to 'hook' all the new customers they can get. And once they disrupt the natural system of mother nursing child, either by high pressure advertising, or misleading women by giving out false information in the form 'informational' packets, then that woman/child pair has no option but to buy their product for at least a year.

Nursing, by contrast, has no corporate sponsors. It has no high priced ad campaign and no champions except mothers like me who know the truth. Oh, and we also have 30 years of studies proving that nursing is better for a child. Formula companies have had some 60+ years to brainwash the public with propaganda (and outright lies). Unfortunately, their tacks seem to have worked better. Their misinformation is more common knowledge, to most people, than those hundreds of studies.

You are a smart lady (you'd have to be to come up with this complex and enchanting story!) and I hope I have at least explained why seeing a bottle in a M-e fanfic gets me going. I hope when you get the opportunity to raise your own children, you will remember some of this and look into the facts yourself. You may be as astonished and outraged as I was.

Author Reply: Ariel, I am a grandmother, although since I got my kids pregrowed (stepmother, adoptive mother, and foster parent) I've had no chance to nurse a child. Believe me, had I been able to have a child of my own it would have been breast fed.

Glad you are continuing on with the story. You are finally approaching the end. Glad you enjoy the tale, for it was a great deal of fun writing it.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 69 on 3/7/2005
Poor Ruvemir, another apprentice he didn't want! But I think I can understand Aragorn's reasons for this and am quite curious how Armanthol and Ruvemir will deal with this situation. I wonder if Armanthol will come to think otherwise about his father if confronted with the results of Landrions schemes? How will the apprentices whom Landrion kidnapped and sold to Varondil receive Landrion's son? This certainly will be interesting.

Do you have any intention to let poor Gilfileg ever reach Dol Amroth? I wouldn't be surprised if you sends Armanthol with Ruvemir to Eriador and Gilfileg as a guard for them both, too. He certainly will have some words with Aragorn *grins*

Author Reply: Another apprentice indeed, and one who needs a different ecample, knowledge there ia a different way of touching the world.

Remember that Prince Imrahil is with the King right now, so once he returns I think we will find Gilfileg will have his first chance to introduce himself. I don't think Gilfileg will find the wait or the duty as difficult as he'd first thought.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 69 on 3/7/2005
More responsibility for Ruvemir! I wonder how Armanthol will deal with being an apprentice sculptor - and, perhaps, with seeing some of the results of his father's corruption.

The small workshop is intriguing. I look forward to seeing inside it!

Author Reply: Accepting his father was a first rate conniver isn't going to be easy, and I suspect Ruvemir will let the others get to meet Armanthol first before letting them know who his father was.

As for the small workshop, you will see it in today's installment.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 69 on 3/6/2005
Goodness!! Poor Ruvemir! Absolutely awash in more apprentices than he ever thought he'd have, and now one more, unwilling.

Of course, I understand Aragorn's strategy. Learning of the true nature of the Ringbearer will be very good for a youngster who has so far only had an example of greed, power-lust, ambition and intrigue.

And it looks like Gilifleg will be kept rather busy as well, *chuckle*

Author Reply: Aragorn is good at delegating responsibilty, isn't he? Heh! But for one who has only see the example you described, learning there is another way might just be difficult and yet very important.

Thanks for the continued feedback.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 69 on 3/6/2005
“I swear I will avenge myself on Estel for this.”

Poor Aragorn...No sooner will he return to the White City and hoping for at least a little relaxation, he'll have to be on guard for any possible revenge from his dear cousin...LOL!!

I am all caught up now after being away for a few days. Take a bow Larner for your masterful handling of how Landrion's plots were unraveled by our cunning Northern Rangers. Well done!! I can just imagine Aragorn's face when Landrion asked Strider to kill the Lord King Elessar. *snicker* And when he saw just exactly who's Ring the arrow had brought down...I think the expression I'm looking for is, "White as a ghost"? :oD

Interesting development putting Landrion's son in apprentice w/Ruvemir. Very interesting indeed.

As always, looking forward to the next installment.

Author Reply: Yes, revenge can be sweet, I think. And having Hardorn and Aragorn unravel Landrion's intrigues just seemed so very right. Landrion did feel faint, just before he felt the point of a knife in his ribs. At least he was learned enough to realize what that ring meant.

I'd like to see some good come out of the situation, however, some form of redemption offered, which was how Armanthol came into the story.

The trials of the others who took part in the intrigue I think you will find interesting.

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