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The Golden Bell of Greenleaf  by lwarren 8 Review(s)
Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 14 on 12/29/2006
HA! Now that's the perfect time for Aragorn to arrive, I've really begun to worry for Erelas! *drags Aragorn from his horse and to Erelas' side* I only hope he will have a better idea how to heal that wound. It seems Aravir and Aragorn have both saved lives by refusing to be left behind. ;-)

Legolas' re-awakened sea-longing also makes me glad that Aravir came along - I do not know how he would have been able to cope with having to treat Erelas and coping with the sea-longing... besides, Raen would most probably be dead then. Well, I guess I'll better stop thinking about it.

So Thalion is wooing the mare, hm? *g* They will undoubtedly make a beutiful pair, if she's interested. I like the donkey, btw. ;-) Aravir coming back with the entire family in tow was funny - I think it was good for Erelas and Raen to have such normalcy (or the normal madness) around them. As always, I enjoyed how you have the humans interact with the elves, and how they reacted to seeing Aravir and hearing Legolas' song. I would like to hear him sing, too, sea-longing or not. *sigh* Aravir's and the horses' worry for Legolas is sweet. Another wonderful chapter! :)

P.S. It seems you've been very busy answering reviews! ;-) You know, we should probably really try to tie the elf up - it's really difficult to think of another way to keep him safe! And you are right, we certainly share the same sense of humour. *g*

Author Reply: Aragorn made quite the entrance, didn't he? Oh well, he IS a king and all...and I'm glad that Aravir disobeyed orders, too - it totally went against his nature...but he never counted on becoming friends with his Prince. I had lots of fun with this human family - they pretty much introduced themselves and insisted on being heard! We will be seeing more of them in the future - and of Thalion's further efforts with the lovely, but unimpressed mare! LOL I try to keep up, Almut, I really do - and you are too kind to review so much. I really do appreciate you! Thanks again!!!


DotReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/20/2005
Oh... such a beautiful chapter…

I’m completely intrigued by this family, who speak Sindarin, know the tales of the elves and seem familiar with the notion of sea-longing… Hmmm. Interesting, eh?!

I loved Aravir bonding with the donkey at various points in the chapter! And I thought the little moment when he sends Legolas off to the trees was very moving. I just love the way he seems to understand that something important happened to Legolas and even suspects what it may have been but never questions him and is just there to support him and give him the space he needs. I don’t blame Aravir for being worried about Legolas. It is worrying that the sea is calling to him so strongly again.

Thalion and the mare??! Aaaaw :-)

It must indeed have been an amazing moment when Aravir appears in this family’s yard. I thought Calen’s defensiveness was rather endearing. He’s very perceptive too. They’re a wonderfully close-knit family. I was surprised when the whole lot of them headed off to help Raenor and Erelas – but it really shows their closeness. I like Arador, and the way he and Aravir reassure one another.

I particularly liked the moment between the horses and Legolas. He’s a lucky elf that so many are concerned about him, but in a way it makes it sadder that he has all this love and yet it just won’t help in the end. I thought it was very telling of the relationship between Legolas and Arod that not only would Arod refuse to let Legolas brush aside his concerns but isn’t as easily reassured as the mare seems to be.

I’m becoming very fond of Laurelin too! She’s a perfect mixture of strength and gentleness and even in such a worrying situation she brings comfort and humour. I just adore the way you manage to make your characters so well-rounded and believable. The children are marvellous too and little Brethilas in particular seems to have brought much-needed life and energy to the group. Aravir seems to come alive around the children too. He’d make a good father.

“He would not lose this son.” There’s something very poignant about that simple sentence. Has he lost another son? I guess nearly everyone has during the war. I think, though, that what’s particularly touching about it is that it is not for himself that he wants to save Erelas but for Laurie and the children.

I love how respectful Arador is of Legolas and Aravir, knowing something is amiss. There’s the suggestion too that Aravir senses this, because I doubt he’d very willingly share that moment with many people, or allow his concern for Legolas to be so open. And the image of the loyal captain and friend silently watching and listening brought tears to my eyes! Can you reassure me that he won’t be affected by the sea??! I know he probably won’t but I’d hate to think he would be. Actually, I don’t think I could bear that at all!

Erelas really sounds in a bad way. I’m starting to fear for him. He needs more help than even these healers can give him. Someone like… oh, look!! It’s Aragorn!!!Yay!!

Woo-hoo, I’m up to date!! Again, I’m sorry it took me so long; I honestly never thought it would. But I’ve loved every second I’ve spent reading your story and eagerly await more :-)

Author Reply: Hey Dot! *Woo-hoo, I'm up to date!* You are so funny...and I am SO not "up-to-date" on anything right now! *jealous sniff* :-) Thank you for so faithfully reviewing these chapters and sending such detailed, encouraging reviews, too!

Sooooo, you are intrigued by a human family that seems well-versed in things elven, eh? Good, you and one other have voiced that observation...just as I intended (now, if I can ever write it the way I imagine it...).

The donkey seems to have struck a chord here - but I've noticed the small ones are so sweet-natured and oh, trusting, I guess would be the word and so this little gray beast reflects that. Hmmm, he really needs a name now...gee, thanks, Dot...another name! (*note to self - name the donkey...and while you're at it, name the mare, for goodness' sake!*) Aravir is finding that while he noticed things as his Prince's commander, he's really noticing a lot of little things as his friend. Yes, the sea-longing is NOT gone, only somewhat alleviated.

Yep, I can just see a colt or filly with those two as parents....*sigh*;-)

I hesitated to send the whole family after Raen and Erelas, but Arador would go (son and grandson) and of course, Laurelin for her husband. I couldn't see leaving the kids behind alone, especially seeing how the house was so isolated and they probably were going to be gone overnight (even tho' Calen is 15, he's still not much protection) so, it quickly became a family camp-out!

I'm glad the horses and Legolas are friends - the mare is still learning to recognize Legolas' worries...she senses his disquiet and it bothers her, makes her feel insecure. But Arod, now, he's been with our elf for over a decade and he knows him pretty well. He is not put off by simple "I'm ok" reassurances and he loves his elf too much to just let it go. A true friend indeed!

I'm glad you like Raen's and Erelas' family. They are good people with an interesting past, and Arador has lost many loved ones, as you caught in that one little reference. More on that in later conversations! Brethilas is a live wire - he keeps them all hopping! :-)

Eruanneth asked also if the sea might not be dangerous for Aravir and I can honestly say that right now, he's ok, to my way of thinking. But then, this story has taken so many different paths...what's one more........... *vbg* (You guys really should keep those pesky bunnies of yours to yourselves!)

"He needs more help than even those healers can give him. Someone like...oh look!! It's Aragorn! Yay!" Now Dot, did you ever REALLY doubt that Aragorn would ever be able to stay away? He just decided it was time to make a kingly tour of the south and just happened to be in the know how those things are! LOL And just in the nick of time, too!

Thank you again for reviewing, Dot...I get such a kick out of reading and then replying to them! You make me smile - yesssss, you do!


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/13/2005
This is just such a gorgeous chapter - with plaintive bits, yet full of hope.

And the cavalry arrived! Equipped with sacks of athelas, I hope.

What did I enjoy most? Aravir and Legolas's budding relationship. Their horses' budding relationship. The thought of beautiful foals! Legolas's singing - although I am a bit concerned that he has bitten off more than he can chew here. Certainly a good thing that the cavalry is here.

But then Erelas's family is a plus - and twins, too! (That should bring back recollection of a certain pair of elven twins to brighten their memories.) And that little brother should prove an attraction - elves being a soft on little children as they are! Daeradar seems to be a good one as well. As is the donkey. Although he doesn't, I expect, speak Sindarin.

Actually, I just loved the whole chapter - the feel of it was just gorgeous. And I think this family will do Legolas a lot of good. He seems to need to feel part of a family from time to time - and this is a good bunch.

Author Reply: Hello Bodkin! I am so glad that a feeling of hope came through. Things were rather rough for everyone there at the end! And of course, the cavalry came...and I'm sure Aragorn never travels without a store of athelas (sacks? *vbg*).

I thought Legolas needed an elven friend...he has all these very dear mortal friends that just worry him sick. He needs a friend with a more permanent feel...who'll help him through the eventual sadness of the others. I kinda liked the thought of a big, lovesick Thalion being ignored by the mare - and beautiful offspring - love was in the air, definitely! ;-) Legolas only thought he was out of the woods where the sea-longing was concerned. He still has some things to learn, tho'.

Yeah, I wanted a big family - twins seemed cool (hey, I'm partial to twins for some reason!), so enter Raenor and Calen. Brethilas is the sparkle, and Arador the anchor for them all. The donkey does not speak Sindarin, but I'll bet after an introduction to the elves, he's willing to learn! LOL

I'm so glad you liked the chapter, Bodkin. Gorgeous? Coming from you, that's quite a compliment! I think you're right, too - Legolas needs to feel a part of a family, especially when he's troubled. This family will be good for him.
Thank you so much for reviewing!


The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/12/2005
Twins! I guess Aravir thought he was seeing double. Erelas and Raenor's family was great. You've done a terrific job with the mortal folks you've introduced us to. I liked the family's reaction to seeing an elf, but as soon as they found out that the kinfolk had been hurt, they were all business.

The camp scene was nice. All the kids nestled in their...bedrolls and Grandpa keeping watch. Frisky horses with love on their minds. :>)

And just as things were beginning to look dire, the cavalry arrives! I was so excited to see Aragorn...armed, of course...riding in. Your build up to this was just perfect! You used few words, but they were the right ones. In only a few sentences, I could feel the tension rise and then I wanted to stand up and shout: "The king! The king is coming!" But I was afraid I'd scare the dogs....

This was so much fun. I really enjoyed this chapter.


Author Reply: Hey Karen! Yep, I love twins (don't know why....hmmmm). I'm glad you liked the family of our two injured friends. They seem to be good people. So, you liked the camp scene, eh? I would love to camp beside a stream in a beautiful wood with elfsong in the background...*sigh* Frisky horses? Only one - Thalion has some convincing to do before the mare will even look at him! LOL

Yes, the King has come...armed, of course...with sacks of athelas (according to Bodkin, and I'm still grinning over that mind-picture of Aragorn weighted down with sacks and sacks of his favorite healing herb!). Your last paragraph was so encouraging...I tend to get really wordy...chatty...verbose...long-winded...whatever! when I write and for you to say that I "used few words, but they were the right ones. In only a few sentences, I could feel the tension rise..." well, Karen, I had to mark this down as a day to remember. Now I can tell myself, "you can do can say in a few sentences what you want and not take 3 pages!!!!!" LOL Really, I am terrible about that! But now there is HOPE...

Thank you so much for this review, Karen, and I'm glad you didn't scare the dogs! :-)


ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/12/2005
So nice to see another chapter!

I think I've told you before, but I really love your "ordinary folks". They add so much warmth to the story, especially the little ones.

Legolas is being affected more deeply by the sea now and that is cause for concern. At least he has three nursemaids at his side, Aravir and the two horses. The horses are fretting as much as Aravir. And now that Aragon is here, Legolas will be surrounded by nursemaids. Thank goodness!

A very enjoyable chapter and hope to see another one soon.

Author Reply: Hello Manderly! I'm so glad to hear from you. I'm glad you liked the family in the story...they do seem to add a lot, and I love writing the little kids. They're my favorite! (besides elves, that is) ;-)

Yes, my poor Legolas only thought the sea-longing had loosened its grip on him. The calm before the storm, I guess...He is going to need his friends plus a few new ones to finally understand how to really deal with it. LOL "surrounded by nursemaids"... no wonder he gave orders for them not to follow! But he'll be glad eventually that they did!

I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so much for taking the time to review!


Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/12/2005
Ah, Legolas approaching the Sea. Now I begin to wonder what might happen if Aravir hears the gulls and hears the call, too. Aragorn could have his hands very full of unhappy Elves. Guess I will have to wait to find out.

It is nice to see Elves that have different strengths and weaknesses and even realize their limitations. In particular I like the transition from subordinate to ‘friend’; a rather difficult accomplishment after a lifetime of respect-for-royalty training.

Also you are right about the stallion and mare. She will be more than willing in time; I just hope it does not occur at an awkward situation.

The human family is wonderful, displaying the natural curiosity, yet also cautious with the unknown as would be the case living far from others.

Oh, how I agree with this noble horse! Animals can tell quickly when there is a problem with the ones they love.

The farmstead is going to get rather crowded with all the exalted company arriving. But then maybe the King’s attendants thought to provide a comfortable pavilion for their liege lord.

Author Reply: OOOHHH! Now I hadn't thought of Aravir's reaction to the sea...what a thought! Hmmmmmm...

Yes, Aravir found there was a huge difference between Aravir, Captain and Aravir, friend of Legolas. He's having to overcome centuries of training in order to lighten up a little. But it will be well worth it, and Legolas needs an elven friend (a permanent fixture in his life that he won't look at and wonder how much longer that friend will be around).

Ha! What a thought about the horses and awkward situations! ;-) I think the mare will continue to ignore Thalion a while longer. She was not impressed!

Arod and the mare are becoming more and more aware of the return of the disquiet and longing in Legolas. It upsets them greatly that he has made the decision to come so close to that which causes him so much pain.

Enter the King! Aragorn would have you know that he has been known to sleep under the stars...pavilions are not for rugged, manly Ranger-Kings! :-) It certainly is getting crowded, tho'...will have to work on the logistics some! Thank you for taking the time to review, Nancy (and beta, too!)


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/12/2005
Lovely ending in particular! Elessar arrives and that sends a thrill through me.

I hope you have good plans for these humans, Linda.

Author Reply: Hello daw! Elessar is that kind of guy, and he shows up when he's needed the most. He just couldn't bear the thought of being left behind.

Let's just say I have plans for the humans (not bad ones, just interesting!) LOL Thank you for taking the time to read and review! :-)


TinnuialReviewed Chapter: 14 on 4/12/2005
Here comes Aragorn to save the day!! :)
Thank you so much for the new chapter....makes studying for exams just a little more interesting...and provides me a wonderful means of procrastination hehehe...
I love Arador! Such an understanding fellow he is. I can just picture them listening to Legolas' beautiful voice at the edge of the wood. I shall have pleasant dreams tonight, of a forest by the lake and sweet elvensong drifting through the trees...

Author Reply: Yuck! Exams! You poor thing! I am so glad my little chapter helped you out with your studying (tho' I now give exams rather than take third ought to hear them moan...) As for the dreaded "P" word, my dear, I am on VERY good terms with procrastination! LOL

Still, I'm glad you liked the chapter. And Arador is pretty cool...he's going to turn out even more understanding than you know, Tinnuial! As for your pleasant dreams, I am happy to have put the thought in your head...and in mine! Thank you for taking the time off from studying to review...good luck on those exams...don't get lost in the forest! :-)


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