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The Choice of Healing  by Larner 6 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/7/2006
Aw! I had a nice review written a couple of chapters back, but my computer did--something--and I lost it.

“I’ve written a letter to Budgie Smallfoot as well. Make certain as he gets it.”

“Samwise Gamgee--”

“Don’t Samwise Gamgee me, Frodo Baggins. You go stay with a healer, he ought to know that some things have helped you soothe.”

“All right, Sam, I promise I will give the letter to Budgie.”

“As soon as you get there?”

Frodo sighed and said, “I promise.

“Good. Take care, Mr. Frodo."

*grins* That's sweet. Sam acts just like a parent--like my mom the first time I did the solo bus trip thing when I was twelve (and, in fact, every time since...*sigh*). Dear me, she worried until I didn't think I'd have the nerve or the wit to remember what to do and where to go! But Sam was being practical, anyway, and not worrying for nothing, as Mom was.

It's heart-renching to see poor, dear Frodo in so much pain, so incoherent. Budgie obviously didn't understand, but at least he tried. And Freddy seemed to know somewhat how to handle things.

Speaking of understanding, it's just amazing, the difference between Saradoc and Paladin in that respect. Saradoc maybe doesn't understand, but he really, truly tries, and is willing to listen. Paladin and Eglantine are just too impatient and afraid to believe what Pippin is telling them. But to say that they couldn't believe a word of it was plain folly.

If only Frodo could explain to Narcissa. And I declare he's good at telling the stories and making it seem as if he had no part in it! Not that it would be easy to tell any other way--isn't easy as it is, I don't think.

Poor Frodo, of course he'd come back ravenous from those feasts if he's going to pick through a plate of rice and take only the meat and vegetables. :) Is it really that bad?
God bless,

Author Reply: Having had my own computer problems, how can I complain about others?

Sam knows Frodo now, and how he'll try to hide his condition. Of course he wants Budgie prewarned. Yes, he's like a parent now, and understands Frodo may need some supervision if he pushes himself to hard. And my own mother did the same to me, as I did with my kids.

Freddy's been somewhat under the Shadow, having fought in the resistance and been imprisoned. He has a better idea of the type of effects what Frodo's been through will have than Budgie does. He also knows Frodo better, and grew up also hearing Bilbo's stories. He knows that there are things out there that they don't see in the Shire; and is more likely to believe in giant spiders and Morgul wounds and the like. Budgie is too practical and too apt not to believe what he's not seen himself.

The experience with the memories taking over would be frightening, particularly if it so strongly triggers the pain as well. And if Frodo might be experiencing angina at the moment or possibly as heart attack as well, that would make the whole thing even worse.

I certainly agree with the difference between the two sets of parents; and just stating blankly "I refuse to believe" will get you nowhere in dealing with the person trying to explain what happened. Sara is trying to accept without prejudgement, which in the long run will get him a LOT farther--once he can convince Merry to talk, at least.

I, too, found myself wanting Frodo to explain to Narcissa, but he's not ready to do so as yet, unfortunately. But she will understand in the end in spite of him, at least.

I go to the Chinese restaurant, and I'm served fried rice with my meal. I pick out the chicken and the vegetables and leave that mound of rice there on my plate. Is it that bad, you ask? For me, YES!!! And so it goes for poor Frodo as well, poor Hobbit. Mouth full of laundry starch! Can't stand the taste or the texture.

InklingReviewed Chapter: 11 on 6/21/2005
No, I haven’t forgotten this story! But RL has been all-consuming lately…
Such a sad, painful chapter! Hearing Frodo describe his own suffering is especially wrenching. And yet, as usual, he is so restrained about it and tries to hide it from Sam. Even when “writing it out” in the book, he will leave out most of what he endured…

Author Reply: It was ever in Frodo's nature, I think, to try to spare others, to hide what was wrong with him inside himself, not even writing it out so others could see, most of the time.

Glad you are still following it, and definitely know about Real Life and its impact.

ArielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/12/2005
I haven't reviewed in a few chapters but I have been reading - this is such a rewarding, interesting story I can't praise it enough. Will it be done soon? I'd love to nominate this for a MEFA.

Author Reply: There are three more chapters, counting today's.

Author Reply: Oh, and thank you for the honor. I am thrilled!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/8/2005
Wow! I was offline for slightly over a day, and here are three chapters! Lovely!

This is interesting, in that you have Frodo away from Bag End on the anniversary date. I don't believe I've seen that before. I like Freddy's persistence in the face of Frodo's reticence, and the way in which he and Budgie are finally able to persuade him to write it out.

On to the next chapter...

Author Reply: Oh, I seem to have missed this review, Dreamflower. Yes, I decided to have him home only in part--long enough to hurt in the morning, but not there when the full force hit. I sort of borrowed this from Lindelea, the idea that Freddy and Budgie were part of the story, and she's fine with me taking Budgie on a far different tangent than she did in A Small and Passing Thing; but I wanted to have a real reason for Frodo to get back to the writing, and to tie it back to Bilbo's own awareness that this is one of the few ways Frodo feels free to express himself.

Thanks for reviewing--I so appreciate it!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/7/2005
Well, did Frodo actually deliver Sam's letter to Budgie?
From the healer's reaction to the "suspicious" water skin contents, I rather doubt it.

"Samwise Gamgee--"
"Don’t Samwise Gamgee me, Frodo Baggins."

I like this bit of dialogue. I shows that the relationship of Frodo and Sam has changed a lot during the quest. Before the quest, Sam wouldn't have dared to say so.

Thank you!

Author Reply: Yes, they are partners now, I think.

I suspect that Frodo did deliver Sam's message, but that Budgie finds it questionable as it doesn't meet with his own experience.

Thanks for the response.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 11 on 4/6/2005
Oh, my heart just aches for Frodo. What a dreadful few years he endured.

Author Reply: No, it's not been easy for him.

Thanks for the response.

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