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Chronicles of Ithilien  by Berzerker_prime 5 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/8/2005
If this were continued as a series and published, I would be the first to buy it. The conversation between Faramir and Eowyn while awaiting Eomer's arrival was hilarious, I could so totally see David Wenham(Faramir) and Miranda Otto(Eowyn) saying that in a continuation of the trilogy movie. Great,epic,and skillfully plotted writing!!!

StefaniaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/7/2005
Beserker_Prime, this is such a wonderful beginning of a story. Your use of Tolkien's style is admirable. Also, your scenes really come to life, particularly Faramir's confrontation with the Palantir. I agree that Faramir might have the power to use a palantir. The Palantiri were not tied to the One Ring so, theoretically, they should still be functional after the Fall of Sauron. Please continue to show us the use of the Palantir in "Chronicles of Ithilien."

One thing that struck me was your use of Arwen to bring Faramir to the palantir. The scene reminded me so much of film Fellowship of the Ring's scene where Galadriel beckons Frodo, "Will you look into the Mirror?" Was this your intention? Your Arwen seems to be a chip off her old grandma's block. She's a startling character.

One small nit on an anachronistic word. Early in the story you mention that Faramir is feeling "paranoid." I'd check out the history of the word "paranoid." Though the word sounds Greek, it describes a condition defined by modern pscyhology. One way to get around the use of our modern word "paranoid" is to instead write how someone feels when they are, in modern terms, paranoid--like fearing everyone is out to get you.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to your next chapter.

Author Reply: Thanks for the review! Glad you're enjoying it. ^_^

Yep, I plan to have the Palantíri pop up again. It's quite a ways away, though. Chapter six is their next appearance, although they may get a mention earlier depending on how I work a few things.

Arwen. Yes, she's weird that way, isn't she. Funny thing about when I went to write that scene, I had originally envisioned that Aragorn was going to take that role. But she popped up in my brain and said "no, let me do it." That happens so rarely, I figured I'd better listen to her! ^_~

You're not the first person to tell me I have anachronistic words in some places of my writings. But I really don't understand the argument. I'm writing in modern English, Tolkien wrote in modern English, and Middle-earth is not Earth. Westron is effectively translated to modern English for the purposes of the books and I'm following that concept. There is nothing that says Gondorian philosophy would not have had a similar idea and a word to go with it. I surmise they would have had one, in this case, especially in Gondor since living in the shadow of Mordor would foster paranoia of the Enemy coming out and attacking any day. Remember that Westron is not related to English in any way and therefore rules pertaining to liguistic history between the two do not apply because there is no such history.

Le hannon ah bado na sídh.


BMReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/6/2005
This was excellent! Very well written! I could have been reading Tolkein himself! Truly, you should be writing books! Please, continue with this story--you have me greatly intrigued. Faramir shares the spotlight as my favorite character in LOTR, and I think he's the one I like the most to read about in fanfiction, but it seems that he usually has to take a back seat to the hobbits or to Aragorn or Legolas (or most of the elves!) so I'm thrilled to find a story about him!

Your characterizations are wonderfully real and complex--they were coming off the screen and could have been standing beside me, they were so life-like! I think you had them perfect and even added dimensions and facets that made them even more real and human. And I greatly liked the friendship between Faramir and Elassar, the closeness as almost brothers and not merely lord and steward.

Definitely a magnificent piece and I definitely can't wait to see more! Thanks for sharing and please keep writing--you have marvelous talent!


Author Reply: LOL! No, it's time for Faramir to be one of the stars, most definately! Glad you enjoyed the chapter. ^_^

Bado na sídh.


Shieldmaiden of RohanReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/6/2005
So far, this is promising to be a really good story. I liked Beregond's idea to recruit some of the Rohirrim for the White Company, and his banter with them over the ale. And Bergil is really fun to read as well.

I have no problem with Faramir's use of the palantir, though I'm glad he finally was able to overcome it at the end. And I'm not seeing any major loose ends that need to be tied up, other than the Mordor thing. :)

Author Reply: Glad you're enjoying Bergil. The little ankle-biter has taken over his share of the story line and he's really going to feature more down the line. He really does some growing up in the next few chapters.

Thanks for the review. ^_^


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/6/2005
I was hoping that Faramir's thoughts about "Isildur's heir" would provide some loophole for clearing away those blasted petitions. He and Aragorn are obviously going to have other things on their minds, and I don't mean just Eowyn.

I wonder how Eomer will react to the poaching of his soldiers! Where I work, that would be a big no-no. On the other hand, I think recruiting the Rohirrim is a good idea, and who knows? Maybe Eomer will be glad to have some of his own men guarding his sister. Beregond will be very luck not to have drunk-kiddie-throwup come down over his shoulder.

You certainly surprised me with the scene with the palantir. I didn't expect that one. Very clever.

Author Reply: Glad to know the Palantir was a surprise! It certainly was to me when the plot bunny reared its head! LOL

As for Beregond recruiting the Rohirrim, that's why he was very careful not to let them make any promises until they got Eomer's permission. Meanwhile, I figured Eomer would welcome the idea for just the reason you said. Glad that came across.

Thanks for the review! ^_^


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